
The GodKing of War

The Main Character Locke, has always loved anything supernatural or awesome in general, like swordsmanship, martial arts, cultivation, or magic. He’s always been trying to learn about it. So, much that he ascended past his world. But, it wasn’t what he expected there was no swords and magic world. Or so he thought. After what seemed to be an eternity a god came a saved him. And now he’s in his swords and magic world. But, he’s got to become a God of War or he is sent back. Join Locke on his adventure to becoming a God of War and how he might become an Emperor on the way.

turtlefeetus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs


*Pant, Pant, Pant*

"Why, answer me this 'GOD' why did you make humans so weak. We humans with the highest intelligence, the most desires, the most evolved yet we are still the weakest"(Locke)

"What sins could we have committed for this to happen?"(Locke)

"Not matter how strong we are, we are still too weak"(Locke)

"I have tried to never give up, never to harm the innocent, to always to help others"(Locke)

"Yet it never works"(Locke)

"I am limited to my species, to my body"(Locke)

"PLEASE FREE ME!!!"(Locke)

There's dread and hatred in his face. But also there is despair. He is about to give up. Tears welling up in his eyes. And 1 by one tears slide down his chiseled face.


That was the last thing Locke heard on Earth. Then *FLASH* and then he was in a white room.


Tears slide down his face and he has the hugest shit eating grin.

"Thank you god"(Locke)

"Because of you I have ascended to godhood"(Locke)

He has gotten onto his knees laughing and cry tears of joy.

"I will life prosperously now as a god!"(Locke)

Or so he thought. For maybe the first 100 years he was happy. He was learning. He walked for 50 years and went nowhere. He was confused but was still hopeful.

"It's all right, no one said being a god was easy"(Locke)

40 years later


Finally after what seemed to be an eternity a pitch black humanoid figure comes out laughing with I ginormous grin of its face.

"HAHAHA so you finally realize"(???)

"Realize what?"(Locke)

"Who are you"(Locke)

"Back up, I AM GOD!"(Locke)

Locke says shivering and backing away cautiously.

"HA, God?"(???)

"You are merely an ant in front of a real god"(???)

"Lucky I'm a merciful and benevolent god and I will spare you"(???)

"You dare defy again and I'll show you what a god can really do"(???)

"And also, realize just how pathetic humans are"(???)

"You want to contend and loathe the gods yet can't back it up"(???)

"How arrogant"(???)

"So, you brought me here knowing I'll fail"(Locke)

"Of course, it should be known that a human like you could never become a god the way they are"(???)

"Wait what do you you mean the way I am and a human like me?"(Locke)

"Are there other types of humans that can become gods?"(Locke)

"Why yes of course"(???)

"heheh HAHAHAHAHHA!!!"(Locke)

"So there's still a chance for me to be a god"(Locke)

"Sure, not your type of humans though"(Locke)

"So let me help you"(???)

"Help me with what"(Locke)

"Why help you become a god of course"(???)

"But those are the limits of my powers"(???)

"But of course you'll have to pay me back"(???)

"How can I, Lord God"(Locke)

Locke became a lot more respectful after learning this god would help him.

"Simple I will send you to a world of swords and magic and you will carry on my legacy"(???)


"You will become the emperor of the world and god amongst men"(???)

"And once that is done I'll die a happy death and you'll be free"(???)

"You'll become a god and take up my mantle and create your own Legacy"(???)


"Yes, of course"(???)

"Now unless you're ready now you'll have to wait a while"(???)

"IM READY"(Locke)

"LETS GO"(Locke)

"Alright, Let's get this over with"(???)

"emertxe laicaps tnemevom noitanitsed cigam dlrow 693767 noitacol dog mlaer"(???)

A pitch black spiral appears at Locke's feet. He then slowly starts to sink into it.


"Oh and I have one more thing for you"(???)

"What is it?"(Locke)


"ym lanrete gnisselb"(???)

And Locke now neck deep remembers.

"Oh wait I didn't get what god you were"(Locke)

"Oh I guess I'm the Benevolent God of All Creation but you can just call me Odin"(Odin)

And then bam Locke fell through the spiral.


Locke sits up in a strange environment.