
The God Reaper

A normal teen bored by the shenanigans of the normal world is transmigrated into a world full of monsters, superpowers, empires, wars, gods. Wild thrills, varied techniques, wierd races. Will our protagonist survive and grow stronger or will he die without a grave?

Warhol_Ragnarok · Fantasia
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21 Chs

The Accident. (Part 3)

"Give me a ring when you reach home", "boss make sure he gets back safe? said Jay to the cab driver. The driver, a kind middle aged man replied with a smile and a thumbs up.

"Hey Jay, be cautious okay, don't know I just have a bad feeling," said Ronnie taking his head out of the window.

"Fucking red flag lad, don't worry I'm strong." Replied Jay with a smile, "and yes i will bring your bike back. "

As the car drove off, Jay was approached by Nina.

"Hey Jay, I honestly didn't know Logan would do something like that. I really do like Ronnie. I hope this incident does not bring any cracks in our friendship. Ronnie seems to really listen to you, so I hope you don't mind," said Nina, with an apologetic expression.

'Hooooooh she isn't mad over the fact that I sent him back.' Looks like she got a good head over her shoulders. 'Hmmm, maybe your dreams of double dates might really be possible Ronnie. thought Jay smirking.'

"Don't worry Nina looks like I misunderstood you as well, and tell Harper I apologize, it was the heat of the moment that I called her a bitch, well it is not like she isn't one but i shouldn't have said that aloud."

"Hahahaha you really do speak your mind huh."

"Its not like I have done something wrong, that I need to sugarcoat my words up". 'well sometimes it might be necessary.'


"Remember Jay you need to be malleable. do you know what malleability means?"

"Nuh-uh" replied a pre-teen Jay.

"Well it means to have the ability to Adapt, even it is a situation you have never been in before as long as you have the ability to adapt I think you will do good."


These were the words of his dad. 'shit, its been too long, I will give him a call tomorrow' tought jay reminiscing.

"Jay, Jay you listening?"

"uh yes can you repeat it please."

"I am going back inside, we are cool right?"

"ehhh, yeah yeah sure, give me a call if that bastard acts up again."

"Oh Logan left, he was saying he will get you back. be wary okay who knows what crazy shit he might do now."

"True That." 'A mans ego is more fragile than glass. and all of that shit happened in front cameras too, even I would be pissed.'

As Nina went inside Jay was there standing and thinking about how he was hungry and maybe he should probably order food. He saw Hana bringing him something.

"Hey, I thought you Might be hungry here you go. Didn't know you could fight that well." said Hana handing him a shawarma

'Ohhhhh, I really like her now.' 'Yes I am indeed hungry, thank you very much" said Jay while taking the shawarma and giving Hana a light kiss. "As for the fighting, Cop dad things you know."

"Wanna take a walk, it will clear your mind. I saw you there lost in thought, anything you would like to share?"

"You are very observant , a good quality to have, can help in a lot of things. As for the lost in thought bit, was thinking of my father, miss him, gonna call him tomorrow." Said Jay taking a huge bite of the thing.

"Father huh. My dad is so busy that i barely see him even though we live in the same house." Said Nina with a sad smile.

"So about this whole party, jewellery and spending money thing you do it to piss him off or gain his attention?"

"Hey its not like this, spending money and all is just a compensation we rich kids have in exchange for a shit family." Replied Nina with a pissed look on her face.

"Now, now, don't get angry . It was a genuine question, not a jibe meant to hurt your feelings. I'm sorry if it did. " said Jay, with an apologetic expression.

"I know you do not mean it, but you saying with a mouthful makes it hard for me to take you serious." Said Nina with a light chuckle.

finishing the final bite Jay spoke "Ouff that hit the spot." Jay leaned for a kiss but Hana stopped him

'was i wrong about her.' "It's getting cold, and we have walked far. Let's go back."

"No, no, no, wait, wait. It's just that you have ketchup on your face, and I don't like ketchup," explained Hana hurriedly. "Damn, Jay, your eyes when you get serious are really intense."

licking the ketchup of his face, "Can i get one now Ms. Reynolds" spoke Jay while bowing graciously.

"Yes, you may Mr. Kumar" said Hana Joining in on the humor. 

As they were kissing, Jay from the corner of his eyes saw a SUV coming at them with breakneck speed. In the moment all Jay could think was to push Hana with all his strength, as soon as he did that, he was slammed on his side with a blinding impact hurling him of the road near a construction debris filled compound.

"That's what you get for hitting me cunt, Bwahaahahaha. hope you remember my fucking words in the hospital room." Shouted logan while driving his SUV off.

Hana, being pushed off so suddenly, was startled and took a few seconds to get her bearings back. But as if processing what happened, she suddenly paled and screamed at the top of her lungs, " JJJJaaaaaayyy!" She rushed to the spot where Jay had fallen, but witnessing the sight in front of her made her legs go soft, and she almost fainted.

Jay was lying in a pool of blood, with his left leg unnaturally twisted and a huge iron rod going through his lungs, coming out the other side of his body.

"Jay, Jay, wake up! Please, wake up! Oh no, no, no, please don't die!" Hana's voice trembled with fear and desperation as she shook Jay's limp body, her hands trembling uncontrollably. Panic surged through her as she frantically tried to remember what to do in this situation, her mind racing with a thousand thoughts. Just as she felt overwhelmed, a weak but distinct voice broke through her panic.

"Calm down, Hana. I'm not dead, just in a lot of pain. Call 911 and give me some water if you have it. Lift me up gently and do not pull the rod out; it is preventing me from bleeding out."

"Yes, yes," nodded Hana hurriedly. She gently lifted his head up and made him drink the water. Jay was parched, as he emptied the bottle quite quickly. After putting him down, she swiftly called 911.

After coming back to Jay, Hana had seemed to calm down. She informed that the ambulance would arrive in 20 minutes. "Fucking Logan, he is dead," said Hana venomously.

"After telling everyone to be careful, I failed at it egregiously," chuckled Jay weakly.

"Sshhhh, don't speak; you'll worsen the injury. How can you even laugh at a moment like this? Are you fuckin dumb or somethin?" spoke Hana, irritated.

"It's not that painful; adrenaline is doing its work. I just hope I am unconscious when it wears off though," replied Jay.

"You pushed me, why?"

"Instincts. Don't blame yourself too much; it's not your fault."

As the clock kept on ticking, Jay felt like dozing off. The whole world was spinning, and the pain was stronger than ever.

'Looks like it really was a red flag, Ronnie. Fuck, I messed up big time; should have been more careful.' Darkness seemed to cover his vision; he tried to shake it off, but it came back twice as strong.

"Jay, Jay, don't fall asleep; if you do now, it will be bad, really, really bad. Just a few more minutes, please stay strong. Fuck, why isn't it here yet?" Hana panicking cursed the ambulance.

'We are out of the city; of course, it's going to take time.'

Jay couldn't handle it anymore. His last thought before passing out was, 'Shit, Dad will be mad; I'll miss him.'

Longs ass chapter. it begins Lad. whoooooo also ill try to upload 4 more chapters today. The Length is going to be same aorund 900 to 1100 words. Sorry for the inconsistency.

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