
The God Of Undead

I seem to have done evil and was sent to hell... oh? the ruler of hell likes me? I get to be reborn? sure, Hell seems boring, so maybe the living world would be fun. Warning, MC is a sadist, and would do Anything

Itachi102 · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


"What a strange human you are." sitting upon his throne, the lord of hell looked down upon a mortal soul of a young man who was just calmly looking at him, with no fear, no worries, or anything of the king. Just confusion, and curiosity, other than that, the mortal eyes were dead

"Hell is a place to punish those who do wrong. Well, that's useless to a person like yourself who managed to be dead even before dying." He said with a smile, the King of hell was a charming man, devilishly handsome. capable of charming both males and females, hell even other races would fall to his charm. He had short blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and a perfect physique

"So, would I be erased from existence or something?" the young man asked calmly, looking at the king of hell who was standing before him.

"Nope, I Have something else in a plan for you... what do you think of being reborn, with the chance of coming back to life?" the king of hell asked, making the young man freeze slightly. he was someone who died in two ways, the normal sense of the words was while he wasn't breathing. the last was that he has completely died deep down,

"who, that moved you slightly. I can give you a gift, you see this orb. it would turn what is within your heart into a power. If you have a fiery temper, it would give you the power of fire. Depending on how fiery that temper is, it would depend on how strong one would be. So, who you are would depend on what power you will get," He said with a smile as he placed the orb in the young man's soul body.

"... as for the way for you to come back alive within, follow your heart's deepest desire. if not, you shall remain like that. find what it is your heart desires and fulfill it to the fullest. of course, the desire to live doesn't count. if it's the desire to protect someone, fulfill it, whatever makes you fill alive, fulfill it to the fullest." He said with a smile, the young man nodded slightly,

"I guess I should grant you a wish, but just one. I will not be like those other guys who grant 3 wishes. pick a wish..." He said with a smile, the young man thought for some time before making a wish.

"I wish to be alive." He asked softly, to which the king of hell shook his head, even he couldn't do that. this young man's condition was unique, which is why he caught his interest. this young man would have to bring himself back to life,

"Than..." And so, the young man made his wish, which the king of hell raised an eyebrow at, but he still nodded, and after explaining a few things about the world he would be heading into, and with a snap from the king of hell, Sora's soul was thrown away, off to be reincarnated somewhere

"Absolutely dead within, everything this is going at planned..." He laughed slightly as he returned to his throne, before looking at his world... well, more like a prison, but if things went as planned, the army he spent creating since... well, forever shall be unleased,

Within an unknown world, the sound of a newborn baby could be heard, as a new life appeared within this world. but what worried the mother was that the child didn't stop crying and kept crying none stop, leading everyone to worry about the child well being. but those were not cries of pain or anything of the kind, they were cries of joy

'I'm alive.' the baby thought sounded, this was none other than the young man who was just reborn, and now he found himself no longer dead within. he didn't care about his body's feelings, all he cared about was being alive within. he could feel again.

"... is he going to be alright?" a weak mom asked, this was the newborn baby's mother, she was tired, but seeing her child like this made her uneasy. the baby's cries slowly stopped as he began to look around before his eyes landed on the woman, and his eyes brighten.

He had a mother, in his past life he had a mother, but she passed away when he was only 4 years old... well, it was more like killed, the sight of her body traumatized him for many years, it's only when he met his soon to be wife, that he got over that event

Time Ship- the newborn was given the name Sora. he wasn't given a last name as that was for the royals or those powerful clans. Upon his birth, Sora noticed that his mother was sick, she was tired as if she was on the brink of death. never once did he see his father, which he heard had passed.

His mother only had 1 friend who visited her at the hospital she was in, she came every day and would stay for hours. It didn't take long for Sora to find out his mother was dying, and the friend visiting was the person his mother wished to take him in after her death

This made Sora sad, he just got a mother and now was about to lose her just as he had, a week after his death, his mother passed away. before she went, all she did was give him all the love that she could give.

once she passed, the friend took Sora and arranged for her friend to have a resting place, which she told no one. Sora was then brought to her home where he found that she was married and already had a daughter who seemed to be a few months older than him.

Her husband was not shocked when seeing Sora, they all welcomed the new member to their family. His stepmother was named Diana, she was a kind woman, gentle and warm towards Sora, but she was scary when her husband got on her nerves. for example, when he keeps asking her to make love when she was tired after watching them all day.

The husband was called Levi, Sora came to find out that he was a high-ranking member of the kingdom army, he was a loving father who put family first. although Sora was not his blood son, he didn't care much and tried to make Sora become the son he couldn't have with Diana

as for his step-sister, she was called Hana. she was 6 months older than Sora, at first Sora thought she was some normal baby, but at the age of six months, she was learning to walk. she usually gets jealous when her mother had him in her hands, but after some time she didn't care. it's like she learned how to share her mother's love.

by the age of 3 months, Sora found himself crawling which shocked him. he thought a baby needed at least 7 or so months before they could crawl. he had children in his past life, and they were not this fast.

Hana at that point could already run around the house, with a baby bottle in her hands, she usually sat to the side while watching Sora learn to crawl, which took Sora a few days to get the handoff,

by the age of 6 months old, he was walking around the house with Hana's help. his stepmother didn't even bother to try and help him with this stuff. she instead allowed Sora and Hana to bond over this, and the two did seem to become close. which worked,

by the age of 2 years old, the two were already grown around to be seen speaking, this new world Sora found himself in, he found that humans here were not speaking English, the race was a mix of white, black, light skins, and so on.

Being white, black, or another color wasn't a big deal such as when one was back on earth. of course, if two white parents gave birth to a black child, eyebrows would be raised. the technology of this world was high as well,

there were many buildings with brick houses, one time Sora even heard that there was a cure for cancer. at another time, he heard they managed to colonize the biggest moon orbiting the planets. Sora could even watch on the tv which showed the first moon landing within this world,

this world had a history of over 1,000 years, yet its development was far faster than the earth of his past life. currently, it was year 5,023. Sora remembers he died at a year 2,023. to him, it was like dying and being reborn in a parallel world where the human life form is building things back up from stretch,

of course, that was not everything, this world managed to reach zero pulsion within the air, all thanks to unique mines which could be found around the world. these mines are called dungeons, within each dungeon was a world, those who enter the dungeon would have to fight monsters and in return, they get to collect many unique things from the dungeon.

there were unique stones which humans can absorb energy from, there were even some stones that could help others gain unique abilities.

the lifeform with the dungeon world would attack the human world if the dungeon goes too long without being cleared. when this happened, it is called a dungeon outbreak, this would be bad as the creature from the dungeon would not be killed within this world, instead, they would be reformed within the dungeon and rush back in as if nothing happened.

So, this world would be facing a seemly endless army, which would slaughter every living being within this world which they could get their hands upon.

Sora was within a kingdom known as the Scarlet Moon Empire, this kingdom had many dungeons under its rule. it was a symbol of power on how many dungeons a kingdom held, the more, the more power and recourses that kingdom held.

of course, the kingdom didn't have all the kingdom dungeons to itself. there were organizations within the kingdom, these organizations would have their dungeons under their names, and if others wanted to enter their dungeon, they would need to pay a fee to do so.

dungeons are ranked differently, Copper, Iron, Silver, gold, and Diamon rank. each kingdom had to have a diamond-rank dungeon or else it would not have the power to call itself an empire. each dungeon is split into low, mid, and high-grade dungeons,

the higher the rank of the dungeon, the higher the number of enemies and bosses they would face. to keep things simple, the dungeon ranking is used to rank human or other creatures' strengths,

humans at the copper rank have the capability of a superhuman, capable of taking down small buildings while in battle. but it would need at least 5 people to take care of the copper rank dungeon, the people needed for the party would be, a healer, tank, short-range fighter, long-range fighter, and supporter.

Heals are the most important member in clearing a dungeon, they are needed because it's hard to clear a dungeon without anyone getting injured. those that could even help recover energy were even rarer.

Tanks are the shield of the party, when facing overpowered attacks which the others can't handle, they step forward and handle the incoming attacks. they can take the most damage because they are capable of handling the most damage. they almost need a type of movement technique, which allows them to move quickly to save a team member

each member would have their own roles to play while within the dungeon, a long-range fighter needed sharp senses and should be capable of taking care of enemies from a distance far away. their attacks should be fast as well, as they needed to support their teammates while in battle.

short-range fighters are normally the strongest member of the party, as the sword of the party, he needs to be able to handle many enemies all at once, while not using up too much energy. they also are the ones to handle the boss, of course with the party's support

Support could be said to be the second most important member within a party, they usually have abilities that can buff others, or are the party member who picks up and covers the party's weaknesses.

These are the 5 recommended team parties for those who enter the dungeon, this is because in a low-grade copper dungeon, there is an Iron Rank Dungeon boss monster, these 5 would need good teamwork to handle the dungeon monsters before handling the boss. it would take them about a week to clear a dungeon,

In a mid-grade Copper Dungeon, there are twice the monsters as in the low-grade dungeon, and within a high-rank dungeon, there are 5 times the dungeon monsters than in the low-grade dungeon. meaning, they would be facing 5 Iron-rank bosses, with one of them being the strongest of the 5.

the same thing held for the Iron, Silver, Gold, and Diamon ranks dungeons. Sora of course wanted to learn as much as he could, so he took the time to look up all of this stuff online. yes, this world had computers, and yes, they were better than those from his past life.

Humans of this world who turn 3 awaken unique talents, it's what set them apart from other races such as the animals, which scare the same ability throughout their races, with a few of them having mutated abilities.

of course, not all humans had unique talents, but 1 out of 1,000 would have unique abilities, this was shocking compared to the other living beings which only had a 1 out of a million, and even the abilities would be extremely similar to the other members of their races, just slightly mutated, meaning it could be better or be worse.

Unlike in his past life, the humans of this world were not at the peak of the food chain, the planet was filled with other animals, in fact, humans only took up about 10% of the planet, the animals took up 30%, and the remaining 60% belonged to the lifeforms within the sea

if humans were not so smart, and build so many weapons, they might even have less land, they would have more land if the kingdoms united to form one huge kingdom, but humans were not doing that unless they were forced.

anyways, Sora was not 2 years old and about 6 months old. along with his family, they were going to see the ability which Hana awakened. she was 3 after all. abilities were ranked from F rank to SSS rank, although the highest ever record ability rank was A rank, though dungeon they can collect information about high-grade abilities,

The Talent one awakens with would depend on their future outcome, as the talent they are born with develops alongside you. You could have an F-rank talent, it just means you are trash, of course, there were rare items that could allow a person to rank up their abilities, so a person's capability isn't fixed from birth. but to change your fate is pricey

at the same time, within dungeons, abilities could be dropped, which a person can use to have a new ability, just going online, one could find many F to C rank abilities being sold. of course, the good ones would be bought as soon as they came.

but these learned abilities are not as powerful as when the monster held them, at the same time, they can't evolve alongside you. it's said that the rank of an ability reflects the rank of power, F rank ability should be for a normal human rank, and S rank ability equalling Diamon rank,

there was a max number of abilities a person can hold, 6 abilities at most, so a person can't have a hundred abilities unless they can find an ability that allows them to hold an extra ability, one could of course remove and change their ability, but one of the 6 abilities can't be changed, that being the one they are born with.

So, one had to pick 5 abilities based on that one ability or ignore that ability altogether and build 5 abilities that one liked. 6 abilities were a lot, but compared to other races which had slightly more, with the most ever found to be 10 abilities, humans usually have to team up just to face off against one monster. humans were birthed with a chance to have pretty much any ability, but in return, they are limited to only 6 abilities

the diamond-rank dungeon boss is said to have 10 abilities, and he needs an army just to take down him along with the millions of monsters. that's right, millions, the higher the rank of the dungeon, the more monsters,

a Diamon rank dungeon is a huge Continent holding, and usually, the battle against the dungeon boss leads to the destruction of a huge part of the island. pictures of the after-match of diamond ranks have been shown, they are so powerful that they can't even fight on the ground and have to take their battle into space, where they could hold their breath for a few hours.

this was not like those novels where battles could take years or so unless both parties are holding back, battles usually take a few seconds or minutes. those even matches would be about even for a few minutes or so until one of them gets the upper hand, time passes for so long and no winner is picked, they would usually break it off unless they are fighting to the death,

Only battles with boss monsters can take hours, as one needs to weaken the boss, counter all his moves, and slowly have him use up all his energy. a diamond rank dungeon boss takes days to weeks to bring down, and the death of many people,

"Are you alright?" Hana asked in a soft voice looking at Sora who was holding quiet, for the past few years, it has been as if Sora was slowly dying. when he was 1 year old, he was okay although he was not showing emotions as much, by now, he only shows emotions rarely.

"yeah, I'm just wondering what ability I will awaken..." Sora said softly while thinking back to his time in hell. he was given an orb that turned who he was into a type of power, he was wondering what ability that would be, well, he was less than 6 months away from finding out,

"You need not worry, once I awaken my SSS rank ability, I will instantly jump to become the strongest being in the universe," Hana said pridefully, to which Levi her father, just rolled his eyes, kids had huge dreams, sadly she would be slapped in the face when she gets a C or B rank ability.

"... by the way, what ability do you have?" Sora asked as he looked at Levi, but Levi shook his head, that was top secret, which confused Sora as people didn't go around hiding their abilities.

"what about you mom?" Sora asked as he looked at Diana. Diana cutely placed a palm on her cheek while looking at Sora, as if she was some anime girl who was asked something which forced her to think for some time

"It has been so long, I forgot," Diana said with a helpless look. Diana was a housewife, she never stepped foot in a dungeon or bothered to try to increase her strength, something which made Levi helpless.

He had such a beautiful wife, in fact, one of the most beautiful women alive, but she would age like a normal human. absorbing energy does more than simply increase one strength, it improves one lifespan. the reason for age was that as one cell split, they are not as powerful as before they split, over time this leads to aging.

is through increasing one's strength that one could slow down aging, and live for much longer, even if one wasn't talented, one would still try to increase their rank to live longer. who wanted to have a short lifespan?

but Diana showed no interest in such stuff, she instead only plays the role of a housewife, which he didn't mind. so long as his family was happy, he would do his best as a father to make sure they were happy.