
3.16.3 Epilogue 3: The Two Legends.

In the very heart of the city, at the origin of the River of Labes where a small underground volcano ejects a stream of lava in regular intervals, a giant pool was formed under it.

A pool whose hardened edges contained the highest quality minerals in the river, while also being the origin of multiple snake-like aqueducts of lava flowed under the city of Bothal. 

The Materials present here were the richest in quality and energy, even legendary ores like adamantine were as common as dirt in this small pool.

None dared to mine it, nor did anyone have access to this place with the exception of some chosen few. Besides employing a couple of grandmasters to protect the Lava pool, generally, this area is always empty.

But today was different.

A couple of dwarves in ceremonial clothing stood next to the pool, with one holding a silver robe, while others behind him shouldered a ton of cooked food, waiting for the arrival of something.