
The god of Chaos and Slaughter

As the war was about to begin, a young man prayed silently to his god. "I pray to the god worthy of heaven and earth, the chaos that disrupts reality, the slaughterer of life and death." A smile crept on his face because he knew, his lord would soon descend and slaughter humans and gods alike. . This tale started long ago, at the birth of this powerful god.

King_Solomon_II · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs


"What in the name of holy Tava happened here!?" Rudolf's eyes could not leave the bloody mess that could traumatise any sane person.

Gnell sighed and explained everything from the very beginning. He narrated all the events that took place— how they were about to be massacred and then a strange young man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and massacred the opposing force instead.

Rudolf couldn't help but try to deny this entire narration. However, the scene of blood before him was proof enough to convince him otherwise.

"Also, that young man might appear playful and oblivious to a lot of stuff, but that exterior is the last thing you should believe about him." Gnell muttered in a low yet grim voice.

"And he wants to come with us. What choice do we even have?" Rudolf said, his previous demeanor had fractured, revealing his true veteran self.

"Share this information with your soldiers, don't let them disrespect or pull any moves on that young man. He doesn't seem to tolerate any dishonour." Gnell left the words to Rudolf and slowly walked away from him.

He took slow steps in the direction of Raizel. He was going to inform the other party of the arrival of the reinforcements.

Raizel was still sitting on the same grey boulder. Infact, he already knew that the reinforcements had arrived, he was just giving these 'mortals' time to converse and adapt to the current situation. He did not want to deal with a mess.

A gust of wind blew, bringing with it the smell of flesh and blood. It fluttered Raizel's clothes and hair. Soon, he felt a presence approach him.

It was general Gnell.

He bowed and knelt down on one knee, "lord, the reinforcements have arrived."

"I know." Raizel replied with one word as he jumped down from the boulder.

"Ready to leave?" He asked Gnell.

Gnell got up and respectfully nodded his head. "By your will."

Raizel smiled and vanished from his position leaving Gnell all alone.

'This man has no courtesy!' Gnell thought in self-pity as he shook his head.


As the two armies were getting ready to depart, suddenly a young man appeared beside Rudolf out of thin air.

This action clearly startled him and the rest of soldiers around him. But Rudolf quickly got back his composure.

He bowed lightly, "General Rudolf greets his majesty!"

"Rudolf, so that is your name," Raizel nodded his head lightly. "What is the name of the capital city and how much time will it take us to get there?"

"Sire, the capital city of the Verdian Kingdom is Senglon. It is almost three hundred kilometres away from this place. It will take us around four days, if we travel for 12 hours daily."

"Hmm... Is there a way to cut some time?" Raizel asked, raising his brow.

After a bit of reluctance, Rudolf nodded his head humbly, he appeared nothing like his confident self from moments ago.

"There indeed is. If we travel to the nearby town and dispose the army there, we can take horses to the capital, this will reduce our travel time significantly. Ofcourse, General Gnell and I would accompany his majesty."

Raizel nodded his head and a genuine smile appeared on his face. He looked exactly like a handsome devil.

"Then this shall be done. I want to reach this 'Senglon' place soon, I want to see what kind of a place it is." Raizel honestly said.

'It is like a little adventure!' He thought to himself.

Rudolf again nodded his head and did not say anything else. After seeking permission, he went to Gnell and explained everything that happened.

Then he shared this news with the rest of the soldiers, their reactions to this were rather positive. As soldiers who had to see blood and were surrounded by strife everyday, this was nothing but a vacation to them.

After everything was taken care of, the merged army began their march towards the nearby town.

Raizel did not walk with them, instead he wandered around areas surrounding the path of the army.

He found all sorts of different trees and numerous wild animals. He played with some, dissected some to observe their inner organ systems. He also noticed that killing wild animals also gave him 'divine fragments', however the quantity paled in comparison to what killing humans had brought him.

'Why is there a difference? Maybe it is related to the soul... Hmm, needs more experimentation to confirm but the reason seems closely related to the subject of souls.' Raizel made the hypothesis.

After a few hours of travel, the army arrived at the town.

It was not a big city, it was quite humble. There were very little houses there, many of which had shabby walls. A lot of the shops present were closed and only a few people walked down the streets.

The impact of war on this town which was close to the battlefield had been tremendous. It had changed its already 'poor' condition for the worse.