
The God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

In Harry Potter, he defeated Voldemort, supported the Minister of Magic, and became the leader of a new generation of white wizards. In A Song of Ice and Fire, he founded the Church of the Dragon God and unified Westeros in the name of the god. In Xingyue, he ended the Age of Gods as the Emperor of Qin and took charge of Alaya. In World of Warcraft, he is the God of War of the Alliance, the nemesis of the orcs, and the guide for the new leader of the Drai. This is a time traveler coming to another world... Just remember that this is a translated novel. Original title 万界法神从哈利波特开始

Trag115 · Livros e literatura
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61 Chs

Chapter 8 shopping and leaving

"You're awesome, my dear. I've never seen such a beautiful design." Mrs. Malkin sighed after reading every picture carefully.


"Oh, these are all Muggle styles." Jack shook his head modestly: "Then can I order a uniform like this?"


"Of course, I can't wait to see what the finished product looks like." Mrs. Mokin looked a little excited, and then she asked Jack a little embarrassed: "If... I mean if you can allow me to Others make the same uniforms, so what do you think of every year I've made a custom uniform for you, free of charge, using the best materials for the seven years you've been at Hogwarts?"


Mrs. Mokin looked at Jack expectantly. Jack thought about it and felt that it was not a loss for him, so he readily agreed.


Afterwards, they went to Lihen Bookstore to buy textbooks.


Not only did Jack buy a full set of textbooks for the first grade, but also all the textbooks for Charms and Transfiguration all the way to the seventh grade. In addition, the curious Jack also bought a copy of "An Easy Introduction to Ancient Rune" and "Hogwarts, A History of the School".


"Although you are still young, I'm still glad that there are still people interested in Ancient Rune." When seeing Jack's choice, Dumbledore said: "Last semester, only two students took Ancient Rune. No more, Ms. Babbling will love you."


Later he added: "But the ancient rune is a little difficult, I hope you can prepare yourself mentally."


"I just want to study how magic came from." Jack picked up "A Simple Introduction to Ancient Rune" and turned to the title page: "This book says that modern spells are simplified ancient Rune, magic items. The production of the ancient rune is also related to the ancient rune. I think, by learning the ancient rune, I can find out where the power of magic comes from."

"I have to say, you will definitely be able to enter Ravenclaw in the future." Dumbledore looked at him a little relieved.


After asking about the meaning of each branch, Jack commented: "The power of a wizard comes from the knowledge of magic, so a wizard who pursues knowledge can be regarded as a real wizard. Ravenclaw is indeed more in line with my heart on this point."


After paying the money, Jack faced a big problem.


With a thick stack of books, it was impossible for his small schoolbag (compared to books) to hold so many books. Jack, who was helpless, had no choice but to look at Dumbledore with a look of help.


"You can shrink these books with a Shrinking Charm and put them in a bag." Dumbledore took out his wand and tapped it against the stack of books.




The books shrunk several times at once, until each book was the size of a fingernail. Seeing this scene, Himari in her schoolbag leaned up curiously and looked at the miniature books.


"If you're going to get them back, the spell is to get bigger," he added.


Jack took out his new wand with interest, imitated Dumbledore's posture and pointed at the small book, while chanting a spell.


"Get bigger fast."


The fingernail-sized book swelled to its original size. Himari was caught off guard and was hit on the nose by the enlarged book, and she retracted into her schoolbag with a "meow" sound.


Jack touched her head comfortingly: "Be careful, little guy." Then, he tried to cast another magic on the book.


Immediately, the book returned to the size of a fingernail.


Dumbledore watched in amazement from the side, Jack just watched him cast a shrinking spell, and he could learn it immediately, and the first time he cast it, it was a perfect success. Not only that, but he can also draw inferences from one case and successfully cast the Great Transformation Spell just like the gourd. Such talent and learning ability are unprecedented.


"Even though you've heard it several times today, I have to say that you are indeed a genius," he commented.


Jack put all the shrunken books into the schoolbag, and told Himari not to break the books, and then followed Dumbledore to buy other items.


He bought a pewter cauldron that folded and stirred automatically, a set of glass and crystal medicine bottles, a telescope, and a balance in the crucible shop. In addition, in the magic pet store, he refused to buy an owl, and planned to find a way to summon an animal to send letters. But he still bought Himari some expensive cat food.


He believes that the cat food used by wizards may be more suitable for cat demons than Muggles. He hopes that this will make Himari grow up faster, and at least awaken the power of demons earlier.


This series of expenses has left his already bulging purse empty, and it has also made him determined to use his prophetic advantages and magical powers to make a fortune in the Muggle world next summer. Not being able to buy the best cauldrons and experimental supplies made him feel ashamed of being a traveler.


In Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, Dumbledore invited Jack to eat an ice cream, and he bought a cockroach dumpling himself, which made Jack disgusting.


In the end, Dumbledore used Apparition to send Jack back to the vicinity of the orphanage. Before leaving, Dumbledore said to him: "Mr. Jack, you are a real genius and a kind-hearted good boy. Hope you can use the power of magic to good use. Remember, it is not his power that determines a person, but his choice."

After speaking, he blinked playfully and disappeared in front of Jack.