
The God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

In Harry Potter, he defeated Voldemort, supported the Minister of Magic, and became the leader of a new generation of white wizards. In A Song of Ice and Fire, he founded the Church of the Dragon God and unified Westeros in the name of the god. In Xingyue, he ended the Age of Gods as the Emperor of Qin and took charge of Alaya. In World of Warcraft, he is the God of War of the Alliance, the nemesis of the orcs, and the guide for the new leader of the Drai. This is a time traveler coming to another world... Just remember that this is a translated novel. Original title 万界法神从哈利波特开始

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61 Chs

Chapter 23 The heartthrob and study hard

In fact, unlike what Jack imagined, Orianna's appearance still caused a sensation in a certain range.


After all, as a figure doll, she is too delicate and beautiful.


Jack's three roommates all wanted to take a closer look at her. Michael Kona even wanted to play with her in his hand, but was rejected without hesitation. Orianna shyly crawled under Jack's cloak and drilled into it. He went into the pocket of his jacket and only exposed his head to "observe secretly".


Since then, Jack has become Ravenclaw's most popular student - both boys and girls.


The boys patted the team, wanting to see Orianna with their own eyes, while the girls were attracted by his own appearance and cute Himari.


So, whether in Ravenclaw's common room or at the dining table, he was always surrounded by people, and the chattering made him tireless.

But there are exceptions-Hermione will act with him in most cases, euphemistically called studying together, while Chang Cho always goes back and forth with him in the original circle of friends, but these two girls do not let He is bored.


Another person, the beautiful prefect Penelope, did not watch him.

Although she made no secret of her affection for him, she would never do such a thing that disgusted him.


Due to the long-term harassment, Jack had to keep a cold face in most cases, in order to make strangers retreat.


As a result of doing this, he was portrayed as a cold image in the eyes of most people. Boys and girls finally started to stop approaching him, but it backfired because Jack's popularity among girls Getting higher.


These girls even called him "male god" and "heartbeat".


Whether these people have Stockholm syndrome or tremors, he doesn't know.


As for boys, so far, only his three roommates have really made friends with him.


Especially after learning that he was a Muggle born in an orphanage, the Slytherin boys began to consciously reject him.


"You're just a mudblood on the surface," Draco Malfoy once said of him in front of him, and he ended up hanging upside down on the corridor ceiling with a "Sticking charm" spell for an entire recess. , It was not until after the class that he was rescued by Professor Snape who arrived after hearing the news.


For this, Ravenclaw was deducted ten points, but no one blamed Jack for this. The little wizards of Gryffindor had a much more favorable impression of him.


But for Jack, these welcomes or resistances are meaningless. His biggest purpose is to study magic besides studying the "plot".


In fact, for professors, Jack is definitely a good student. Whether it's Transfiguration, Spells or Potions, he can perfectly complete the teacher's

task, and any questions in class will not be difficult for him.


Of course, there is also the well-known Miss "Knowledge of All Things". This pair of inseparable academic masters is deeply loved by teachers.

Ravenclaw's college scores have never risen so fast.


They were also regulars at Mrs Pince's place. After class, the two of them would always accompany them to the library to continue their studies, and Chang Cho would also study with them until the homework was completed.


For Jack, this kind of study reminded him of his high school days, which made him feel a little nostalgic.


He has always been a person who can learn with patience, and when the content of learning is not a bit boring high school curriculum, but interesting magic, he can't wait to spend all his time in it.


Even Hermione was ashamed of such enthusiasm for learning. Coupled with his own learning talent, Jack's learning progress soon reached the level of a higher grade.


Of course, his learning process was not without obstacles.


In his opinion, the writing of technical and academic books in the wizarding world is quite unreasonable.


All authors are quite casual when writing books. They will spend a lot of gorgeous and useless rhetoric to describe, even mixed with large-scale psychological descriptions and records of their own behavior, which makes people feel This is not some magic book, but the author's novel autobiography.


In addition, the masters of the magical world are quite arbitrary in their choice of professional vocabulary. In their academic circles, there is no such thing as scientific names, and most academic terms rely on conventions.


For the same magic, the descriptions of different authors are different, and they are quite random, often confusing people.

They also do not have such terms as professional names and academic language. As a result, Jack often spends quite a long time sorting out his knowledge after reading the book-because he needs to eliminate 80% of the useless rhetoric and running accounts, and he also has to compare what is mentioned in other books. Yes, there is a potential for repetition, as often two books refer to the same spell, but with different names and different descriptions.


Then, he will use more "professional" and concise words to record his results.


It's been less than a week since the start of school, and he has already filled up half of his notebook.


He believes that his notes recorded through the use of academic papers and the professional vocabulary system he built are more concise and effective than these magic books.


He reckons that by the time he's done his admissions goal—reading the Ravenclaw common room library and all the books in the Hogwarts library within seven years of school—he's taking enough notes Completely contains most of the knowledge system of the magical world.