
The God Of All People: My God Domain Is The Endless Abyss 1

Chu Hao has traveled to a different world where everyone has the opportunity to become a god. And everyone here can design their own exclusive world of God's Domain! Beautiful and delicate fairy world? The majestic dragon's nest plane? The ancestral witch world in the beginning of chaos? These are too weak, my design is an endless abyss! Here is the endless, suffocating horror land! Here is a place where the environment is extremely harsh and life is extremely dangerous! This is a place where there is no morality and never stops killing! This is the home of the abyss demons and the final destination of the chaotic evil spirits! ———————— not my novel!!!!!!!! Genre: FantasyUrban Tags: No RomanceStrong to StrongerSystemTransmigrated ProtagonistEvil ProtagonistMale ProtagonistGod Ability ———————— not my novel!!!!!!!! ———————— not my novel!!!!!!!! ———————— not my novel!!!!!!!! ———————— not my novel!!!!!!!! ———————— not my novel!!!!!!!! ———————— not my novel!!!!!!!! ———————— not my novel!!!!!!!! Author: Lord Of Ravens

Fernrir_Zero999 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
373 Chs

Chapter 5 Questions

At this time, Chu Hao didn't know what was going on outside.

He also didn't know anything about the rising tide of Shenhuo.

Because at this moment, he is putting all his thoughts on weaving the [Energy Transformation Formula].

"The so-called energy conversion formula is the manifestation of all power in a world!"

Chu Hao sits in the bottom plane of the endless abyss, surrounded by golden rays of light after the transformation of the origin of the world.

"Among them, a world that can run the magic energy conversion formula and successfully convert energy into magic and magic energy can grow into a magic world."

"And those worlds that can convert energy into Internal Energy can grow into the world of martial arts and Xianxia."

"To put it simply, the world rules and world representations that I created before building the world are equivalent to the hardware of a computer, and the energy conversion formula is equivalent to the software that comes with the computer."

"Although the two are very different, if you want the computer to run normally, both are indispensable!" Chu Hao recalled the contents of the textbook in his mind, while weaving the first in the endless abyss Energy conversion formula. "Energy conversion formula - magic energy!"

A azure blue lightning flashed across Chu Hao's hand. The moment this flash of lightning appeared, endless changes began immediately. crackle!

It turned into a group of magic patterns of different colors on Chu Hao's fingertips, and each group of magic patterns symbolized a supreme magic road.

crackle! It deformed again and turned into endless earth Feng Shui fire magic, with Chu Hao as the center, sweeping towards the entire endless abyss world!


Chu Hao just watched all this with half-squinted eyes, and didn't make any extra moves.

Because the moment the lightning appeared, the entire endless abyss gave out a faint cheer. It was the instinct of the embryonic world, and he was celebrating one step closer to completeness.

A full sixty-six layers of composite planes also ushered in their own first energy conversion formula.

The moment the magic energy conversion formula can run, countless elements immediately start their own arrangement and combination under the influence of the magic energy formula. The entire endless abyss world is rapidly generating countless magical abilities suitable for its own environment.

From the Blazing Pyroblast on the Fire Plane to the freezing blizzard on the Frozen Plane, countless magical abilities are rapidly being generated at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Chu Hao's fire has become more vigorous because of the improvement of this world. This is the world's return to its creator!

"But it's not enough!" Chu Hao said after recalling the endless abyss model given by the system in his mind. Because it can be seen from the model that the Endless Abyss, as a special world, can accommodate several or even dozens of energy conversion formulas!

"The ability that abyss creatures can master is not only magic." Chu Hao recalled calmly. "In the abyss, apart from Devil, which is difficult to count, some creatures have powerful physical abilities, some have fighting qi ability, some have natural abilities, and some have abilities similar to nature."

"All in all, in the endless abyss, there is an almost infinite number of abilities."

"So I need to inject more than one energy conversion formula into the current endless abyss."

While thinking about it, Chu Hao weaved the second energy conversion formula. Soon, the second energy conversion formula, that is, the ability to do battle, was projected into the endless abyss.

But at this moment, the entire endless abyss changed. Just like in a computer, many software will interfere with the operation of other software for the control of the computer.

When the second energy conversion formula is injected into the endless abyss.

It immediately conflicted with the first rule, the magic energy conversion formula.

The two of them, around the way energies work in this world, started interfering with each other. In fact, in many graduation projects, many excellent works have more than one energy conversion formula.


However, such a design requires very complicated and precise calculations. The purpose of this is to allow two or more energy conversion formulas to be parallel to each other and to operate stably.

But if any one formula goes wrong, the whole world will be thrown into chaos. The performance of errors ranges from the failure of intelligent creatures to smoothly advance to the pollution of the nature of the world, and finally to the collapse of the entire Divine Realm world.

And the probability of it happening is not small.


"Oh, what I want is chaos! In the endless abyss, chaos is the first [order]!"

Chu Hao glanced at the two energy conversion formulas that almost knocked out each other's brains, and said indifferently. Not only did he fail to stop this "fight and fight" that was destroying the world.


He also added a fire!

In the fog, Chu Hao, as the creator of this world, once again weaved a new energy conversion formula and projected it into the endless abyss. In an instant, the one-on-one duel turned into a three-person melee.

The entire endless abyss world boiled again.

Countless continents shattered again, and countless flames erupted again!

The entire endless abyss is fighting because of these three completely different and even some opposite energy conversion formulas. "It's not over yet~!"

Chu Hao gave a wicked smile.

"Article 4" "Article 5" "Article 34!"

More and more energy conversion formulas were projected into the endless abyss by the grinning Chu Hao.


Before, there were only two energy formulas dueling each other, but now it has become a multiplayer battle (dog head)! At this moment, the entire endless abyss is completely boiling.

All planes, all regions. All because the energy conversion formula is too large, and unpredictable strange movements occur.

Some planes are still dominated by magic for one second, and the next second becomes a plane dominated by the power of nature! In the next second, this plane has become a plane dominated by mechanical energy.

In the next second, this plane became a plane where necromantic energy and fighting spirit were equally divided. Such changes do not only happen in one plane. But in the entire endless abyss!

The sixty-sixth-level plane of the Endless Abyss is full of chaotic and illogical situations. The lava, flames, ice cubes, and storms in the endless abyss are no longer the lifeless appearance they used to be!

It stands to reason that if such a violent collision happened in the works of any other graduate, it is estimated that the poor world would have died long ago, or even exploded into ashes.

But the endless abyss designed by Chu Hao did not suffer any damage because the energy conversion formula was too chaotic.

Even, the world has become increasingly "stronger" in such a chaotic situation!

"How is this possible!"

On the other side, a man roared when he saw this scene!

His roar even turned into a storm!

Wang Zhi couldn't believe what he saw!
