
The Departure Of The Guests

As they entered the house they hurriedly put their fainted ally on the bed I showed them. Then I took them to the living room and told them to wait till I brought some refreshments back. As I was in the kitchen I could hear them whisper and mumble but I could not hear what they were talking about, although I guessed that they were amused with what I did because they did not know about the book and particularly the magic I performed in front of them was definitely for someone more than a 8 year old kid.

I walked in with 4 glasses of water on a tray and I could feel the tension arising as soon as I walked in. The people were looking at me with confused expressions. One of them spoke " You have done a lot for us , we are very grateful to you." I just gave them a smile as I was sitting down. "Hey if you don't mind me asking" the other one began " can we get more of that medicine? We have money for that and are willing to buy it since there is no town nearby ." I replied " No need to worry and give me money as I can make more of that medicine myself." At this remark all of them were completely startled. The leader said , " You can make more of that? How? Why were you alone in the forest? And where are your parents? And most importantly who are you? At this I wished that I had not told them anything. So with an uncomfortable tone I began " I am Ryoma Tadashi." The others began apologizing , and they introduced themselves as " Gabriel Agreste" and " Akihiko Denki" their leader at last introduced himself "Akihito Takahashi " he also mentioned that he was the mayor of a town by the forest. I was completely dumfounded I knew that, this man was different from the rest but I never thought that he would be a mayor I quickly apologized to him , god knows why.

He very sweetly told me to stop with the apologies and answer the rest of the questions he asked. I was in a fix now I could not tell them about my past just as I did not tell them my real name . I made up a story and began saying," I used to live with my grandparents who were both hunters one day they left and never came back ." I quickly added that all of this happened one year ago and it was due to my grandparents that I could make potions and do the difficult magic stuff at such a young age. I knew what the people would say so I did not stop but continued saying that I had tried to live in the nearby village but the people there are not willing to stay with an unknown kid so I had been staying here. The people looked as if they were sorry for me and then we all heard footsteps coming from behind we saw that the fainted man named " Asuka Watanabe" was now awake , fit and fine and was able to walk again . The people informed me that they had some very important work and if they left now then they could make it to their destination before sunset. I quickly gave them two bottles of medicine and bid them goodbye. All of them apologized for all the trouble they caused, thanked me for helping them in time of their need and assured me that if I ever faced any problem living here I could always come to their town to live with them. Then they left .

It was good to have some humans around to talk to though not gonna lie and in the end I apologized to the gods for the lies I had to tell to those kind hearted men. I returned back to complete the house chores left for the day. I thought that the chapter of the guests had finished , only if I knew about the upcoming turn in my life.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Shumishona_Ghosecreators' thoughts