
The Goblin God's Predator Simulation System

Bozo, a goblin, ends up getting killed at the hands of some cruel humans. This is something normal in the world, but Bozo feels betrayed. He is angry. Why must they be hunted? Why can’t they live in peace? His rage defined odds and his hatred against humanity, awakened the slumbering entity: Predator Simulation System. [If the host gains high-rank ratings, then he will be able to get good rewards and skills from the simulation which he could use in real life.] [The death in the simulation will not affect host, but he can no longer simulate the character that has died.] Bozo, the unfortunate goblin, finally had a fortunate encounter. His plan of revenge against humanity, and his plan to build a kingdom of his own could finally set in motion after he has grown stronger, all thanks to the Predator Simulation System which was destined to belong to a monster… or being who would become a true monster in the future! … Join the discord: https://discord.gg/BSU2UZT4s2 … Inspiration for writing style is taken from: Immortal cultivation simulation, world traveler simulation system, and Reincarnated as a wolf with cheats. …

1st_Manga_KING · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
189 Chs

Chapter 41: The one to be feared!

Chapter 41: The one to be feared!


[You have killed Jerka.]


[You have leveled up.]

[Lv.69 -> Lv.70]

[You stared at the system notification that popped up right after. Your anger had long gone, and now you only thought about Jerka and the life he lived. You turned around and noticed how other ogres were sad with decreased morale, but you couldn't help right now.]


[Find and kill the culprit.] [Difficulty: C] [Hard] [Completed]

['Just one more...', you thought to yourself. The Allies who sided with the goblins would have been on their way to attack the place. While there was still a whole day left, they might have already received the message about the early war. So it was a matter of time before they reached here.