
The Gnoll Story

The Gnoll Story Fan Made story that takes place in the world of Warcraft universe. The story takes place right before the Warcraft classic starts from the game, and it will continue to the most recent expansion of the mmo. The is a sub story that may deviate a lot from the actual history and telling of Warcraft, in other words the main plot points and themes will be present, however told in a different way. This story is purely written for fun! Disclaimer slight romance with little to no harm, and no adult scene will be elaborated on! The story follows our main protagonist who was once neck breaded man named Lanthios who died and reincarnated into the Warcraft universe as a baby Gnoll! Read and watch as our champion...oops I mean adventure! Goes on a long journey from being a creature slightly stronger than a normal human man to a freak of nature paladin! Gifted with an unnatural high affinity with “the light” our adventure must go save his sister who is captured by the legion forces! But how will he do so?? And whom will he do it with?? And more importantly who will teach our young Gnoll the ways of the paladin! Well, one must read and find out! Author notes check out my other novel: The Unforgiven Satyr! Disclaimer: This novel has nothing to do with the Warcraft universe, it is written completely from my head! And please give me you power stones!

Sulfates_Cidif · Videojogos
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23 Chs

New beginnings  

Day 2

O bright and sunny daylight bathed a certain carriage on its lonely way, for four souls rest in its box walls. But how can a shiny chest box go unnoticed on a lonely road for long? For when the light turns to dark, the dark will stretch out its hands to grasp that which shines the brightest in the dark.

Meanwhile on the road between Redridge and Elwyn Forest:

"Sir, is it me or does this pup look oddly similar to that famous gnoll the humans were raving about?"

[Cynthia, you mean to suggest that the boy pup might be related somehow to the famous "Hogger" that's been harassing humans recently?]

"I don't know, master… it's just a feeling… After all, the gnoll race all look similar but yet somewhat distinctive."

[Well hopefully he is related to him, after all, he is famous for his leadership and wit, just maybe this pup inherited some of it. But what about the sister? She looks like she might have been exposed to fell magic at some point.]

"You might be right, master, but to be sure when we get to Darnassus, we should let a druid examine her."

But as the pair were discussing their next move the little pup, all wrapped up in cloth, began to stir and mutter, for it felt something dark and unnatural approaching from the forest around! He didn't know why he was feeling this way but nonetheless, the feeling grew and grew until his little body could no longer fight the urge! With bulging eyes, the child yelled out waah! Waah!

"O! Great, all this talk must have awakened the boy!"

[No! Cynthia, I don't believe our talk awakened him!]

An much, like a bad omen, as soon as the mysterious man said those words the carriage suddenly jerked hard to the right causing the whole thing to tumble over itself!

A few moments ago:

[Sir, it's as lord Xavius said! The carriage comes well unprotected! Now's the time to strike before the alliance patrols arrive here! Or worse the alliance comes to acknowledge the pup's future potential!] said Jalzzos

[Calm yourself Jalzzos! Just ready the spell! Sigh, I hate dealing with these over-the-top zealous followers, but orders are orders]

and just as he was having these thoughts, he caught Jalzzoz dancing chaotically in an attempt to summon down an inferno!

{Jalzzoz! Just focus for a second and toss a shadow bolt at that human driver! What the hell are you thinking? There is no need to summon an inferno now! Plus think of the commotion that will cause! Anyone for miles could see a burning green ball of fire fall out of the sky!}

[But sire?]

{What!! Replied the mysterious man angrily}.

[Just one bolt sire? Surely you jest!]

{Look, one is more than enough to kill a peasant human, and besides we are on a tight schedule so just get on with it! We can't afford to fail the master! Or both our souls will be used as a furnace to summon forth more demons! And remember we are here to kill the boy and take the female back alive at all costs! So don't you dare overdo it!}

[HAHA! Sir, you worry too much! How can a newborn gnoll of all creatures possibly threaten the master? Or even have any hope of escaping us? HAAAAH! Our master must have gotten the vision wrong! Like any dumb gnoll will ever be worth his time!]

{Fool! Did you learn nothing from Tyrus Blackhorn's defeat back in the battle for Mount Hyjal! Hell, even the great Archimonde himself was defeated in that war. Overconfidence coupled with arrogance leads to one being in prison while another is dead! And I'm damn sure both their abilities surely outmatch yours and mine combined!}

[Pst! You worry too much lord Xavian! It's just two children and two weak night Elfs, it's surely nothing we can't handle, I'm sure.]

{You'd best be right…}

POV: The Two Night Elves

"Shit... What is the carriage driver doing? Or did something happen to the carriage driver? I better go check on him!"

But while saving that thought in her head Cynthia cautiously peaks out the carriage's side windows, to see a sight she rather not have! For her silver eyes shone their light on the corpses of the horses and man alike! For the man's grotesque face, which was half melting and half normal with mouth agape, was staring straight at her, or at least felt like it was, hell it even gave her the expression that he was asking for help! While the horses in toes were set ablaze in a beautifully yet vile purple-black flame! With silent screams, she could hear coming from the horses as they slowly burned alive in those unforgiving flames. Unable to even flee for their lives as black chains wrapped them tightly as satyrs danced with vile laughter filling the blackened night.

"Great… just great it had to be Satyrs! Those traitorous fools!"

"Who else but demon-worshiping freaks would be crazy enough to attack a carriage that is on a high surveillance alliance road? I mean this is the road between Redridge and Elwyn forest for crying out loud! And more importantly, why are they even here? Why attack a random carriage going to Stormwind?"

[That doesn't matter right now Cynthia! No amount of questioning will change the fact that they are here now and are threatening the lives of these two! So, just take the children and escape from here! While I hold off these followers of Xavius!]

"But sir there's no way you can hold them back! Just look at how many there are! There has to be at least twenty of them! Twenty! I don't know how they snuck in so many here or why they are risking so many members after they lost so much during the satyr wars.'

[Cynthia! Trust in your master! Or I'm not the best rogue alive? Or do you have so little faith in me? Ask the mysterious man as he warmly smiles at Cynthia.]

"But sire… I can't just"…

[Listen to me Cynthia! Cried her master with a sadden expression. After turning his head away, the mysterious man continued: Look, here the plan is I will toss a smoke bomb the second I open this door, and right when it opens you must run with the kids while under a shroud, understood?]

"Yes master… replied Cynthia reluctantly"

[Don't give me that look, we're rogues! Escaping the impossible is our job! Said the mysterious man with a determined expression.]

[Now...3…2….1 Go!]

Just doing some more editing I know I just said last chapter going forward they would just be [], but in this one I felt it need the same treatment as the first chapter. "quote" is cynthia were [] is both jalzzos and master and {} is mysterious man for this one

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