
The Gluttonus Beast

Amari Rex was an adamant animal lover and had an abusive childhood. The only love he was shown was from the family's dog, that was abused alongside him, and the animals in the forest. The dog raised him as its own child and the animals in the forest, causing Amari to become more distant from humankind, more beastly than human. The only thing that kept his very thin line of humanity was his desire for human affection. So he needed to learn why humans are the way they are, and the library was his own choice. There he learned about dragons, phoenixes, cultivation, the fantasy world, and his favorite Monster Hunter. He learned his morals and beliefs from anime and changed his outlook on humans. However, life always dealt him a bad hand and took everything away from him, he went mad on a rampage. Lost in madness, he killed his parents, caused the death of his true family, and his existence came to an end, or is it a new beginning? Disclaimer- I don't own the picture, should there be a need to take it down then plz let me know. Disclaimer- I only own the OC I make, and other things I created. I don't own Monster Hunter, any of the anime-related things, or things along that line. Disclaimer - Changed Tags a bit, but Webnovel got rid of some.

TheSimpleGamer · Anime e quadrinhos
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63 Chs

Getting Started Part 2 (Re-edited)

*Edit (8/18/21)-Changed how the leveling system worked a bit as the 2x every level was stupid and very broken.*

[Host's arriving into a new body attracted some creatures over, and that beast happened to be closest to you. So when it saw the host still sleeping it rushed over for the kill, and since host had just arrived into this body you didn't hear it running towards you as it was alright in the air, pouncing at you. After seeing the beast your body and mind subconsciously protected itself.]

'...I see...well that was a surprise in a half a guess, well I suppose I should get out of here before I get swarmed.'

[Host didn't need to worry about that for now as the next beast that was even weaker than the one you just killed will arrive in about 15 to 20 minutes. So I suggest that the host claims his kill before anything else so you can learn more about me.]

'Alright, might as well, it was a free meal anyway.' I try walking towards the corpse but fall on my face not even getting to put my second foot down. I look towards my feet and finally see the murder weapon, it was a weird looking limb that is for sure and I had no idea how I was supposed to walk on this thing because of it's shape and length, it was about a good half a meter long. With such disproportionate limbs, I could never learn to walk properly in a short amount of time.

'Hey System what can I do about this.' I said while holding up the long, lanky limb.

[Host can change his limbs, anything on the body or the body and any place on the body, to different types of body parts, that includes other creatures as well, an example would be that the host can change the tip of your right arm into a beak, eye, or whatever you desire, or you can change the limb entirely. All you need to do is think of what you want to change and into what.]

'Alright neato, well I want to change my right arm into what my left arm is.' Once I was done thinking that, my arm was quickly covered in what I think was muscles, (AN: Kinda like the Prototype transformation just red instead of black.) then they disappeared just as quickly as they came, and my right arm now looked like my left.

'Sweet, now here comes the hard part, learning how to walk again.' It wasn't that hard only about 2 more falls and 30 seconds before I got the hang of it; like I said I adapt quickly. Anyway, I started to walk to the thing I killed and finally got a good look at it. It was a weird-looking wolf, weird-looking because it had green fur and a messed up mohawk on its head, it may have looked better before but now it had a hole coming out the back of its head.


[Name: Green-Furred Wolf, Status: Dead, Age: 25]

[Level: 5]

[HP: 0/3500]

{MP: 0/500]

[Strength: 30]

[Vitality: 30]

[Endurance: 30]

[Agility: 50]

[Intelligence: 5]

[Luck: 5]

[Charisma: 20]

[Extra Stat Points-3]

[Skills- None]

[A wolf that as evolved it's pelt to better adapt to and blend into its surroundings. It specializes in speed.]


'Oh, so this thing was some much more powerful than me in my past life, I would have been torn to bits with its overwhelming stats and level, speaking of levels. Hey, could tell me more about how this leveling system in this world works System.'

[Affirmative, in this world levels, are a way of gauging a creature's strength, levels are also like milestones. For example, if this Green-Furred Wolf was at level up to level 10 its stats would double, and that milestone changes for every creature, some could be more levels or less, it depends on many factors really.]

'Okay that was a bit confusing, I think I get it but could you give me a broad example of how it works.'

[Alright, let us take this wolf here as an example. If we take it stats, that are 30 and 50 and guess that by level 9 it stats would be around 60 and 100 when it reaches level 10, all its stats go up by 2x.]

'Well now I know not to be an idiot and use all my extra stat points every level but instead add them on before I go through a milestone, or I will lose out on a lot of power every milestone. So let's say I had 1 point in Strength, and I had 1 stat point. Without using the stat point and I reach a milestone it will only become 2, and if a use the stat point it will become 3 points. If I had used it when it was 1 and made it 2 instead, it would then become 4 points. Is that correct System?'

[That is correct Host, congrats on figuring that on your own.]

'I don't mean to toot my own horn, but I am pretty smart, hehe.' I raised my head high into the air as I felt some warmth from my heart that spread throughout my body, and a grin plasters my face... well at best a Wulg smile could only be called creepy. 'Man, who knew getting praised feels this good.

Anyway, I shake my head clear of thoughts as I continue on my way to the Green-Furred Wolf's corpse. I lowered my head to get a good sniff of it, it smelled like...well...raw meat and blood, that and like freshly mowed grass. I shrugged my shoulders and just took a bit out of it even if it was raw meat and blood, I had worse. As the flesh and blood of it entered my mouth, it felt like my tastebuds exploded from how delicious it was. 'MMMM, it's so good and tasty.' (AN: This meme popped into my head when thinking of describing the food.) This is most definitely the best thing I have ever eaten in my life. Once I bit into it and tasted it's juicy/bloody goodness, I couldn't stop eating and before I knew it the whole body was gone.

[*Ding* Host has gained 173 Beast Points.]

'173, that is an odd number of points to gain, does the amount of points depend on how strong the thing is or something.'

[Yes Host, the amount of points gained is dependant on the total number of the stats added up for the creature you ate, doesn't matter if you killed it or not, however, you will not be able to 'eat' the soul of creatures you have not killed yourself.]

'Are the souls that important, not that I want to become a scavenger or something like that.'

[Yes the souls are the most effective and essential way of gaining points because the number of points you get from 'eating' their soul is dependant on their amount of mana/MP, meaning you will gain 500 if you 'eat' the soul of the Green-Furred Wolf. Also when I mean 'eat' you are just sending the souls to Creator Nushi to be purified by him.]

'Alright, so how do I 'eat' the soul then.'

[All you need to do is look at the creature you want to extract the soul of and think of extracting it, and a prompt box to confirm the extraction shall appear.]

'Ok then, here goes nothing.' I look towards the leftovers on the floor, which was only some tiny bones and blood. 'Man, I really went to town on it...but it was so good, I wonder if there are tastier creatures. Also, I'm not even full...do I even need to eat because I don't feel the need to eat or drink.'

[Host doesn't require sustenance to survive, but it is advised to continue doing so as it will keep your mind calm and healthy and the higher the level of the creature, the tastier they are, stats also play a role as well.]

'Hehe, I can't wait to dine on them then. I get to eat tastier food AND get stronger...this is the best!' I drooled as I anticipated their tasty and delicious flesh...man I slowly turning into a glutton. I mean when you have only eaten bland meat, drank only enough water to survive, and nothing sweet for your whole life it would be weird if you didn't become obsessed with it...right?

Alright getting sidetracked I shook my head to clear it and paid attention to the wolf's remains again and thought 'Extract Soul' and a golden panel appeared in front of me.

[Extract soul of Level 5, Green-Furred Wolf]

[Yes] [No]

'Yes.' I confirmed without hesitation, I wonder what its soul tasted like, as I tilted my head in wonder. I green dot slowly came out of the remains, then it expanded to the size of a soccer ball. The green ball was the soul of the wolf as I can see the vague outline of a wolf howling inside of it. I then proceed to vacuum the soul and into my mouth and as I 'chewed' on it a sweet sensation assaulted my tongue as the soul literary melted on my tongue and disappeared. 'W-What is this f-flavor I have never tasted something like this before, it is like the blood before...but better.'

[*Ding* Host has gained 500 Beast Points.]

[Host if the flesh was equivalent to meat, the blood equivalent to juice, then the soul is equivalent to candy, specifically cotton candy, at least for this soul.]

'So it was candy, no wonder I was so surprised, speaking of that I should have savored the blood more as well. While it isn't as good as the soul, it was still good in its own right.' Anyway, I guess I delayed this for a while a guess I should look at my stats now.

Hey guys and gals, I wanted to post two chapters today but I was too tired and I fell asleep so I didn't have time to. However, I wanted to at least get one chapter for you peeps today, so here you go, and next chapter we finally get to see his stats and more of the new place he landed at, and of course...more food to eat :). Anyways, see you peep later, Simple out.

TheSimpleGamercreators' thoughts