
57. Chapter 57

She’d never held anyone’s hand without feeling like she was crawling out of her skin, and she’d never laughed like that with anyone other than Kara. She’d never cum with anyone, and she’d certainly never screamed like that. She’d never held anyone through the night and she’d never stayed for breakfast.

Until, of course, there was Maggie Sawyer.

Maggie’s hand felt perfect in hers, and Maggie made beer come out of her nose from laughing so hard. Maggie made her see stars when she came underneath her, and Maggie made her toss her head back and scream so hard her throat would be sore the next morning from the feeling of riding her. Maggie’s warm, soft body fit perfectly against hers, and damn did she make incredible omelettes.

Maggie Sawyer made Alex understand the phrase “first time for everything.” For the very first time.

And it was all exhilarating. It was all… perfect.

Until Winn’s eyes flew wide and J’onn’s brow furrowed and James grimaced and pretended not to notice that first morning that she limped into the DEO with her first sex injury.

Or… injuries.

Her wrist was wrapped and she was limping gingerly and her eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, and her mouth was permanently tilted into a dreamy smile.

“Alex, what happened?” Kara gasped when she flew in, and she didn’t notice Winn shaking his head furiously at her, James clearing his throat and trying desperately to change the subject, and J’onn burying his face in his hands and walking away, muttering to himself.

“Me? Oh, pfft, nothing Kara, everything’s – “

“Alex. What happened?”

“Um… Kara…” Winn cautioned, side-stepping Alex’s wide eyes and swiping hand. “I think Maggie… happened.”

“Maggie hurt –” Kara takes one look at her big sister’s face and her eyes nearly fly out of her head and her fists unclench because she realizes that no, Maggie didn’t hurt Alex. That Maggie did… quite the opposite… to… with… Alex.

“Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Alex. Um. I… you know what, Winn, isn’t there a bank robbery somewhere, like, you know, happening right now?”

“Danvers, morning! How’s that wrist? Oh, hey Little Danvers!”

“Maggie, hi.”

“Um, Maggie, this might not be the best time for you to – “

“Winn, there’s gotta be a robbery somewhere – “

“Oh, hey Little Danvers, how goes it?”

“Oh good god. Supergirl, Agent Danvers, if either of you blush any harder you’ll rupture blood vessels. Can you please take this outside of my control room?”

“Awww, look, Maggie’s blushing now, too! Ow!”

“All of you. Out. Now.”

And J’onn’s children all trooped obediently out of the control room, in varying shades of red, with varying levels of smirks, Alex and Maggie with suspiciously similar limps and ecstatic memories flitting across their faces.