Kara talks about her sister.
A lot.
Her big sister who protects her, who can take down nine foot aliens alone and with her bare hands and with a gaping wound in her side, who is incredible at pool and who drove all the way back to Midvale from college on her motorcycle to punch out a high school senior who was tormenting Kara about her glasses.
Kara talks about her sister every opportunity she gets.
She even surmises that her big sister would stand a chance against Oliver Queen.
It’s that, almost more than anything, that sends a shiver down Barry’s spine, that makes Cisco’s eyes fly wide, that makes Caitlin arch an eyebrow and bite her lip slightly, that makes Iris grin, because of course Supergirl’s big sister is a superhero, too.
So when she brings her sister and her sister’s girlfriend – because “she’s gay now – I mean, I guess she’s always been gay, a lesbian, but she’s just coming out now, and she has a girlfriend now, and you should meet her, too – Maggie, her name is, Maggie Sawyer – she’s a cop, like your dad, Iris, they’ll probably have a lot to talk about, can he come to dinner with us?” – to Earth-1 to meet the S.T.A.R. Labs crew, they’re all a little bit… nervous.
Nervous, because their brand of superheroing is Star Wars jokes and Back to the Future gags. Nervous, because Iris can handle a gun as well as anyone, but none of them are… soldiers.
And Alex Danvers?
Alex Danvers sounds like one hell of an intense soldier.
Cisco slaps Barry five when his portal works on the first try and Kara steps through, Alex and Maggie in tow. Maggie grins at their excitement, and Alex arches an eyebrow.
“Barry Allen. The man who thought it was a good idea to bring my sister to another universe to fight off an entire alien invasion for you without backup from her sister whose job it is to protect our earth from alien invasions.”
Caitlin and Iris smirk and Cisco rapidly turns his snort into a cough.
“Alex Danvers,” Barry nearly squeaks. “The woman who could probably separate me from important organs if I even try to do anything but apologize and assure her that it won’t happen again.”
“Whipped already, Barry,” Cisco whispers, and Maggie nods at him.
“You should see what she does to the boys back home,” she murmurs to him as she takes Alex’s arm and leans up to kiss her cheek. “Take it easy, Danvers, we’re here to make friends, hm?”
Alex melts and Barry relaxes slightly, grinning at the way this solid, steady woman melts at her girlfriend’s touch.
“So,” Kara bounces on the balls of her feet, “now that Alex has that out of her system, everyone, this is my sister, Alex, and her girlfriend, Maggie. Guys, this is Cisco Ramon – “
“Pleasure, ladies.”
“Barry Allen – “
“But you already knew that.”
“Iris West, a reporter, like me, and a darn good one!”
“Aww, Kara, thank you!”
“And Caitlin Snow, genius doctor extraordinaire! Alex is a doctor, too, Caitlin – “
“Oh, really? Kara talks so much about you, Alex, but she never mentioned – “
“Yeah, bioengineering – “
“God, are you Kara’s doctor? Don’t mean to talk about you like a science experiment, Kara, but your body’s response to Earth’s sun – “
“No, please, have at it, you two.”
“You say that like you’re not a nerd, Maggie.”
“Ohhh,” Iris winks, stepping forward as Caitlin takes Alex by the arm and guides her to her lab, both of them babbling at top speed about regenerative capabilities and harnessing phenomena in physics to influence biological realities. “What brand of nerd are you? The Cisco type nerd, or the Barry type nerd?”
“The difference being?” Maggie wants to know, and Kara and Iris laugh simultaneously.
“Forensics nerd,” Iris points to Barry.
“Winn-type nerd,” Kara points to Cisco.
Maggie’s eyes fly wide. “I might be both,” she leans in, and Barry and Cisco high-five.
Kara and Iris roll their eyes and lean into each other, content and peaceful and so, so proud, as their families start to laugh, start to geek out together, start to merge.