
The girl with scars

This story is about a girl who struggles with life. Someone who self harms and has suicidal ideation. Someone who wants to die really bad, can she find meaning in her life? Note that this covers topics that are sensitive to some people. Also I’m not recommending or in anyway encouraging self harm. Self harm can lead to dangerous things and can lead to things you wouldn’t expect. (Cover belongs to me)

Readerfanatic · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

The girl in the mirror

She woke up and dragged herself out of bed. She had to get ready for the day. Once she was done she plopped herself on her bed and started reading on her phone. Her mom came in from running errands, 'she looks better than the yesterday' she thought. Her mom reminded her that there was cake and some goldfish in the kitchen. She said okay and went into the shower. She hadn't showered for a few days so she pushed herself to get in there. During her shower she went into deep thought. She always does when she's in the shower.

When she gets out she looks in the mirror. She sees a girl with caramel eyes The girl had pale skin in contrast to her dark brown hair. She sees a girl with scars all over her body. She sees an ugly girl. She sees a girl who is overweight. Someone who has nothing good about her. She tried to snap out of this thinking trap because she didn't want to have a bad day. After all this was just her depression talking. She got out of the bathroom and went to her bed. She layer there and wondered if she should go and grab herself some cake. She would eat it while watching something, like an art video of some sort. She decided she would do that and went into the kitchen to get some. We sat at her desk and stood up her iPad to watch something.

After she was done she had to go to the bathroom. When she went into the bathroom she saw herself in the mirror. 'An ugly girl' she thought before doing her business.

Later on in the day she gets a text from her friend, it read, 'happy New Year's Eve!' Without even knowing it her mouth curved upwards. Then she got a call. She answered it and it was her sister. "I know what you did… you put me here… why? Why? WHY!?" The girl got startled and hid in the bathroom so no one could hear her conversation. How did her sister even get her phone number? "What are you talking about?" She replied.

"You know what you did. You put me in prison, you reveled everything!"

"… So what? You deserved it."

"What did I do to deserve this?"

"You watched as brother abused me and even took his side. I got my revenge now, be happy I'm even talking to you." The girl said in a low almost scary voice. Then she hung up.

She decided in anger so self harm. She cut kinda deep too. Little beads of red blood puffed out from the line on her skin. Someone would normally think that it would hurt a lot but she however, was indifferent to the pain.

It was time to go to bed, and again she saw herself in the mirror. An ugly girl is what she thought of herself. A girl covered in wounds. 'Who could love a girl with scars' she thought before going to bed.