

When I was a kid I made a lot of mistakes so I decided to fix them. How you may ask? Well, I decided to travel across the country to help people. My name is Laylin. Laylin Whitman. Now you may think I know your name but I don't know anything else about you. I'm from Houston, Texas and I'm 21 years old. I started this personal journey when I was 18 because I wasn't old enough to go on a plane alone when I was 15. Let me tell you more I've lied, stole, fought, created drama, and I have been a terrible friend.

My best friend is Morgan Moore and she agreed to come on this trip with me. She has short golden brown hair and green eyes. I've known her since preschool and she's forgiven me for all my wrongs. I've had a crush on her since the 3rd grade. Right now she doesn't know I like her and I do not have the guts to tell her! I've had small dramatic friendships along the way but no one like Morgan.

My parents are Stephanie and Matthew Whitman. Christian and don't believe in the universe or LGBTQ+ I've never even told them any of my personal problems and only tell my older sister Heather well and Morgan They're the only people that are there for me.

Some people might say in my past I was dramatic, a liar, and even the worst girl in my school and for the most part I was. I hurt people and it was all so hopeless and depressing. Have I ever done drugs or alcohol? No. Seriously though I've hurt enough people to say I'm the Charles Manson of drama.

Well back to the point, This is how I traveled across the country helping people in need with a goal to become a better person. Stay tuned.