
Chapter 1

During her time confined within the field dungeon, she was able to reach the level 99. However, despite her efforts, she has been unable to level up for nearly five years now. Despite this setback, she has continued to accumulate an impressive amount of experience points, amassing millions in total. While her stats have continued to increase over time, their progress has noticeably slowed down since she hit the level cap. Nevertheless, When she first arrive into this cursed dungeon, her unwavering determination and perseverance have kept her going, and she remains hopeful that someday she will be able to break through this cursed place.

As the she and her team prepared to enter the dungeon, they were informed that it had been classified as a C-rank dungeon. Little did they know, this information would prove to be fatal for their entire party. As they delved deeper into the dungeon, they were taken aback by the difficulty of the obstacles and enemies they encountered. It quickly became apparent that this was no ordinary C-rank dungeon. In fact, it was an S-rank dungeon with an earth dragon as its final boss. Rina and her comrades were caught off guard and ill-prepared for such a formidable opponent. Despite their valiant efforts, they were ultimately unable to overcome the dragon's immense power and lost all of their troops in the process. This tragic outcome could have been avoided if only they had been given accurate information about the true nature of the dungeon and its challenges.

The system does not provide a count of the number of times she has slain the boss in this S-rank dungeon. Consequently, she decided to gather and store each boss's corpse inside her item box bag to track her progress accurately. She has already vanquished the boss nearly a thousand times and is only several dozen short of reaching one thousand kills.

The sole entity capable of communication within this setting is the boss itself, who bears a striking resemblance to an NPC - a non-player character found in video games. The boss's responses are limited to predetermined phrases designed for their use and that is why she love defeating the earth dragon cause she has someone to communicate with.

Rina has experienced numerous deaths because of this dungeon.

The infernal place that she finds herself in has been meticulously recording her demise, with the number of instances nearing 10,000. It's a sobering thought to realize that just one more occurrence will see the tally reach an unprecedented milestone. The system has also informed her that she has been imprisoned in this location for an astonishing 27 years, which is a mind-boggling length of time to be trapped in such a place. Despite this prolonged captivity, however, she remains impervious to aging - her age stays constant and unchanging, as if time itself had stopped for her alone. This is a truly remarkable feat and one that defies explanation or reason; it's almost as if she exists in a parallel universe where the laws of physics and biology do not apply. Nevertheless, the fact remains that she is still here, still enduring the torment of this infernal place, with no apparent end in sight.

However, that is not the crux of the matter. She has reached a point where she grows weary of repeatedly perishing and occasionally allows herself to be defeated by even the feeblest creature in this realm. Yes, she is thoroughly disenchanted with this wretched place. She has done everything there is to do, including vanquishing the boss of these dungeons countless times - an earth dragon, no less.

Each time she is slain, the dungeon resets itself. Similarly, upon successfully defeating the boss and completing the dungeon, it also resets back to its original state.

Rina finds herself trapped in a never-ending cycle of despair, feeling utterly exhausted and drained. The monotony of her life has left her devoid of any joy or happiness, and she struggles to find the will to carry on. She has shed countless tears over the years, but now even that release seems impossible.

The incessant agony has rendered Rina emotionally numb, as she recognizes the futility of harbouring anger or distress that ultimately dissipates and erodes her emotional capacity.

Living in this dungeon has taken its toll on Rina's psyche. The unending pain and suffering has warped her perception of reality, causing her mind to become increasingly distorted. She finds herself addicted to the very pain from the constant of dying.

However, on this day, she is no longer capable of committing suicide due to her regeneration skill reaching its maximum level. This particular skill possesses a total of 20 levels and is one of the few skills that can exceed 15 levels. The final level, which was achieved last year, evolved into immortality and has also reached its maximum level.

She used to cursed the undead so fervently that she herself seems to have become impervious to death. Is it not true that she is, in essence, one of them now? Consider the goosebumps that form on her skin. Despite this undeniable evidence, she continues to deny her undead nature even until this very day.

Power? She possesses enough strength to defeat the boss with a single punch. It's amusing because despite being classified as a mage by the hunter association, she has become incredibly strong enough to use physical attack. One of the reason is because She acquired numerous skills during her time in this dungeon, mastering hundreds of them at their maximum level.

Having faced numerous challenges and obstacles, Rina has honed in on a particular skill to combat her foes - the ice ball. With extensive practice and training, she has achieved mastery over this elemental ability to the point where she can effortlessly divide it into seven distinct pieces and manipulate them with precision. When engaging in battle, she utilizes the ice ball like a sharpshooter firing a bullet from a pistol, aiming straight for her enemy's vulnerable points. Although she possesses other skills but all of them require more mana and energy. Though it not that hard for her to use any of them at all since she possess almost unlimited mana and energy to do so but she opts to rely solely on her ice ball due to a tendency towards laziness.

She has also reached a point of lethargy, where she is disinclined to engage in any activities throughout the day. Instead, she spends her time sleeping as it allows her to dream and reminisce of her past.

The story commences at this point due to the fact that she had endured living in this infernal realm for 27 long years, perishing an astounding 10,000 times. As a result of this momentous occasion, the system presented her with a unique box item.

Rina, in the past, had been accustomed to receiving a box as a reward for her progress in leveling up. However, it has now been half a decade since she last achieved a new level and consequently, she hasn't come across this particular box in years. The contents of this box were always shrouded in mystery and unpredictability; on some occasions, she will dissapointed and would receive duplicates or items that seemed to have no practical use while on other occasions, she would be rewarded with something valuable or even crucial - all of it was left to chance and luck. At the beginning when trapped in this dungeon she hold fond memory of these boxes for the excitement they brought with them such as item like weapon or potion or skills that will help her get through the challenges of the dungeon. But later after keep getting repetitive item and become stronger enough to defeat the dungeon without any difficulty, she no longer excited for this reward box.

Upon receiving the special box once again, She got a stone and Rina placed the item in her bag space as per usual since she thought it probably rune stone or something like that. However, upon giving it a second glance, she let out a piercing scream. "This cannot be possible," she exclaimed while examining the description of the stone. The text revealed that it was originally used to exit from a dungeon.

To her surprise and bewilderment, Rina discovered that this seemingly ordinary rock was actually capable of enabling one to exit a dungeon with ease. Without hesitation or delay, she tightly grasped onto it with all of her might until it slowly disintegrated into fine dust particles right before her eyes.

As if by magic, Rina's very existence began to transform - gradually morphing into millions of tiny light particles floating in mid-air.

it my first work on Web novel ^^ please gimme ur honest opinion and I'll fix any mistake .

Roxane_Agrichecreators' thoughts