
The Fall

My first memory was of The Fall. I call it this because I don't remember anything before this, and I woke up falling through the air, like I was some kind of shooting star. One second, everything was fine, or at least I assumed it was, and then I was falling through the sky.

My head was pointed towards the ground, so I had a front row seat to the rapidly approaching earth, but then something weird happened. Well, I say weird but I honestly don't know what's normal, do I? Anyways, I slowed down. My mind didn't process it at first, but I could feel my body slowing as it got closer and closer to the ground, until I was maybe a foot away, and I stopped completely.

It was weird (again, I'm assuming) having this view, almost as if the whole world was upside down, and I was the only one right side up, but I knew this wasn't the case, because that's probably crazy, right? But as I hung there, wondering if this was it, I was just going to hang a foot off the ground for the rest of my existence, I heard a rustling. I whipped my head toward the source of the sound, and I saw a man step out of the trees. This was the first time I'd really examined the surroundings; I was in a small clearing surrounded by trees, and the man was maybe 10-15 feet from me. As he came through the bushes, I watched him move with a fluid grace I found fascinating; it was almost like he was dancing. Idly, I wondered how I knew all of these things if I didn't even know who I was, but I pushed the thought away.

The man had shaggy blue-black hair, and he seemed to be tall; I had no frame of reference here, since I was still hanging upside down and couldn't remember it ever being otherwise. He was wearing simple clothes that looked to me to be homemade, though I couldn't figure out why I had that thought. His skin was a nice tanned color, and his features were handsome. He hasn't seemed to notice me yet, so I just quietly examined him, trying to figure out what was going to happen next. And then he saw me.

His eyes, a lovely shade of lavender, finally locked into my own, and his face registered a bit of shock, and that's when I noticed the long, thin ears poking out of his hair. It's also the second that whatever was keeping me suspended in the air let me go. Once again, I was falling. Fortunately this time, it wasn't quite so far.

Since I was only about a foot or so above the ground, the fall didn't hurt so much as it was surprisingly sudden. And somehow I managed to not hit my head; it was almost like I had tipped to the side and landed on my back. The man rushed forward, and at first I thought he was coming to help me, at least right up until he pulled a knife from his belt, crouching down and pointing it at me.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" He asked, and I just stared. Theoretically, I could speak too, but how did I answer his question? How did I understand his question? As I was thinking this, he gestured impatiently with his knife, so I decided any answer would be about as good as any.

"I can't say as I know the answer to either of your questions. My first memory was of falling through the sky, and now I have a stranger waving a knife at me. Do you know me?" I asked, knowing he probably didn't (people don't wave knives at, and demand things of, people they know, right?). He frowned at me, but thankfully sheathed his knife again. I stared at the grip after he had put it away again. The handle seemed to be made of a small tree branch, or something because it looked like it was covered in bark, but the shape was straight and it tapered to the end. For some reason this seemed odd to me.

"How were you floating?" He asked and I decided to sit up, instead of laying crumpled on the ground.

"I'm not sure." I said, brushing off the leaves and dirt from my clothes. My clothes were actually a lot different than his. I also realized I was a girl at this point; I'm not sure why I did t know that, but oh well.

I was wearing a long sleeved black shirt with a low neckline that hugged my curves, and dark blue pants that had rips around the knees (though they seemed intentional), with high heeled boots. I also had my long, dark hair up in a ponytail and big circular earrings. The last thing I noticed was that my ears were round, not pointed like his.

"What are you?" He asked, seeing my ears for the first time as I examined them. I shook my head, unsure of how to answer him.

"She's an angel." A second voice said, as the owner stepped through the bushes.