
The Girl Who Almost Kissed Me

Ever since I met her she's been on my head. My fault I should have not followed her all the way to get her attention. Now I'm stuck with her. Daisuke is a handsome and an ambitious man who gets top grades all the time. He gets forced by his friends to ask a girl out because his friends thought girlfriend is probably the only thing he's lacking as a teenager. He picks a girl who just happens to pass by. She almost kisses him after he asks her out but never says weather she actually accepted his ask out or just used him. Ever since then Daisuke wasn't able to get her off his head. He could never stop thinking about her after that. Will Disuke be able to meet her again ?. Will they have a happy ending. The girl has a very deep secret Which could ruin their happy ending.

kitty_chan02005 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

Chapter 1

"Daisuke it's time you get a girlfriend" My best friend Eiichi kept patting my back as we walked down the bridge.

"Man your going to die a virgin at this rate" he laughed.

I gave him a look which made it pretty obvious I was extremely annoyed.

"Eiichi is not wrong though . Look at you, your handsome and clever unlike others it's easy for you to seduce a girl" Haru laughed. I wanted to punch both of them.

"how about we try this ? the next beautiful girl who crosses by is the girl you are going to ask out".

"no way". Studies are my priority , I have to make it to a top class university. Having a girlfriend is going to be a distraction and I don't want to face any distractions especially when it comes to studies.

"pretty please promise us"

"no Haru I can't"

"let's have some fun" Eiichi commented

"no way, I'm out" I tell them.

"I heard Daisuke did something on 14th of January right Eiichi ?" Haru smirked

"oh yea that. Should we tell miss Yamamoto ?" Eiichi added.

"fine I promise" I scream.

I broke her window when we played soccer yesterday. If she found out I'm going to get my bones broken.

"Senpai, do you think I'm beautiful" a girl grabs my hand.

"no" I say without looking at her.

"Oh you are beautiful Rin" Haru tries to console her.

I don't like Rin. She is actually beautiful she has a cute face and perfect body. Red hair that drops till her neck and pretty green eyes but she is annoying. She keeps following me , overhearing my conversations with others and poking her nose in.

Eiichi caughs "ask her out" he says.

"what no way" I scream.

"Remember your promise Daisuke?" Haru smirks.

"like I said , I don't find her beautiful" I try hard to sound calm.

"we never mentioned about your opinion. Right Eiichi ?" Haru and Eiichi exchange mischievous looks.

Dumbass orange sharkhead Haru. I knew he was Upto something. They know I never break my promises. They also know how to get a promise from me. This is not fair. Haru is trying to hook me up with Rin ever since his crush Hinami confessed to me. I ofcourse turned her down because I had to focus on studies. They also know that I value every promise I make because of an incident that happened to me. Now I have to keep up my promise. I have to ask Rin out or I have to find a reason to escape this situation. I look around and thats when a girl dressed in a black body con suit with leather coat riding a bike stopped near us to take a look at the river on the other side of the bridge. Her curves were perfectly seen because her dress was too tight. I can't help but stare because from her busts till her legs her proportions were just amazing like a fantasy charecter. She had her face covered with helmet. I want to look at it,I was curious.

" Don't get mesmerized by her body Daisuke, She must be having an ugly face" Eiichi was Loud enough for the girl to hear it. She turned , and slowly removed her helmet and smiled. I was looking at a goddess in front of my eyes. Who is this girl ? she has long brown hair with pink highlights at the ends of her long straight hair. Her bangs were swept to a side and they had little pink highlights on them. her Eyes hold stars and were aqua blue.

"wow" Rin's jaw dropped.

"Eiichi she's exactly the opposite of what you called her" Haru commented.

" You told me to ask a girl out right ?" I said "now watch this" I sit on my cycle which I was holding besides me as I watch her buckle her helmet and sit on her bike. She's was going to take off . I decided to follow her. Not to ask her out or anything but to escape from asking Rin out. I know I can't follow her with this old cycle but I'll atleast follow her till I get away from Haru, Rin and Eichii's sight. I pedaled my cycle as fast as I can. Surprisingly I was fast enough to keep up with her. She turned around to look at me. She probably laughed at me and slightly increased the speed of her bike. I started pedaling harder. She is not going to escape I tell myself. She was not too fast though. She was driving in a moderate speed and that's probably the reason why I was able to follow her. I should be far enough from Haru , Rin and Eichii sight now . Maybe I should stop and turn the other way around towards my house. So I slow down to take a turn and so does she. She stops under a tree and removes her helmet. Shades cover her bodycon dress with leather coat. she removes her helmet and starts walking left.

"Atleast for the sake of the promise I made I should ask her out" I tell myself and follow her.

I was sure going to get rejected because she's a complete stranger. I don't care,fulfilling my promise is what I'm supposed to focus on. I cycle till the diversion she took and jog behind her.

"wait" I say as I huff and phant. She giggles and doesn't say a thing and keeps walking. I make it upto her and touch her shoulders. she doesn't stop. I kept following her till we both reached a dead end. nobody seemed to be around. The place looked creepy and deep down I was scared . Like I got myself into a huge trouble. My uniform was drenched in sweat.

"I ... I need to tell you something" I say as she smiles.

"you... overdid yourself , your sweating" she says politely. as she digs her handbag.

I was expecting her to be angry . Out of exhaustion and dizzyness I fall to the ground on my knees . She gives me a water bottle.

"rehydrate yourself first then tell me what you have to say" she tells me. as she knees in front of me.

I couldn't help but stare at her chest.

her face grew pink and she placed her hand holding the other probably trying to cover it. does she even realise she's actually squeezing to show more of it ?. My face grew red

"don't look , don't look" I kept repeating that on my head.

then I pulled her jacket together and zipped it up covering her body con dress and her chest. I was expecting her to slap me . She did not, that surprised me.

"I'm really sorry" I apologized

"no it's fine" she blushed.

"well.. um.. I like you wanna go out with me" I sounded casual and cool . I knew I was going to get rejected anyway. Somewhere within me I had hopes that a girl as beautiful as she is would find me attractive. She says nothing and gets up ,So do I. Then she pulls my collar probably to slap me but she wraps her hand around my neck. Her face really close to mine . I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she looked . My arms automatically went around her waist . She didn't say anything. I pulled her closer to me like I owned her. Her chest touching mine I could feel her racing heart. Her lips came close to mine. Close enough for a kiss. Her hands curled over my hair giving me chills . her breath was hot and she was warm and soft. I wanted to stay or I wanted her to kiss me but insted she pulled herself away from me and said "see you baby" and walked away . I stood idle trying to recall what just happened. I followed her again since so many questions were bubbling up in my head.

"what's her name ? , her number ? , does she do the same thing to all men ? , did she accept my ask out ?" She left all these unanswered. That made me more curious about her.

She called me baby didn't she ? Does she really mean it ?. All these thoughts filled my head by the time I reached my house all I could ever think of was her . How beautiful and vulnerable she was. I could've done anything to her right?. We both were all alone and ... and she almost kissed me. I want to meet her again. will she come back ?. I don't know anything. She almost took my first kiss. She doesn't deserve it anyway. She's a complete stranger who probably used me. I feel used and guilty. I couldn't get myself to study. She's the only person who was running in my mind.

Next day Haru and Eiichi figured out something was going in my head.Haru tried to talk to me , probably to ask me what happened that day. I ignored him. A few minutes before lunch break got over, Haru came to my place.

"I'm sorry I should have not forced you to ask Rin out" Haru apologised

"no nevermind" I sound like it's not an issue.

"what happened with that girl by the way did you ask her out? , you've been acting odd today" Haru asked me.

"this is how I've always been" I laugh

"no" Haru snaps "I know you, that witch,what did she do? "

"nothing really"

he grabs hold of my shoulder "If it were the usual you, you'd be holding a Novel in your hand right now or would be studying not daydreaming and lost"

"I need a break really..." I say

"you sure ?? atleast tell me what happened that day, you seem dull"

yea I was sad because I was despirate to meet her again. Atleast to admire her face which looked perfect and beautiful.

"Senpai , I baked some cookies wanna have some?" Rin jumps in.

"thanks Rin" I smile. This is the first time I've ever smiled at her.

"what are you doing here at this time and how did you get here" Haru looked like he had a mini heartattack.

"well about that... I was returning from the library. I had my lunch there while reading books and I also had some cookies left. Daisuke Senpai's class is on the way from library to my class. so I thought maybe I could share it with him."

The bell rang and Haru panicked.

"Rin if the teacher enters you will get caught you shouldn't be here in senior's classroom" Haru warns her.

"yea I should get going but before that I want Senpai to taste it". Rin smiles

"fine" I roll my eyes. I open the box. just then the door creeks open. Haru bolted to his place. He gave signals to do something and hide Rin.

"Get under my desk, fast!" I whisper.

Rin nods her head and gets under my desk.

It was the teacher as expected. We took out our notebooks.

"Senpai this place is so uncomfortable" Rin complained.

"it's just for fourty minutes so chill"

I tried to sound as calm as I can. This is not just her problem to deal with but mine aswell. If she gets caught I get caught with her. Rin managed to stay under my desk half way through the class , squeezing herself to the corner giving space for my legs and complaining about how much her neck pained. all that I could say was "calm down you don't wanna get caught do you ?".

Few minutes later I was able to hear some grumbling noises.

"Senpai I'm hungry" Rin complained.

"what ?? now ?? what am I supposed to do?" I was a little loud.

Mr. Amano , Our language teacher turned around with a huge smile on his face. His eyes searching for the person who made noises. Before he could spot me I slipped under my desk forgetting that Rin is in there aswell. Since I was too tall to fit in I had to place both my hands beside her almost brushing her shoulders, Gazing right at her face her green eyes shone like emerald. Our faces were really close. Her knees were bent towards me and my body was bent over them. Rin grew red.

"S.... Senpai" she whispered.

I covered her mouth with my hand.

"Rin keep quiet" I whispered in her ear. Her eyes widened and it was probably a yes.

Chalk hit straight on Seiji's forehead, A boy who sat in front of me and never got good grades. He always tries to copy from me during the exams. Last time he tried to do so, I marked all the answers wrong with a pencil and he copied me without realising. in the last then minutes I erased it and marked the right answers with a pen. Seiji seemed so happy to have successfully copied my answers. All I could do was to giggle. After the exams Seiji complained "I feel like some answers you wrote were wrong , I'm not sure though but I bet we both will get full marks because of you. Right? " he grinned.

"probably" , I shrugged.

On the day when they announced the marks. Mr. Amano smiled when he handed over my paper .He announced "The one who topped the class again , this time is Daisuke" he smiled at me.

"I'm so proud of you Daisuke" He whispered and winked at me.

Then he called out Seiji's name. He had a huge smile plasterd on his face when he wanted to hand over his paper aswell. His eyes were wide open that there could be a possibility it pops out any moment now. I was half convinced that maybe Seiji didn't actually copy from me because he figured out that few answers were wrong. Seiji proudly walked smiling at all the students who bullied him because he was dumb. When the teacher pulled out his paper in front of his face and class his eyes twitched.

"hu huh huh huh ahahhaha" Seiji was half crying and half crying. "You must be joking right this is not my paper" . Mr. Amano circled his name and raised it up high so that the whole class could see it.

"What on earth is this ?" Mr. Amano screamed. He got zero out of hundred. I giggled.

"But I marked the same answers Daisuke marked" He bolted towards me and took my paper and compared our papers .

"oh shit" he screamed, "how could this happen I don't remember you marking these ..."

Everyone heard him, thanks to his high pitched voice. Mr. Amano became redder than tomato sauce flames surrounded him. "so... you copied him huh? "

he immediately dragged Seiji to the principal's room pulling his ear. We all had a good laugh.

Mr. Amano later appreciated me for my smart work.

Next day Seiji had a big swollen bump on his head. He ran up to me when I was alone and said he was almost expelled from school because of me and his mom knocked his head this bad. He wanted to teach me the lesson of my life and wanted to beat the crap out of me. I told him to stop trying to teach me and work on himself, maybe he has Dyslexia and couldn't read what I was writing and marking and he needs to figure it out and the only cure to it is reading more (Actually there's no cure for dyslexia). He believed me and started to read more since then. I guess he still thinks he has reading disorder.

Seiji stood up "sir it wasn't me it was.." he tured around to my place. "He was right there" he said pointing at my desk. Mr.Amano walked towards Seiji's place. I was sweating more than usual. I didn't want to get caught like this. He was just a few inches away from me.

"Snap out of your fantasy world, stop mumbling and focus" Mr. Amano made it clear to him and hit his already swollen head.

"he was right here" Seiji told himself while sitting down.

I was relived when Mr.Amano walked up to his bord and continued with is teaching. My eyes moved towards Rin, she was hugging me, her eyes tightly closed. Electricity passed through my body, I was not expecting this. My face grew red, and I pushed her away slowly pulling out her hands which were locked around my hip. I placed my hand on her head and whispered "it's ok I'm there for you, I will protect you". she looked at me innocently and looked down.

"thank you .... Senpai" she whispered. Then she placed her hand on her mouth and pulled my shirt.

"what is it ?" I ask her.

"Senpai I need to use the restroom it's urgent" Rin whispered as I slipped out of the desk and took a seat on my chair.

"WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT" my mind screamed.

"calm down , clam down" I whisperd to her. She was squeezing her eyes nodding at me pulling my pant. I guess I was a little too loud because Seiji turned around with his blue hair and thick glasses tilted to a side.

"There you are" he smirked at me. "you think you could possibly get away with what happened now ?". Seiji raised his hand trying to get Mr. Amano's attention that's when a teacher came in interrupting Mr.Amano.

"Miss.Yuki" Mr. Amano called out as she entered the class huffing and puffing.

"There's a student.. *huff* who's missing *puff* a girl with *caugh* short red hair and green eyes has anyone seen her around?'.

My eyes widened and I looked down to look at Rin who matches the description and would pee her pants any moment now. I was sweating. The whole class Whispered to eachother. Kouko raised her hand " I saw a girl matching your description during snacks break talking to Daisuke" .

"mee too" Hinami supported her.

Everyone's eyes turned towards me.

"Daisuke you were here the whole time ? I didn't see you ." Mr.Amano commented he seemed surprised.

"maybe there's a problem with my vision" he said to himself.

Seiji's jaw dropped as he looked at me and half cried "why don't teachers ever punish you" he screamed. The whole class now, stared at Seiji. He was extremely loud.

"Seiji shut up" Mr.Amano screamed as Seiji rolled his eyes without arguing.

Miss.Yuki asked me "do you know where she went after that ?".

"well about that.. uhh" I was sweating as miss Yuki was staring into my eyes for answers. Her shining specs can almost tear off my eyes.

"I need to pee" Rin screamed as she stood up forcefully turning my desk over which fell on Seiji's desk hitting his double swollen head. Rin bolted out of the class as miss.Yuki thanked Mr. Amano and chased her.

"Mind giving me an explanation to what happened just now Seiji ?" Mr. Amano yelled. "You hid a girl who's not from your class throughout this period under Daisuke's desk?".

"I didn't Daisuke did" Seiji spoke back helplessly.

"Why do keep blaming Daisuke, I know he never does something like this"

I felt relaxed. As long as there's a guy named Seiji who sits in front of me I'm not in trouble.

"And you Daisuke.... " He called out my name as I jumped.

"ye.. yes sir" I was stammering out of nervousness.

"never try to help him again. If you do so, you will be sent to the principal's office along with him this is your last warning"

"yes sir" I said with a smile flashed on my face.

I giggled as Seiji was pulled to the principal's office. He gave me an angry look while leaving the classroom.

After school I went home and had a good nap. I was happy because I escaped punishment. In my dreams came the girl from yesterdayday pulling me close and saying the words "baby stay with me" and almost kissed. I snapped out of my dreams. I tried so hard to stop thinking about yet again but I couldn't help but wonder who was she?.

The next day, When I made it to school I was looking for Rin and Seiji to ask what happened to them yesterday insted I dashed a girl and her books scattered everywhere I picked them up for her and gave it to her. "be careful next time I tell her" .

"I will" She tells as she turns her head towards me and smiles. It's that beautiful girl from the other day who almost kissed me . Is she our school student ? she's wearing the same uniform as mine with a pink overcoat.

To be continued....