
The girl of my dreams

great_mbara · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Ep2 : the amulet of Zazo

After countless nights of thinking I finally had the answer and that was to first make money. At the time it was a good idea because if I really wanted to make jodiewoods my girlfriend I had to be financially stable (more like very rich) and if you don't know who jodiewoods is just Google her and you'll understand why I need serious cash but the question now was how to get rich.

So I started looking for businesses that could make me a millionaire in a couple of years and decided to enter real estate but to do that I still needed money so I continued thinking but unknown to me while I was making plans faith had something else planned for me. In ancient times a deity called Zazo was worshiped by Africans for protection against the

white man, linked to this world by a golden amulet legend has it that whosoever possesses the amulet will gain the power of the deity Zazo and after many years this so called amulet is now located in a museum in Lagos.

I decided to get a loan from the bank but the problem was I didn't have any collateral or business experience for a 20 years old boy, the bank manager Mr Nelson advised me to come back after 6 years of business experience but I couldn't wait that long so I still tried to convince him meanwhile in the museum of Lagos a hired burglar steals the amulet and makes a run for it, tripping off the alarm he gets pursued by the police forcing him to hide in the nearest building

which was the museum (this is where things get fun)

Unable to get the loan I felt defeated and needed a moment to rest in the waiting launch, closing my eyes for a few minutes the burglar sits next to me and hides the amulet in my bag out of fear of being caught and continued to run. I went back home to think of my next move, reaching for my room key in my bag I felt an unknown object and pulled it out and to my greatest surprise it was a golden object I have never seen before. Instead of me to think how it got into my bag I started celebrating saying God has done it for me again with the intent to sell the golden object and start my business but without knowing that this was the beginning of my blessing and cursed