
Chapter 5: Mia

Landon Mathews, the guy I was attempting to lure Alyssa with, settles on the lounger next to me. We had calculus together last semester and often compared notes. Even though Landon is a football player, I don't hold it against him. He's proven himself to be a good guy. And, in my experience, those are far and few in between.

"Hey, Mia." He hands me a brand-new Solo cup overflowing with beer. "You look like you could use a little pick me up."

I could use a lot more than that, but this will do.

"Thanks." Our fingers brush as I take the cup from him. Unlike when I touch Beck, no spark of attraction ignites in my blood. It's yet another reminder that you can't help who you're drawn to. Not wanting to dwell on that disturbing thought, I lift the glass to my lips and take a swig.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here," he comments.

Does everyone think I'm a killjoy?

It would seem my image needs a little rebranding.

I jerk my head toward the house next door. "We're neighbors."

"Oh yeah, that's right." He nods. "I forgot. Still...this doesn't seem like your type of scene."

I snort and glance at the pool. "Orgies generally aren't, but Alyssa wanted to see a certain someone."

He chuckles, following the direction of my stare to the water and the half-naked bodies filling it. He flicks a humor-filled gaze at me. "Looks like she found him. My guess is that you're going to be here for the long haul."

That's exactly what I was thinking. There is no damn way I'll be able to pry Alyssa out of Colton's arms. And my orgy-o-meter has reached its limit. I need Alyssa to wrap up this little make-out session so we can get the hell out of here before I'm anymore mentally scarred.

"Ugh, let's hope not." With that, I bring the cup to my lips and frown when I find it empty. I tip it further back and pat the plastic bottom, but not a drop remains.

Landon chuckles and holds out his hand. "Pass it over, and I'll get you a refill."

See what I mean? Total sweetheart.

Five minutes later, he's back with two cups of golden deliciousness. Tonight the alcohol is going down surprisingly easy. The more I drink, the more relaxed I become.

Ever since my older sister Brianna died when I was fourteen in a drunk driving accident, I've walked the straight and narrow. I've done my best to shine in school and on the tennis court, hoping it would be enough to help my parents forget their heartache for even a minute. Unlike Beck, I don't go looking for trouble. I avoid it at all costs.

So, it feels good to loosen up for a change and drop the pretense. Since my parents are away for the weekend with Beck's, I don't have to worry about them finding out that I've been drinking.

For one night, it's kind of nice.


Landon drops onto the lounger next to me, and we talk about our plans for the fall. I'll be attending Wesley University, which is an hour away. A lot of people from high school end up there. Landon decided not to play football and is attending Penn State.

I considered going further away, but decided against it. Part of me is afraid of what will happen if I did. Sometimes it feels like I'm the only thing holding this family together. The guy who hit Brianna didn't just steal her from us, he also stole our happiness. He sent us spinning through the universe on a different course. None of us are the same. I don't think we will be again. Instead of coming together, the three of us splintered apart. They say time heals all wounds.

It's a lie.

I chase those depressing thoughts away by draining my cup.

Alyssa was also accepted at Wesley, so we'll be rooming together next year.

Guess who else will be on campus?

My gaze cuts to Beck. There are at least three girls hanging on him. It's been this way ever since seventh grade when he shot up six inches and packed on twenty pounds of muscle.

No matter what I do, I can't seem to get away from him.

Beck was recruited by almost every college in the Big Ten Conference. I had secretly hoped he would go far away so I could finally get over this stupid infatuation, but he shot that to hell when he committed to Wesley. The most I can hope for is that we don't run into each other too often. It's a big campus with tons of people.

When I realize that I'm dwelling on Beck, I lift my glass, surprised to find it's been topped off.

My head swims, feeling pleasantly fuzzy.

Exactly how many of these have I knocked back?

I try to do a rough mental calculation that seems as complicated as calculus.

Two? Three? Four? All I know is the more I drink, the better this beer tastes.

When one of my favorite songs gets cranked up, I jump to my feet and pull Landon with me. Apparently, it's everyone's favorite song as well because the entire party throws their hands in the air and writhes to the beat. When it's over, I collapse on my lounger and giggle hysterically.

"Ready for another?" Landon rises, ready to do my bidding. He really is a nice guy. It's too bad he and Alyssa never got together. They would have been perfect for one another. Instead, she only has eyes for Colton.

Speaking of Colton, guess who else committed to Wesley?

You guessed it...Colton Montgomery.

Alyssa has sworn up and down that her decision has nothing to do with a certain blond-haired Adonis.

I hope that's the case. It would be really stupid of her to plan a future around a guy who has never bothered to give her the time of day until this party. Not that I want to be a Debbie Downer, but who knows how long his interest will last. A couple of hours, at the most.

Alyssa is a talented dancer. Her dream is to get a fine arts degree in dance and open her own studio. She was accepted at several prestigious schools and turned them all down to attend Wesley.

"No," a gruff voice cuts in before I can wrap my lips around a response, "she's already had more than enough."

I glance up, surprised to find Beck towering over my lounger. His hair is damp from his dip in the pool. My mouth turns cottony as I stare at his bare chest.

He needs to put a shirt on so I can think straight.