
The Ghoul Named Hope

In the year 2080, a post-apocalyptic world is plagued by the Undead Virus, which has turned most of the population into zombies and ghouls. Breelynn, a 27-year-old military scientist, resides in Subterra Nova, a subterranean city built to protect people from the virus and radiation. Bree's father, a high-ranking officer in the colony's defense force, raised her in a military family. Although she became a skilled fighter by 18, she decided to pursue her passion for science, training to become a scientist after her older brother became the colony's First Commander. Bree's determination to find a cure for the Undead Virus stems from her loss of her father. She is driven to find a cure for the virus and prevent others from suffering the same fate. Bree raids an illegal lab one day and finds Hope, an eight-year-old half-ghoul girl with unique abilities. The ghouls want Hope, so they raid Subterra Nova, hoping to distract Bree away from Hope. Hope is taken by the ghouls, and Bree decides to find her. While searching for Hope, Bree meets Treyson, a 30-year-old man born a ghoul. Treyson and Bree fall in love as they work together to find Hope. Treyson had a difficult childhood, being rejected by his human family for being a ghoul. Despite his tough exterior, he has a kind heart and is fiercely loyal. Meanwhile, a war is brewing between the Ghouls and humans. The colony is being betrayed by a woman whose son is a ghoul. She is secretly telling her son all about the colony, which is relaying all the information to the Ghoul leader, Bryndon, who is secretly Bree and JR’s uncle. Bryndon and Bree's little sister Zoey, who is now 20 years old, are leading the Ghouls. Bree and Treyson face dangerous challenges while searching for Hope. They meet new allies and enemies along the way, leading to a climactic battle between Bryndon's army of Ghouls and Subterra Nova's defense force. Eventually, Bree and Treyson find Hope and return her to Subterra Nova. However, the war between Ghouls and humans intensifies, leading to a final showdown that determines the fate of the colony.

Jade_Spence_2688 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs


As consciousness returned to me, I saw Treyson's peaceful form slumped against the wall, his chest rising and falling in rhythm with his soft snores. Slowly sitting up, I let out a groan as my stiff joints protested from sleeping in such an uncomfortable position. My gaze swept over the room, taking in the other exhausted travelers who had finally succumbed to sleep. A sense of warmth filled me when I spotted Hope curled up beside Demoysa and Mew. I couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of respite and the chance to recharge before continuing on our path.

In one swift motion, Trey's strong arm encircled my waist and pulled me onto his lap, with my back pressed against his muscular chest. I couldn't help but smile as he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, pulling me closer to him. My own arms wrapped around his neck, fingers tangling in his soft hair as I snuggled against his broad chest. Leaning back against him, I felt safe and loved.

Trey's thumb gently caressed the sensitive skin of my throat as he guided my head back with a firm but gentle hand, deepening our kiss. The sensations coursing through me were intense and exhilarating.

Abruptly, Trey rose to his feet and took my hand in his, leading me out of the room. I couldn't help but giggle as we made our way down the dusty hallway, now bathed in warm sunlight streaming through the windows at the front of the building. I felt a sense of adventure and freedom with Trey by my side, ready to explore whatever lay ahead.

As we stepped into the abandoned office, Trey shut the door behind us and pulled me into his embrace. His lips met mine in a deep, urgent kiss, leaving me gasping for breath as I tore off my shirt. Our clothes fell to the ground in a frenzy of desire, revealing our bare skin to each other.

With both of us now naked, Trey lifted me into his strong arms and pushed me against the wall, devouring my lips with his own. My body melted against him as I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

Trey gently set me back on my feet before striding over to the desk. With a swift motion, he cleared the clutter onto the floor and beckoned me forward. His eyes burned with passion as I closed the distance between us, ready to fulfill our desires in this intimate space.

"I want to see you bent over this deck," he says with that alluring half-smirk that sends shivers down my spine. I teased him back with a smile and an eye roll, playfully sauntering over to the desk to lean over it as he suggested. The sunlight streaming through the window caught Trey's eyes, turning them into pools of molten gold as he stepped up behind me.

He stepped up behind me, his presence making me tingle with anticipation. As his hands cupped the curves of my ass, a gasp escaped my lips, sending chills down my spine. His touch was rough yet gentle, and I felt my body responding to his every movement as his hands trailed over my bare back, sending electric currents through my body and causing goosebumps to break out on my skin. The rough texture of his palms against my smooth skin sent a thrill through me, heightening every sensation and igniting a fiery desire within me.

A deep, guttural moan escaped my lips as he leaned over me, his bare chest radiating heat against my back. His lips trailed down my shoulder and along my spine, setting every nerve on fire. My body arched in response to his touch, craving more of the electrifying sensation.

He dropped to his knees behind me, spreading my legs with a gentle force before delving into me with his tongue. Waves of pleasure crashed through me as he expertly used his tongue and fingers to awaken every inch of my being—the pressure built into my core, sending sparks of ecstasy throughout my body.

Just as I was about to reach the peak of bliss, Trey pulled away and stood up, leaving me whimpering in frustration at the sudden loss of contact. He positioned himself at my entrance, and I gasped as his hand came down hard on my exposed ass cheek. "Trey!" I cried out, a mix of surprise and longing in my voice.

Trey chuckled darkly, the sound echoing through the room as he rubbed against my exposed skin, leaving a trail of heat and tingling sensation in his wake. He followed up with a swift smack to the other cheek, intensifying the sensations coursing through my body. I couldn't help but moan; the sting of his hand on my flesh only increased my desire for him. "Trey, please!" I begged, my body trembling with anticipation.

"As you wish, my dear Coacoochee," he responded with a sly smile before plunging into me with one hard thrust of his hips. My body arched against his as waves of pleasure crashed over me, ignited by his relentless pounding. Each movement was like a symphony, every sound and sensation building towards an explosive climax.

The heat between Trey and I was palpable, our bodies moving in perfect rhythm as we reached the peak of pleasure. His strong hands gripped my hips tightly, pulling me closer to him as he pounded into me with primal hunger. I cried out as an intense orgasm washed over me, my body trembling in his arms.

As I caught my breath, Trey's grip on my shoulders tightened, and he let out a low growl as he bit into my shoulder. A mix of pain and pleasure shot through me, heightening the already overwhelming sensations.

Once he released me, I could feel the cool air against my skin as he stepped back. My entire body was tingling from the intensity of our encounter. Slowly standing up, I turned to face Trey, who cupped my face gently in his hands before pressing his lips against mine. The taste of our passion lingered on his lips, fueling the desire for more.

As I wrapped my legs around his waist, Trey lifted me onto the nearby desk. His hands ran down my back, soothing any lingering tension before he leaned in to lick at the wound on my shoulder tenderly. The contrast of pleasure and pain only added to the intoxicating rush of emotions between us.

As my fingers traced down the defined muscles of Trey's arms, I couldn't help but ask, "Have you ever bit someone before during sex?" I asked, my voice laced with a hint of curiosity and desire.

Trey shook his head, his gaze locked on mine. "I have been with a few other women, but none of them even come close to what I feel for you," he said earnestly.

I leaned in closer, unable to resist the pull between us. My lips pressed against his forehead as I whispered, "I don't know if I should be freaked out about that, but I actually believe I am starting to really like you also..."

A smile spread across Trey's handsome face as he leaned in for a kiss but then pulled back with a sigh. "I hear the others beginning to stir," he conveyed, his tone regretful. He helped me off of the desk where we had been entwined, knowing that we didn't want anyone else to catch us in such an intimate moment. "We don't need your brother to freak out."

As much as I wanted to protest and stay wrapped in Trey's embrace forever, I knew he was right. With one last longing kiss, we reluctantly pulled away from each other and began getting dressed. Once we were fully clothed, we returned to the main room, where everyone was sleeping. It was clear that they were beginning to stir and wake up.

But it was Xavier's reaction when we walked into the room hand in hand that caught my attention. His usually calm demeanor was contorted with murderous jealousy at the sight of us together. At that moment, I couldn't help but feel a strange mix of guilt and satisfaction at knowing how much our relationship affected him.

A nonchalant shrug lifted my shoulders as I made my way over to check on Hope, who was using a small piece of rope to play with our cat, Mew. Time seemed to drag on as we waited for the sun to set, signaling that it was safe enough for Trey and Hope to join me. Finally, we left the building and ventured through the desolate city. The crumbling buildings and debris underfoot were a constant reminder of the destruction that had taken place.

As we trudged along, our ears were met with a piercing "HELP!". Without hesitation, I sprinted towards the source without even looking back at my companions.

"Bree!" JR's voice echoed behind me, but I paid him no mind as I ran with all my might.

"Someone, please help!" The desperate plea rang out again, causing me to stumble in surprise.

My eyes landed on three figures huddled in a nearby tree; their screams drowned out by the guttural moans of a horde of zombies below them. The stench of decay filled the air as their milky eyes fixated on their next meal.

With practiced ease, I lifted my rifle and fired off precise shots, taking out the undead one by one. But there were too many of them, and my bullets could only do so much. Luckily, Trey had followed my lead and joined in the fight without question or hesitation. His scythe sliced through the air with deadly accuracy, decapitating zombies with each graceful strike.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the sight of him in battle; his movements were fluid and swift, almost like a dance rather than a fight. Despite the chaos surrounding us, I found myself mesmerized by his skill and bravery.

In a blur of motion, JR and the others joined the fray against the undead horde. Trey and I had already been locked in combat with them, our weapons slicing through decaying flesh with precision and speed. But with the added support from our friends, the zombies were defeated in record time. Their moans and growls filled the air as they fell to the ground, defeated by our united front. The stench of rotting corpses hung thick in the air, but the scent of sweat and victory quickly dissipated as we stood triumphant on the battlefield.

My heart pounded in my chest as the adrenaline coursed through my veins. I wiped away the sweat from my brow, gasping for breath as I looked around the scene, searching for any more zombies that were missed. When I didn't see anything, the feeling of victory washed over me as I turned to face Trey, whose eyes locked onto mine as his lips curved into a satisfied smirk...I could see the reflection of my own wild determination mirrored in his gaze.

There was an unspoken connection between the two of us that I couldn't explain....As we stood just a few steps apart, the magnetism towards him was impalpable. I couldn't put into words the intense attraction I felt towards him, but it was undeniable and impossible to ignore. We stood there, caught in each other's gaze, held in place by an unspoken force that seemed to bridge the gap between us.

Without hesitation, Trey sheathed his scythe as he stomped over to me to pull me in for a hungry kiss right in front of everyone, and I honestly didn't care. His touch was gentle yet firm, sending a shiver up my spine as I stared into those golden halos of his, and seemed so full of depth and understanding.

"Nice moves back there," he said with a trademark smirk on his face, but his voice was laced with admiration as he pulled me in for another kiss.

"I was just doing what needed to be done," I replied as I shrugged his comment off nonchalantly, but I couldn't help the surge of joy that bubbled up inside of me.

"Thank you so much for your help!" says the voice of what sounded like a young boy. Turning around, I was taken aback by the sight before me. Two identical boys who looked no older than twelve stood before me, their blonde hair tangled and matted, their blue eyes wide with fear. It was clear they had been through a lot, their skinny frames betraying the hardships they had endured.

But what struck me even more was the smaller boy standing between them. His unruly mop of copper-colored hair seemed to defy gravity as if it were its own entity. He couldn't have been more than five years old.

With my arms crossed and concern etched on my face, I questioned them. "What are you boys doing out here all alone? Where are your parents?"

Twin #1's words spilled out in a rush. "The yellow-eyed people attacked our village!" His twin nodded vigorously in agreement, fear evident in his expression. "There were so many of them! They brought a whole bunch of those flesh-eating monsters with them!"

I couldn't imagine the horror these boys must have witnessed, their innocence shattered by the terror of an attack. But now they stood before me, looking for help and protection. And I knew I couldn't turn them away.

"The yellow-eyed people just laughed while the flesh-eating monsters killed everyone! They captured my mom and are keeping her locked up; I don't know what they are going to do with her!" 

The red-haired boy's green eye grew wide when he spotted Trey, smacking at the twin closest to him to get his attention, "Drew, look that man! He is a yellow-eyed person!!" 

The boy named Drew gasped when he saw Trey, "Look, there is a yellow-eyed person behind you!" 

I turned and looked at Trey with a raised brow, who just shrugged at me with a smirk on his face. 

I rolled my eyes with a sigh, then turned back to the boys, "Trey, here is my friend, he is one of the good ghouls… I mean, yellow-eyed people." 

Hope chose this moment to appear on the back of Demoysa; all three boys went frantic. 

I'm guessing that my brother had had enough when he stepped forward and yelled, "BOYS! ENOUGH!"

The three boys froze, whimpering as tears dripped down their faces, "Are we going to die?" asked the red-haired boy. 

JR ran his hands over his face, then knelt before them to look them straight in the eye, then said, "I promise you that Trey is a good ghoul," JR motioned towards Trey, then towards Hope, "And so is Hope, they will not hurt you." 

The red-haired boy burst out crying as he threw his arms around my brother's neck. I watched closely as Izzy knelt beside my brother and rubbed the poor boy's back.

"What is your name?" she asked him.

"My name is Russell, but everyone likes to call me Rusty because of my hair." 

Izzy smiled as she reached out and wiped the tears dripping down his cheeks, then looked up at the twins, "What are your names?" 

My name is Andrew, but you can call me Drew," answers twin #2. 

"And my name is Mathew, but you call me Matt," says twin #1.

I looked up when Trey stepped up beside me to wrap an arm around my waist, "I want to help the boys…" I whispered to Trey, "I can't walk away knowing they need help." 

Trey rubbed at the scruff on his chin, then nodded, "I want to help them also." 

I stepped forward and knelt on JR's other side, "I want to help save your home; can you show us how to get there?" 

This earned a glare from my brother, "Bree! We don't know what we are jumping into here!" he hissed through clenched teeth. 

I answered with a shrug of my shoulders, "I don't care, JR; all of those people are going to die if we don't do anything." I hissed back. 

Matt and Drew nodded, "Yes! It's not that far away!" 

The boys smiled at each other before motioning for us to follow. 

"Bree! We don't know how much this will delay our return home!" yells JR as I rise to my feet.

"Then you can return without me; I will help them with or without you!" I yelled back, then turned my back on my brother to follow the boys with Trey a few steps behind me… At least I know he had my back… 

"Wait for me, Bree!" yells Hope as she runs up beside me on Demoysa's back, "We want to help too!" 

I ran my hands over my face with a sigh, "Hope, I want you to stay here with Pheobe and the others where it will be safe." 

"But, Bree, I want to help to," she complains with a pout of her lip. 

I shook my head, "Please listen to me Hope, I can't risk you getting hurt." I explained as I brushed a curl from her face. 

Phoebe stepped forward, "I will keep her safe Bree, you can count on me." 

"Thank you," I turned to Hope one last time, "I will be back as fast as I can, Okay? Please listen to Pheobe." 

I found it cute as I watched her cross her arms and pout her lip… I wonder if this is something my father had to deel with when I was her age?

I gave the lion demon a pat on the head, "Keep our gril safe, okay?" 

The lion huffed, then sat on his hunches, I'm assuming that ment he would. 

With a shrug of my shoulders, I turned and followed the three young boys with Trey and JR right behind me.