
The Ghost of Arcana

Dropped. Oh well.

_Zennn · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
67 Chs

Into the Unknown

Tension filled the air as they crowded around the intricately decorated table at the room's focal point. Anya, with her piercing emerald eyes fully concentrated, was carefully putting vital items – healing potions, vials of enchanted water, and a set of glimmering stones that softly glowed with magic – into a small, ordinary bag. What troubled Andre, though, was not this pouch. The two matching rings lay next to each other, their silver surface decorated with detailed symbols that glowed softly in a blue hue.

"Dimensional rings," Andre muttered, his voice a low rumble. "Two of them. Anya, that's… impressive."

Anya looked up, a slight smirk appearing on her face. "Desperate times call for Desperate measures Andre". She also added, winking. "It wouldn't be appropriate for the head of the recently formed Tenth Legion to struggle with large backpacks."

Andre laughed, with a slight nervous undertone. Carrying their own dimensional rings, Marcus, He, and Res felt the unfamiliar weight serve as a constant reminder of the risky adventure awaiting them. Andre, powered by a strong mix of adrenaline and sheer determination, successfully packed all of his weapons into his ring, a task that typically depleted his mana. However, this was not the moment to focus on tiredness. This was all about responding with action, fighting back against the darkness that had engulfed their world.

With a flourish, Anya placed the pouch on her belt and fastened the rings on her fingers. The rest did the same, a tense quiet filling the room as they realized the weight of their choice. They were exiting the somewhat secure Aetheris estate, entering a world filled with unknowns, controlled by the oppressive Vor'talon. They were leaving Elara behind to guard the Aetheris mansion.

The stroll through Veridan Haven passed by in a haze. The previously busy market was now silent, with only a few residents rushing by, their faces showing signs of fear. The atmosphere was filled with a silent anxiety, serving as a bold reflection of the dominating darkness that loomed over the landscape.

Even though any of the Vor'talons hadn't come to Veridan Haven, they were still suffering from his rule. Their two neighbouring kingdoms, The Jade and the Bloodsand kingdom had already been taken over and the dark influence spread here and it was taking a toll.

They soon arrived at the outskirts of the city, where the tall obsidian wall separated Veridan Haven from the sprawling wilderness. Two guards with stern expressions beneath their steel helmets, stationed at the gatehouse, their halberds shining threateningly in the afternoon sunlight.

"Stop!" growled a guard, his voice rough. "Identify yourselves and reveal your identity."

Andre moved ahead, feeling his heart pound rapidly in his chest. "We are from here," he declared, his voice oddly calm. "We are going to Valconia, looking for..." he hesitated briefly, trying to come up with a believable explanation.

"Looking for safety," Anya added smoothly, walking up beside him. "These are challenging times, as you are aware." We just want to find a more secure place.

The guards gave each other a cautious look. Andre paused his breathing, his senses heightened. The atmosphere was so tense it could be sliced with a knife. At last, the second guard uttered words.

"So, Valconia, right? Not the safest place currently due to the rebellion that is beginning to form there. He stopped to examine them more closely. "Okay." You are eligible to go through. Simply remain low-profile and avoid stirring up any mischief.

Andre felt a strong and abrupt wave of relief."

He flashed a curt nod of thanks towards the guards, and with a shared look of determination, they pressed on. The gate creaked open, revealing a path that snaked into the dense forest beyond. The familiar scent of pine and damp earth filled their nostrils, a stark contrast to the stale air of the city.

The wet and soft forest ground muted the noise of their steps. Sunlight, shining through a thick layer of leaves, created a speckled design on the ground of the forest. The heavy smell of pine and decaying leaves filled the air, a sharp difference from the stagnant, smoke-filled air of Veridan Haven.

Anya quickly looked at Marcus, his silhouette sharply outlined against the green background. The vibrant energy she recalled from his youth had disappeared, now replaced by a somber gravity that appeared to be burdening him. Even for someone who had experienced the terrors of the recent months, the change caused a sense of worry in her.

"Lost in thought, Prince Marcus?" she asked softly, her voice just above the rustling leaves.

Marcus suddenly came out of his daydream, a look of surprise briefly appearing on his face. "I'm just pondering," he confessed, speaking quietly and contemplatively.

"Silas's letter… it ignited a spark within me. Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope. I aspire to regain what is rightfully mine, restore my father's kingdom, and defeat the dammed Vor'talons.

Anya nodded, her look becoming more gentle. She was aware that the weight of the crown was already burdensome for him as a young man. However, a spark of admiration sparked inside her. He was evolving from a prince to a reluctant future king, transitioning into a leader.

They kept moving forward, the repetitive sound of crushing leaves under their feet and quiet talks filling the air. Deserted villages, previously lively, could be found throughout the area - eerie reminders of the Vor'talon's ruinous rule. Vacant homes stared with empty eyes, with furniture flipped over and personal items strewn about. These abandoned settlements were shrouded in a heavy atmosphere of hopelessness.

Finding shelter in another deserted village, they took cover as the sun set, casting the sky in shades of orange and red. The bony structures of homes clustered closely together, providing a sense of protection against the advancing nighttime.

That evening, clustered together by a flickering campfire, they looked up at the star-covered canvas of the sky. The well-known star formations, once a source of solace, now appeared to taunt their current situation.

Andre sat closely next to Res, a deep silence enveloping them. He quickly looked at her, feeling a familiar pang in his heart. The toll had been taken by years of separation, uncertainty, and constant fear. He longed for her in a way that words couldn't capture.

"Res," he suddenly exclaimed, his voice barely audible.

She looked at him, her eyes shining like emeralds.

He couldn't understand the intense emotions they possessed. Maybe a brief moment of sorrow, or a touch of comprehension.

I missed you, More than you know."

Res extended her hand, softly cradling his cheek. The warmth of her touch provided a momentary sense of comfort amidst the chill of the night air.

"I understand," she whispered softly, her tone filled with sorrow. "However, things are different now, Andre. "You need to understand."

Andre felt a chilling fear in the pit of his stomach. He had a gut-wrenching sensation that he was aware of what she was about to say.

"Her voice barely a whisper, she continued speaking about Silas's letter." "It ignited a reaction in Marcus, and... well..."

She raised her hand, showing a plain silver ring with a solitary jade. It was not a dimensional ring. Andre was struck by the realization as if he had been physically hit. A chilling, harsh reality sinking in his gut.

He shut his eyes as a feeling of hopelessness engulfed him. He comprehended. In his wise judgment, Silas had recognized in Marcus the qualities of a potential leader, a spark that could fuel the rebellion. Res, always faithful and practical, had decided to fulfill her responsibility.

He smiled faintly as he opened his eyes. "I understand," he croaked, his voice filled with feelings. "Congratulations to both of you."

Res's facial expression became gentler as a momentary look of pain passed over her face. However, her level of commitment never wavered.

Feeling very sad, Andre looked away, finding comfort in the flickering flames. Sleep, when it arrived at last, was a tumultuous mix of dreams and remorse. The voyage to Valconia, which was already full of peril, now had the extra weight of a mixed emotion truth. Their once strong and unbreakable bond had permanently broken. As Andre fell asleep, he couldn't stop thinking about the potential unexpected outcomes that awaited them on their journey.

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