
The Ghost's Bride

In the quiet, scholarly life of Emma Carter, a young college student with a passion for the mystic and unexplained, reality and fantasy blur in a dream that refuses to fade with the morning light. One night, plunged into a dreamscape shrouded in mist and mystery, she finds herself in an ancient, moonlit ceremony, marrying a stranger with eyes like the void. His voice, a cold whisper tethering her to him, declares her his wife with an authority that brooks no argument, binding her to a fate she cannot understand. "Now that you have taken the vow, you are my wife! You can never escape in this life!" he proclaims, setting the stage for a story that weaves through the threads of dreams and reality. As days pass, the dream repeats, each night drawing her deeper into the enigmatic world of her nocturnal husband, Lance —a spirit ancient beyond measure, whose heart has long been closed to the world of the living. Emma's days become haunted by memories of their dreamt nuptials, the enigmatic words he spoke, and a compelling pull towards him she can neither explain nor resist. With each dream, the boundary between her waking life and the night’s embrace blurs, leaving her to question the nature of her reality. Lance bound by the chains of time and thirst, finds in Emma a light he thought lost to his world. Bound to him by a dream, she becomes an obsession, a beacon calling him to break the shackles of his own making. However, this union is not without its dangers. Caught in the storm of her own feelings and the darkness of a world she never imagined could be real, She must navigate her way through this labyrinth of love. As she delves deeper into Lance world, she discovers that her dreams may not be as ephemeral as they seem. The bond they share ties her to him in ways that are both a curse and a blessing, a source of strength and a perilous weakness. As she embraces her role in Lance's life, she faces the challenge of reconciling the life she knows with the dark, enthralling world into which she has been thrust. Her journey is one of self-discovery, love, and the fight to maintain her agency in a world where ancient rituals and unbreakable vows threaten to define her existence.

GothChick · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs


The air of the school was heavy with disbelief, the whispers of the corridors echoing a tale that had turned the very essence of our world upside down. That fateful incident, enveloping us in its shadow, had left us all teetering on the edge of reality and myth.

In the aftermath, we found ourselves in the counselor's office, a place where judgments were made and fates were sealed. Our hearts raced as we stood before him, a disciplinary note hovering over us like a dark cloud. Yet, as he observed our dazed and frightened gazes, something within him softened. Mercy found its way through his stern demeanor, and instead of a permanent stain on our records, we were granted a suspension, a week to reflect on the chaos that had unfolded.

Susan's plight had been the most harrowing. Rushed to the hospital with breath that caught more than it released, she teetered on the brink of life and death. Through the tireless efforts of the medical team, she was snatched back from the clutches of the underworld, yet remained imprisoned in the silence of the ICU. Her fate, a thread in the hands of the divine, left her family in a torrent of despair, their cries a haunting melody of grief.

In the wake of the tragedy, our little circle began to fray at the edges. Jessie, overwhelmed by fear, sought refuge in the familiarity of her hometown, leaving behind a trail of questions and concerns. I stood alone, a figure marked by suspicion and whispers, the weight of blame and regret pressing down on my shoulders.

I couldn't deny the bitterness that crept in at Jessie's departure, a decision that seemed to echo the very irresponsibility we all shared. Yet, in the depths of my soul, I knew my hands were not clean. Had I but stood firm against Susan, perhaps we would not find ourselves in this labyrinth of sorrow.

Yamna's condition was a mystery that hung heavily in the air. She lay in a slumber that no science could explain, her body a silent testament to the night that had changed everything. As someone who shared her roots, our bond was more than mere friendship; it was a connection that spanned the distance from our shared hometown to the heart of this turmoil. Watching over her, I felt a piece of my own spirit wither and fade.

The problem that ensnared us remained elusive, a puzzle that refused to be solved. Our dormitory, the very epicenter of the nightmare, was now a scene cordoned off, its secrets locked behind yellow tape and whispered rumors. Though my heart ached to uncover the truth, to step through those doors once more, I was barred from entry. Yet, the haunting words "save me", scrawled across the walls in a desperate plea, remained etched in my mind, a relentless echo of the night that had forever altered the course of our lives.

In this tale of love and loss, of bonds tested by the unfathomable, we found ourselves navigating the thin line between the known and the unknown, our hearts entwined in a saga that spoke of the strength of the human spirit, even in the face of the greatest darkness.

In the solitude of my room, the world felt as distant as the stars, unreachable and cold. The mystery that enveloped me was as dense as the fog that rolls in from the sea, obscuring all paths forward. Lance's book, a gift meant to guide, lay before me, its secrets as elusive as shadows at dusk. I was marooned on an island of my own making, with hope a scarce commodity, feeling the weight of unjust accusations that threatened to drown me.

The knock at my door was unexpected, a disruption in the silent lament of my thoughts. Our dormitory, a place of supposed safety, had become a crossroads of freedom and folly, where the boundaries between the worlds of men and women blurred into insignificance.

The figure who stood before me, caught in the half-light, seemed out of place, yet intriguingly familiar. A cigarette dangled from his lips, its smoke curling like a question mark into the air between us. His gaze, piercing and curious, set my nerves on edge, and I braced myself, ready to retreat.

"Who are you?" My voice was a blend of curiosity and caution, a shield raised against the unknown.

"Wait," he said, his voice halting my retreat, a gentle command that spoke of urgency rather than demand. "Are you Emma?"

His inquiry, though straightforward, carried the weight of a thousand unspoken questions. "I am," I replied, my tone tinged with defensiveness. "What is it that you seek?"

A smile broke across his face, a beacon in the dimness, transforming his demeanor from stranger to something akin to an ally. "Hello," he began, his introduction disarmingly casual, "I am Shawn, one of the officers investigating your case."

As he presented his badge, a sliver of trust threaded its way through my doubts. Yet, skepticism held its ground within me. His lone presence, his unorthodox appearance – none of it fit the mold of the lawmen I had envisioned.

"This case," Shawn continued, tucking away his identification, "is far from ordinary. I've been sent to delve deeper." His eyes, narrowing slightly, invited not fear, but a flicker of intrigue. "So, Emma, shall we unravel this mystery together?"

In that moment, a connection sparked, an unexpected partnership forged in the shadow of turmoil. As the world outside my door receded into the background, the possibility of hope, however faint, began to take root.

Our eyes locked, a silent battle waged between his unwavering gaze and my own faltering one. His demeanor, a blend of mystery and nonchalance, seemed to pull at the very threads of my resolve. In the end, his quiet confidence was the victor, and with a sigh that felt like a white flag, I murmured my assent, "Okay."

Following Shawn out of my temporary sanctuary, I was adrift in a sea of my own thoughts, half expecting him to lead me to a place steeped in secrecy. Instead, he navigated the urban sprawl with an ease that belied his official role, guiding us to an Internet café that felt worlds away from the solemnity of our mission. His familiarity with such a mundane sanctuary struck me as oddly endearing, painting him in hues more akin to a wayward poet than a guardian of the law.

"What are you doing in a daze? Come here," Shawn's voice, warm and inviting, snapped me back to reality. I approached, caught in the gravity of his presence. He lit a cigarette, the ember glowing like a beacon in the dimly lit booth, and in that moment, his veneer of casual indifference gave way to a focused intensity. "I almost understand the case," he began, his words a prelude to revelation. "You remember the night vision camera, right?"

His question, simple yet laden with implication, ignited a spark of realization within me. The night vision camera—that silent observer—held the key to unraveling the tangled web we found ourselves ensnared in.

"I've reviewed the footage multiple times," Shawn continued, his voice a steady current beneath the storm of my thoughts. Handing me the headphones, he gestured towards a file on the USB drive. "Take a look out for yourself. If anything catches your eye, let me know."

Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself against the surge of memories threatening to drown me. With Yamna lost in a silent world of her own and Susan a captive to the confines of the ICU, the luxury of denial was one I could ill afford. Despite the resistance that clawed at the edges of my mind, I focused on the task at hand, diving into the digital depths of the footage.

The tragedy unfolded anew before me, each moment a sharp reminder of the horror we had lived. Yet, amidst the chaos, Yamna remained an enigma, her actions clear yet her motives shrouded in mystery. As I forced myself to witness the violence that had fractured our world, my attention was unexpectedly drawn to Jessie, a shadow in the periphery of the nightmare.