
The Genius Leader Of The Magical Country

Wagola, year 3025. A very happy family has three very handsome sons. Felix Walker and Emily's family, along with their three children, Edward, Edric, and Alan, live happily even in simplicity. They live their lives harmoniously on a farm owned by the family. They have everything because the land they own is vast. Felix and Emily manage a farm that is inherited from the Walker family, who was then bankrupt. The two of them had just gotten married when they came to the ranch, and they started to improve things little by little with their hard work, and of course, their efforts paid off. They both started to make money, and by the time their first son was born, they were in pretty good shape economically. Their happiness as a small family with a child and having a fairly good income made their first son, Edward, not lack nutrition and nutrition so that he grew up to be a very smart child. By the time he was in kindergarten, little Edward was already good at distinguishing colors and was also good at counting. His memory is quite strong, and he could read fluently before entering school. The happy family lived in peace until they had three sons who were very handsome and intelligent. The farms and plantations they manage are increasing, and the results are so abundant that they can then send their three sons, who are only two years apart each, to the city. All three are special children who have advantages in their respective fields of education. A few years later, all three have graduated from college, and Edward, the eldest son of the Felix Walker family, mysteriously disappears. Felix and Emily felt very sad and hopeless when they did not find their son's whereabouts. They can't even tell if their son's fate is alive or dead. Edward's two brothers, who then searched for the whereabouts of their eldest brother, also disappeared, and what happened to Edward was repeated. Now Emily and Felix live alone with very sad feelings until ten years later an event that they did not expect. The whole city of Wagola was shocked by the presence of a new country that was very sophisticated and modern. It all started with the appearance of magical items circulating among them. The whole city was in an uproar. Finally, the truth was revealed that there was a new country, a very magical country with various sophisticated and modern equipment and equipment. That country is led by a very genius young man. Felix and Emily, who heard the news, hoped that maybe his son was in that magical land. How did the two of them struggle to get to that magical land? Will the two of them meet their three sons? Who is the real leader of this magical land? What do they find in the land that many call a wonderland? There are many secrets and very mysterious events that occurred during those ten years, follow the full story in the book The Genius Leader Of The Magical Country by author Aveesa Huay

Aveesa_Huay · Ficção Científica
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10 Chs

Go To England

"Father, Mother, I'm sorry that all this time I never said anything, and now I have come with news that I have finished my education. All this time I have continued to study and I will see the results first before I tell you both. I have always had grades, and the ability to catch every lesson given by the teacher is better than my other friends. Then the school gave me an offer to take accelerated classes, and I then tried, and as a result I was able to graduate with perfect scores." Edward's words made both his parents very surprised and happy.

"So now I hope Mom and Dad will allow me to continue my studies by receiving the scholarship." Edward asked his parents, who were currently looking at each other. They both seemed unable to bear to be separated from Edward. Especially Emily, who was very worried about Edward's above-average thinking.

"Edward, do you have to leave us like this? There are so many science universities in Wagola. Do you have the heart to leave us, son?" Emily asked with tears in her eyes. She felt unfortunate when she found out that her son would leave her. Felix could not do anything and immediately took Edward's paper and signed it there.

"Honey, we as good parents must support what our son wants. All of that is a form of our sincere love for him. We must believe in Edward because we are his parents, while other people believe in him. Of course, we must be the ones who stand the most. forward to support it." Felix said very wisely. Emily finally also signed the paper and immediately spread her arms, asking for a hug from Edward, who immediately rushed into his mother's arms.

Felix smiled happily. He prayed that his son could achieve his dreams and goals. Eventually, they had to let go of their three sons as the children began to find themselves and their lives.

"Then when will you leave for England?" Mr. Felix asked his son. Edward smiled and he then looked at his parents lovingly. The seventeen-year-old young man was very handsome and loved his parents as well as his two younger brothers, Edrick and Alan Walker.

"I'm leaving next week, Dad, Mom. I'm going alone with the campus who picked me up and when I get there I'll tell you both. You don't have to worry and you don't have to take me. I'll be fine. " Edward said calming his parents who were of course very worried about his son's safety.

"Okay then, tomorrow Dad will sell some livestock so you can use the money for your provisions in your new country. You don't worry about running out of money, if the money we give you runs out, you just have to tell us." Felix actually didn't have the heart to let his young son go to study abroad.

Moreover, Edward is less able to get along and socialize with other people. To be honest, Emily and Felix were still very worried, but Edward immediately reassured his parents that he would be fine.

"Father doesn't need to sell anything. I have a little savings and you can give me a modest allowance. After all, all my needs are covered by the university. For the next month, you don't need to send any money because I will get an allowance of about $12,000 per year." Edward told his parents not to worry about finances.

Felix and Emily are very proud of their son. Edward is indeed very genius although sometimes his reasoning is not like most people's.

"Well, then you prepare everything you will bring and don't leave anything behind. Because you are going to a very far country." Emily reminded Edward again because she thought Edward was still immature.

"Of course, ma'am. I've already prepared everything. Tomorrow I'm going to immigration to get my passport and visa. I'll do my fingerprints and take a photo of myself." Edward smiled at his mother. Meanwhile, Felix is ​​now heading to his room to see how much cash he has to give to Edward. Even though Edward said he didn't need pocket money, as parents Felix and Emily would still provide pocket money for Edward.

One week just passed. Now is the time for Edward to leave his parents' estate in Wagola and will fly to England to continue his studies. He will strive to realize his dreams and become the pride of his parents when he can achieve graduation with very satisfactory results and Edward believes that he can.

"Father, Mother, Edrick, Alan, I'm leaving first. You guys take care of yourselves and I'm sorry if I rarely contact you all later because I have to adapt to a new environment." Edward said while hugging his parents as well as his younger siblings. After saying goodbye he then immediately left the house where he was born to achieve his goals.

The mini van was waiting for Edward and now he immediately put his belongings into the trunk of the car. After everything was in the trunk, Edward hugged his parents and siblings again. He quickly got into the car and had to hurry to the airport because his plane was leaving in an hour.

Currently, Edward's family lives in Wagola which is part of the Danish island of Greenland. If Edward was going to England it would take him an hour or so, but getting to his campus would of course take longer.

"Edward! Take good care of yourself!"

"Brother, we will miss you very much!"

All those words rang in Edward's ears and now he could only smile while waving his hand as a sign of farewell. Edward actually felt very sad, but he was determined to become a successful person because he wanted to investigate something. He found a piece of information that really challenged him to investigate. He will become a scientist so that he can realize what he wants.