

In a world besieged by monstrous invaders from interdimensional gates, ordinary becomes extraordinary. Meet Evan, an unassuming boy who stumbles upon a hidden power—the ability to synchronize with time itself. As chaos unfolds, Evan must harness his newfound gift to protect his realm. But the gates hold secrets, and every choice ripples across past, present, and future

MEWCHAN19 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

Gates of Vengeance

In the heart of the city, where ancient cobblestones whispered secrets and bustling markets hummed with life, a palpable tension hung in the air. Every passerby bore a burden—the weight of uncertainty, the fear of what lay beyond the next corner.

"Have you heard what happened?" The woman leaned against a crumbling wall, her gown trailing like midnight silk. Her eyes held a mix of beauty and worry, as if she'd glimpsed the edge of a precipice. "The devastation… it's relentless. How long can we endure?"

Beside her stood a man, his face etched with lines from years of struggle. He nodded grimly. "We're not safe anymore," he murmured. "The gates keep opening, spewing forth horrors beyond our comprehension. Our world teeters on the brink."

Before them loomed a weathered stone statue—a forgotten deity, perhaps. The woman clasped her hands, her plea rising like incense. "Oh, Lord, grant us strength. Protect our loved ones."

"Speaking of loved ones," the man's voice trembled, "have you seen Evan? Our boy, turning eighteen next month. If he awakens his powers, they'll come for him—the force that claims all gifted ones."

"The force…" The woman's eyes blazed. "I won't let them take my son. Remember Mrs. Kaziel's boy? Three months in their ranks, and he was lost. Evan's just an average boy. I pray he remains that way."

And beyond the city walls, in the vast expanse of an open field,

The boy, Evan, gazed into the distance. His eyes held determination, etched lines of resolve on his youthful face. "Have you thought about what you want to do?" he asked the young girl beside him, her gaze unwavering.

"I want to join the forces," Evan confessed. "But my mother… she won't agree. No mother willingly sends her child into the jaws of danger."

The girl nodded. "Aunt won't be pleased," she said. "But it's universal, isn't it? Mothers shield their children from harm, even when the world crumbles."

"What about you?" Evan turned to her. "What are your plans?"

The boy grinned. "We're both joining the forces," he declared. "Did you get permission from your sister?

Sister May, with her stern demeanor and unyielding rules, often appeared as impenetrable as the ancient fortress walls. But beneath that facade lay a heart forged in the fires of tragedy. She had witnessed the gates tear open reality, felt the ground tremble as goblins ravaged our village. Her laughter vanished that day, replaced by a steely resolve."We cannot throw our lives away," she declared.

She is standing tall, a guardian for the orphaned, a beacon of hope. Her laughter may have faded, but her unwavering spirit remained. We, the remnants of our shattered world, would honor her sacrifice by fighting alongside her.

Evan's mind wandered back—five years ago, to the day the gates tore reality asunder. "Yes," he murmured. "The day those evil gates began spawning horrors. Our village was the first to witness their wrath."

His gaze fixed on the dawning sun. "Was it fate?" he wondered aloud. "That day we decided to visit the capital with our parents,the same day the gate opened in our village."

The day our parents were brutally murdered and the world shifted. It was as if reality itself tore open, revealing a death gateway. From that gaping maw spilled goblin-like creature they were vicious, bloodthirsty. They swarmed our once-thriving village, leaving nothing but death and screams.

Our homes, once havens of laughter and dreams, now lay shattered—walls splintered, roofs collapsed. The air reeked of blood, and the ground was a canvas of horror. Bodies, once vibrant with life, now lay still—silent witnesses to the tragedy.

"I WILL KILL THEM FOR SURE," the boy's voice cracked, agony etched into every syllable. His fists clenched, nails digging into his palms. "If it's the last thing I do."

The girl stood beside him, her eyes mirroring his pain. "That's why we'll join the forces," she declared. "To avenge our parents, to reclaim our shattered hopes. We'll fight until the very end."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Evan turned to her. "Well, I am heading home. It's getting dark. Goodbye!" he said.

"Yeah," the girl replied. "We will also head back to the church."

And so, they parted ways, each carrying the weight of their shared purpose—their determination to stand against the darkness that threatened their world.

Evan's Home,

Mother i am back, Evan announced.

[A small house bears the weight of time—rough walls, cracked and moss-covered. Its leaky roof shelters memories, while the uneven floor whispers stories of endurance.]

How's Liam and Elara? ,Dad. Evan's voice trembled as he spoke,"They try to act fine, but deep down, the scars remain".

The death of their parents is a traumatizing moment of their life,

The death of their parents had shattered their world. Thirteen years old, yet burdened with a pain that transcended their youth. And it wasn't just their pain—it was a collective ache that reverberated through every village, every city. The gates had torn open, spewing forth horrors—goblins, demons, nightmares given flesh.

"The worst part," Evan's father whispered, "is that there's no escape. The gates—they're everywhere. No sanctuary remains untouched."

"Evan, come and bring your dad too," echoed his mother's voice from the hallway. "It's time for dinner."

"Yes, mother!" Evan's response was automatic, but his mind wandered. Five years since the gates tore open across countries, altering the fabric of reality. Magic—their only weapon against the encroaching darkness—had been amplified by the gates. Evan's eighteenth birthday loomed, and with it, the magic awakening ceremony. What awaited him beyond that threshold? A tapestry of possibilities, woven with dreams and uncertainty, stretched out before him as the moon climbed higher.

As the moon climbed, Evan lay down, eyes fixed on the stars. Dreams swirled—a tapestry of possibilities. What awaited him beyond the threshold of magic?