

In a world besieged by monstrous invaders from interdimensional gates, ordinary becomes extraordinary. Meet Evan, an unassuming boy who stumbles upon a hidden power—the ability to synchronize with time itself. As chaos unfolds, Evan must harness his newfound gift to protect his realm. But the gates hold secrets, and every choice ripples across past, present, and future

MEWCHAN19 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

“The Flame Within”

"There it stands, the divination temple," Dad said, his voice filled with reverence as they paused before the gates.

Towering above them, the dome gleamed, its ancient silver stones catching the sunlight in a radiant display. No other edifice in the vicinity could rival its splendor. The air around them seemed charged with a divine presence, each breath they took seeming to cleanse their very beings. Crowning the dome, a cross reached towards the heavens, a sacred emblem of the nation's faith. Within its curved walls, the temple was sectioned into four levels, each floor dedicated to a unique aspect of the mystical practices held within. It was a sanctuary where the tangible and the ethereal converged, a place sanctified for the awakening and honing of one's inner magic.

Elena's eyes widened in awe at the sight of the temple. "Wow, it's so beautiful," she breathed out, captivated by its splendor.

Liam nodded in agreement, his gaze fixed on the structure. "It's the most incredible architecture I've ever seen," he said, his voice filled with admiration.

Evan, too, was taken by the perfection of the building, his eyes tracing the contours of the ancient stones.

A woman in a black robe, the fabric marking her religious station, approached them at the gate. "Do you have business here?" she asked, her tone polite yet firm.

"Yes, sister. These children wish to awaken their powers. Could you assist us?" Dad asked, his voice respectful.

"Of course, please come inside. I'm Maria, a junior nurse serving the sisters and the pope here," Maria replied, her smile warm and welcoming.

Liam couldn't help but think to himself how beautiful she was.

As they stepped inside the temple, they were immediately struck by the Hall of Echoes. Every sound seemed to resonate with the temple's energy, and the floor, a mosaic of lapis lazuli and quartz, led them on a spiritual path.

"Please wait here," Maria instructed before heading to the reception.

Surrounding them were statues of the Goddess of Creation, Kyrion, revered by all beings as the mother from whom all creation and divine magic flowed. She was the singular force both feared and respected by monsters and humans alike.

A new voice joined the conversation. Sister Elyndra, an older woman with a joyful expression, confirmed their thoughts. "Indeed, the Goddess Kyrion is worshipped by all, and it's here in the divination temple that the gates do not open."

Evan pondered to himself, considering the implications of the gates' aversion to divine power.

Sister Elyndra, who had been raised within these sacred walls, invited them to the Chamber of Spirits to awaken their powers.

Climbing the stairs to the second floor, they entered a grand hall adorned with depictions of goddesses. At its center, a fountain with sparkling water beckoned them closer.

"I'm so excited," Liam exclaimed, his voice echoing slightly in the vast space.

Evan's attention, however, was drawn to a statue in the corner, distinct from the others. It was a male figure, carved from an unknown stone that shimmered subtly.

"What are you looking at, young man?" Sister Maria asked, noticing his interest.

"This statue is different," Evan pointed out, intrigued by the male figure's smiling visage.

"That is the statue of the God of Destruction," Maria explained, her voice dropping to a colder tone.

Evan's curiosity peaked. "What? There's another god?" he asked, surprised by this revelation.

Maria shared the tale with a sparkle in her eyes, "Long ago, a mighty god wreaked havoc on the world, sowing seeds of chaos and destruction. But a benevolent goddess rose to challenge him. Their epic battle ended with the goddess victorious, ensuring humanity's safety."

Evan pondered, "If he was so malevolent, why do we honor him with a statue in our home?"

Sister Elyndra's voice broke through his thoughts, "We begin the awakening. You,step forth."

In the hushed cloisters of the ancient convent, Sister Maria prepared the sacred space with reverent hands. The stone floor, worn smooth by centuries of prayerful steps, was now adorned with a circle of white candles, their flames flickering like tiny stars in the dim light.

At the center of the circle stood a basin of water, clear and still, blessed by the elder nuns and infused with petals from the midnight bloom—a rare flower that blossomed only under the light of a full moon.

It was said that its petals could awaken the dormant powers within a chosen soul. Elena, a young novice with eyes as deep as the ocean, stepped forward. Her heart beat with a mixture of fear and anticipation.Sister Elyndra began the ritual with a chant, her voice a soft melody that seemed to weave through the very walls of the convent. As she chanted, she anointed Elena's forehead with the water, tracing the ancient symbol of awakening—a spiral, representing the journey from darkness to light.

"O Kind Godesses, pure and life-giving, awaken the power that slumbers within," Sister Elyndra intoned, her words echoing in the hallowed space. Elena closed her eyes, feeling the cool touch of the water seep into her skin, a gentle warmth spreading through her veins.

The air around her hummed with energy, and the candles burned brighter, their flames reaching upwards as if in salute. And then, it happened. A soft glow emanated from Elena, growing in intensity until it filled the room with a light as clear as day. The water in the basin rippled and danced, and the midnight bloom petals stirred, swirling in an unseen current. When the light faded, Elena opened her eyes, and they shone with newfound power. Sister Elyndra smiled, her heart full of joy and wonder.

"The ritual is complete," she declared. "Elena, you have awakened. Go forth and use your gifts for the greater good, for you are now a beacon of hope in a world that yearns for light." And so, Elena stepped out of the circle, her spirit alight with the powers bestowed upon her by the sacred waters, ready to embrace her destiny.

"Channel your energy into this stone, and reveal the gift of the goddess," Maria instructed, placing a stone before Elena.

Puzzled, Elena inquired, "How do I do that?"

"For your first attempt, clasp your hands, close your eyes, envision the goddess, and trust in your inner magic," guided Elyndra.

Elena did as told, and to everyone's amazement, the stone ignited with a fierce, warm blaze.

"Wow!" exclaimed Liam.

Elena, wide-eyed, realized, "So this is my ability."

"Indeed, flames," Elyndra confirmed with a grin.

"Fire is a potent magic, Elena. You wield it well," Maria affirmed proudly.

Evan mused over Elena's fiery talent and offered his congratulations.