

In a world besieged by monstrous invaders from interdimensional gates, ordinary becomes extraordinary. Meet Evan, an unassuming boy who stumbles upon a hidden power—the ability to synchronize with time itself. As chaos unfolds, Evan must harness his newfound gift to protect his realm. But the gates hold secrets, and every choice ripples across past, present, and future

MEWCHAN19 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

“Dawn of the Destined: The Awakening Prelude”

"Evan, my son, it's time to rise," mother, her voice echoing up the staircase. "Liam and Elara are already waiting for you."

From his bed, Evan heard Elara's exasperated shout. "By the heavens, Evan, you're still nestled in dreams! Must you always delay us?"

Liam, with a mischievous grin spreading across his face, announced, "Stand aside, I'll handle this." With a swift leap, he aimed a playful kick at Evan's back. But Evan, ever the trickster, rolled away just in time, sending Liam tumbling onto the bed instead.

"Ouch!" Liam yelped, his face meeting the wall with an unintended thud.

"Those old tricks won't work on me, you moss-head," Evan chuckled, his laughter filling the room.

Elara, hands on her hips, couldn't help but smile. "Well, at least you're awake. Now hurry and dress; we're already behind schedule for our daily training."

Downstairs, their mother suggested, "Liam, Elara, why don't you two start on breakfast while Evan prepares?"

"Sure! Thank you," they chorused, their spirits lifted by the promise of a hearty meal.

"And what of my breakfast?" Evan inquired, peeking into the kitchen.

"First, you get ready, then you can eat," his mother replied with a gentle firmness. Evan nodded, asking after his father.

"He's already left for work. There's a surge in demand for milk in the nearby town, so he had to set out early," she explained.

Moments later, the trio was ready to depart. "We're off now!" they called out in unison.

They arrived at an open field, the morning sun casting long shadows on the grass. Liam, stretching his arms, turned to Evan. "What's on today's regimen?"

Evan stood tall, a determined glint in his eye. "We begin with a hundred push-ups."


Elara, glistening with effort, protested, "Why this daily ordeal?"

Liam, catching his breath, explained, "It fortifies us for battle. Magic alone won't suffice, especially since our powers lie dormant."

Evan, reaching 100, affirmed, "Our bodies are our true arsenal."

"Now, for 100 sit-ups," Evan announced.

Elara groaned, "Oh, why sit-ups?"

The count resumed. "1, 2, 3… 100."


"Five years of this rigorous training, yet it never gets easier," Liam remarked, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Evan nodded in agreement, his mind drifting to a memory from their past, punctuated by a deep, resonant 


dhum dhum.

"Elena, did you hear that?" Liam's voice was tense, alert.

Elena paused, her ears straining against the silence. "It's an odd sound… Could it be goblins lurking nearby?"

Liam shook his head, his gaze scanning the horizon. "No, the scouts reported no goblin activity. Besides, why would they venture here instead of the village?"

"Let's investigate," Elena urged, her curiosity piqued.

Stealthily, they approached the source of the noise. Through the thicket, they glimpsed Evan, his fists flying furiously against the rough bark of a tree. His hands were swollen, bloodied, a testament to his relentless determination. Tears streaked his face, not of pain or sorrow, but of a fierce hunger for retribution.

"Evan, what are you doing? Look at your hands, they're covered in blood," Elena exclaimed, her voice laced with concern.

Evan, startled by the voices, spun around to see Liam and Elena emerging from the bushes.

"What brings you here?" Evan queried, his tone a mix of surprise and irritation.

Liam, ignoring the question, focused on Evan's bloodied hands. "What have you done to yourself? Why this self-destruction?" he implored.

The pain in Evan's eyes was palpable as he recounted the tragedy. "The goblins… they slaughtered our livestock. And Pochi… I found him… in pieces. He must have tried to fend them off, but…" His voice broke, tears streaming down his face.

A fierce cry tore from his throat, "I'll avenge them all, I will kill them all"

Liam stepped forward, determination etching his features. "Train me, Evan. They took our parents from us. I want to join you in eradicating those monsters i will exterminate them from the surface of this planet.

Evan, looking into Liam's eyes, saw a reflection of his own resolve. They stood together, united by loss and fueled by a shared purpose—to train, to fight, and to reclaim their peace from the shadows that had taken so much from them.


The trio, their breaths steady from the run, readied themselves for the next phase of their training. Evan's voice carried a note of command as he declared the end of their warm-up and the beginning of hand-to-hand combat.

Elena's excitement was palpable, her voice tinged with anticipation. "Only three days left until our awakening. I can hardly wait."

Liam's response was measured, a mix of hope and curiosity. "Indeed, let's see what destiny has in store for us."

Elena couldn't resist a playful jab at Evan. "I wager you'll be granted some perilously potent power," she teased with a laugh.

Evan's reply was resolute, his determination clear. "If such power comes to me, it will mark the first step in closing those accursed gates and vanquishing the monsters that lurk beyond."

Their banter faded into the background as they squared off, each movement a dance of potential and power, their eyes fixed on the horizon of their fates, just days away from unfolding.


Okay kids i will take you to the "Divination Temple" for your awakening but "Remember these instructions well," he began, his gaze sweeping over the young trio. "Bow your heads in respect, avoid direct eye contact with the royals and priests, and do not, under any circumstances, engage in argument. Disobedience carries the gravest of consequences, particularly for you, Evan." dad said with a serious tone.

The journey to the Divination Temple was one of silent reverence and unspoken anticipation. The instructions were clear: humility and obedience were paramount in the presence of the royals and priests. The penalty for defiance was as severe as it was final.

Evan's response, though flippant, betrayed no real interest in the pomp and circumstance of the capital's elite. "Fine, fine. It's not as if I hold any regard for those pigs," he muttered under his breath.

Elena's enthusiasm, however, cut through the tension. "Yes, let's set forth for the capital!" she exclaimed, her voice a bright note against the gravity of their mentor's warnings.

Their path was set, leading them to a place where destiny awaited, where powers would be awakened, and where their true journey would begin.