

In a world besieged by monstrous invaders from interdimensional gates, ordinary becomes extraordinary. Meet Evan, an unassuming boy who stumbles upon a hidden power—the ability to synchronize with time itself. As chaos unfolds, Evan must harness his newfound gift to protect his realm. But the gates hold secrets, and every choice ripples across past, present, and future

MEWCHAN19 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
4 Chs

"Whispers and Wonders of the Capital"

Elena looked around and noticed more guards than usual at the edge of the village. "What's going on with the guards?" she asked. dad looked around nervously and said, "The gates where monsters come out are popping up more, and nobody knows where the next one will show up."

Evan, his friends, and his dad were riding in a cart through the village. They saw people working, but the streets were mostly empty. "It's so quiet here," Evan said, looking around.

Liam nodded and added, "With the monsters attacking, it makes sense that there aren't many people out. They're probably staying close to the guards for safety."

Elena's voice trembled with concern as she observed the unusual surge of guards along the village's perimeter. "Why the increased security?" she inquired. Her father, his brow furrowed with worry, replied, "The gates have become unpredictable, spawning more frequently. No one can foresee where the next one will emerge within our lands."

As Evan and his companions journeyed on a bullock cart, commandeered by Evan's father, they took in the village's daily hustle. Yet, despite the presence of villagers, the streets lay barren. "It's eerily quiet," Evan remarked, a hint of unease in his voice.

Liam chimed in, his tone laced with resignation, "With the monster attacks whittling down our numbers, it's only natural for folks to seek refuge in guarded enclaves, away from the open streets."

Their conversation was abruptly halted by a stern command. "Halt! Identify yourselves!" The voice belonged to a knight, one of many guarding the massive gate at the village's exit. Evan's father addressed the soldier with a respectful nod, "We are but humble villagers, on our way to the divination temple."

A knight sneered, his annoyance poorly concealed, "Ah, these young ones are off to awaken their powers." His smirk was a mix of disdain and mockery.

"Your citizen cards, if you please," another guard interjected. With a swift motion, Evan's father presented the cards, and the group was granted passage.

Elena was upset by how rude the guards were. "Why do they have to act like that?" she said angrily. Evan tried to calm her down. "Don't let it bother you. They might be rude, but they're still risking their lives to keep us safe," he said.

"I'm gonna sleep till we get to the temple. It's a long ride, so no waking me up," Liam declared, settling into a comfortable spot.

Evan yawned and stretched out. "I'll grab some sleep too," he said, closing his eyes.

Dad chuckled and nodded. "Go ahead, it's a long trip," he said, his smile brightening the cart.

"I'll keep an eye on you sleepyheads," Elena replied, a playful glint in her eye.

After hours of travel, they finally made it to the capital.

"Are we there?" Liam mumbled, still half-asleep.

"Yes, we're here," Elena teased, "I don't know how you slept through that ride. The road was terrible, and I'm sore all over!" Evan complained, rubbing his neck.

Dad glanced ahead at the city gate. "Looks like a long line. We'll probably have to wait a bit. Let's stay at a motel tonight and head to the temple tomorrow," he suggested.

"Sounds good," they all agreed in unison.

Evan, looks around his kingdom's capital and sees a place filled with magic. To him, it's normal to see people casting spells as they go about their day. But he also sees that not everyone is happy, the nobles and royaltie's, makes all the rules, and treat the regular folks and magical creatures like elves and beastmen poorly, like everyone is their slave and born to obey them.

The city itself is old, with big stone houses that have been there forever. There are lots of inns for people to stay, and shops selling swords and other gear for fighting. Evan often spots guards walking around, talking and keeping an eye on things. They remind him that the rulers are always watching. It's a city of magic, but also a place where many people don't feel free.

Liam scowled as he talked about the nobles. "Even with monsters coming through those gates, they treat us badly. It's just wrong," he said, his face showing his anger.

Evan looked around nervously and whispered, "Keep it down. If someone hears us talking like that, we could get thrown in jail for speaking against them."

Dad broke up the tension. "Alright, boys, you'll share one room, and Elena, you'll have your own," he announced.

Liam wasn't happy. "What? Why does she get her own room? Now I have to bunk with Evan?" he complained loudly.

"Be quiet, Liam!" Evan said, giving him a serious look.

"Let's get some sleep. We need to be up early," Dad reminded them as they headed to their rooms.

They all tried to settle down for the night, but Liam's snoring filled the room.

"What's going on? How can he snore so loudly?" Evan grumbled, looking at his dad who seemed to sleep through anything.

Unable to sleep, Evan got out of bed and went downstairs to the lounge. It was late, and the place was quiet. "Why is there nobody at the reception if it's still open?" he wondered. He decided to get a drink and sat at the bar.

"I'll have some cold milk, please," he told the bartender.

A young lady in a black robe, sitting next to him, spoke up. "It's really late, shouldn't you be in bed?" She was shorter than Evan and had a noticeable scar over her eyebrow.

"My roommate's snoring was too loud, so I came down here," Evan explained. Then he asked her, "What about you? What are you doing here so late?"

The young lady's gaze was sharp as she asked Evan if he was worried about her. "Not really. You seem like a warrior, so I doubt you need anyone to look out for you," Evan replied with a casual shrug.

Curiosity piqued, he inquired about her name. She met his question with another, her eyes locked onto his. "My name? Hmm, that depends. Are you strong?" she asked, her tone serious yet playful.

Evan was taken aback. "What? Why does that matter?" he responded, clearly puzzled by the strange turn in conversation.

The lady's lips curled into a mysterious smile. "I'll share my name if I find you worthy," she declared, leaving a coin on the table before slipping away into the night.

Evan shook his head, bemused. "She sure was odd," he muttered to himself.

The next morning was bright and full of promise.

"Time to head to the divination temple, kids," Dad announced, his voice filled with excitement.

"Yay, finally!" Elena exclaimed, her enthusiasm infectious.

As they made their way to the stairs, Evan's gaze lingered on the spot where he had encountered the enigmatic lady. His mind raced with questions about her identity.

Liam noticed Evan's distant look. "What's on your mind?" he prodded.

Evan snapped back to the present. "Oh, it's nothing. Let's keep going," he said, pushing the thoughts aside as they continued on their journey.