
The Gate I Can't Cross

Lily is the youngest child of the Anore noble household. From a young age Lily knew she was born into the wrong body, a female body. Always looking enviously at her older brother, Alex, and the love the family gave him for fitting in. Lily tried her best to obey her mother and her wishes, be it dresses, smiles, or behavior. It was never enough and the punishments were severe. The only escape came from the black gate that leads to nowhere behind the manor. The perfect place to hide tears, and vent frustrations. It all changed when on Lily's 18th birthday an all too tempting voice came from the Gate. "Let me help you." Shocked, Lily fell back and the air caught in her throat. "How?" A whisper came out, eyes full of desperate need. "Open this gate, and I'll show you." He purred back. ----------------------------------------------------------------- *This is a BL romance: This world contains life-changing magic.* Other Novel: My Little Fly

DarkenedWorlds · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs


I waken sore, drained. I sit up only to feel light headed, and drop back down. My men aren't in the room. I'll have to limit how often they drink from me.

It takes me a while but I manage to drag myself out of bed. I meander to the bath, already filled and warm. The servants on top of their game. I lie in it for too long. Dreading what comes next.

Leaving the bath, drying properly. My silver colored suit with reflective tie is slowly dressed over my body. I take a deep breathe before opening the door to the hall.

A clear shift in tone with the servants. Eyeing me from the side. Cautiously, nervously, bowing in respect. Though the conflict in their eyes, against the compulsion is there.

I can hear arguing on the other side of the dinning room doors. I pull back my shoulders, a familiar numb feeling returning to me. My defense against the aftermath. I regret nothing.

The doors open at my command. The eyes of all turn toward me. Brother, father, my men, Davidson, the servants. The first I notice is the tear stained faces of my family. The guilt pricks my insides. I decide to confront brother first, to beg for forgiveness.

"Take your monsters and get out!" Alex screams at me before I can speak to him. "I don't ever what to see any of you again! If it wasn't for the compulsion we would have the knights after you!"

I flinch, hands twisted at my sides. My breath hitching. Father spoke out.

"I should have burned you along with your mother." A cold, cruel, voice.

I fought back the tears threatening to flow. I breathed in for the last word, but nothing came out. This family was nearly as it was before the gate. The deal with Vlad gave me a glimpse of what could have been in this family. Now reminded that it would never be a real family, I took my leave.

My courage built up enough for a last sentence.

"She deserved it." My anger let out, lashed at them.

I hear the screaming, I don't bother listening to the words. A suppressed superiority, an old soul, pushes its self forward. I could not tell if it was my subconscious, or my past life. Still, I would take any strength I could to survive this.

I made my way to the foyer, the staff watching, waiting. My two 'monsters' following behind me.

"I could still erase this, compel them to make you family again." Vlad offered, clearly agitated at the responses.

"No." I said firmly. "I don't want an illusion, not anymore."

The air around me had changed. A calm collectedness. I focused on our next move.

"Quartz do you know somewhere we could go?" He had more modern knowledge than my cat.

He stayed silent for a moment. He had reached the front doors, on our way to the gate. A black horse was saddled, waiting for us.

"I know a few old castles. I could give the details on our journey, but for today, we should stop at the nearby town."

Quartz walks ahead, patting the horse's nose.

"This is Jasper. He's a bit nippy, but he'll work for you master." He clicks his tongue, Jasper snorts, then hoofs the ground.

I hold out a hand to let Jasper sniff me. He shakes his head, pulling his head back. Quartz pulls his head down by the reins. Jasper takes a long sniff. He flicks his ears back and forth. Snorts again, not impressed. He tries to pull away.

"Worry not master. He will warm up to you."

He pulls him to let me on. I lift myself up, not difficult with my height. I feel Jasper nervous, shifting underneath me. I pat his neck, rubbing it.

"Nice to meet you Jasper." My voice soft, honeyed, friendly.

Jasper perks his ears at me. He relaxes. Quartz lifts his brows surprised, then gives a smile.

"Good boy."

I swear for a moment he said that to me, not the horse.

"What about you two? Are there other horses?" Surely they don't intend to walk.

Vlad let's out a 'pfft'. A classic smirk on his face.

"We don't need horses, we are vampires." He gives a 'duuuuh' as a final addition.

I roll my eyes, turning toward the opened gate. A feel an urge to tease them.

"Too bad. I thought one of you could ride behind me." I slap the reins, causing Jasper to bolt in a run.

I laugh at my dumbfounded vamps left behind. Although, not for long. As I start to enter the woods, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I can't help but grin.

Jasper seems unfazed by the addition. He must be used to his vampire master. The only issue is three can't fit on one horse. Leaving a complaining cat on the road.

"Fuck you knight! I get dibs after town!" He yells out.

I can feel the chuckle coming from Quartz. I grin foolishly, happy to have my men with me. I will never be alone again.

It's not long before we reach town with Jasper's speed. We are given odd looks, recognized I'm sure. Vlad makes us blend in with a mere look of his.

We select a nice enough inn for the night. 'The Silver Lion', I feel a sense of nostalgia looking at it. Odd. It's a simple place, not the place a noble would travel to. Plenty of commoners, older furniture and low class decor. I find it refreshing, a stark contrast to the manor.

"A room please." My knight asks the innkeeper. "As well as breakfast. Do you know a general supply store? We will be traveling for a while."

"Is a double bed fine for the three of you? If not, I can add some extra bedding for the floor."

Quartz looks back at me.

"Two beds are fine." I answer. Vlad perks up at that, hoping to be sharing one with me.

The innkeeper nods, then continues. "There's a store two blocks down from here. Can't miss it. I'll have breakfast prepared in a moment."

We offer our thanks, except Vlad, not a manners person. Taking a seat at one of the window tables. I look outside, feeling all sorts for the trip, from nervous to excited. Quartz starts listed several abandoned castles he knows, once vampire nests.

Vlad doesn't seem bothered by the discussion involving his kin, but curiosity brings him in.

"So, what's a vampire doing among the knights?"

I lock eyes with Quartz, curious as well. Leaning in closer to the table with Vlad. He shrugs at our excitement.

"It's quite simple. I'm old, old enough to join them before the cleansing. Old enough to have earned their trust, loyalty, and respect before they went to war." He pauses a knowing grin on his lips. "Also I'm one of the three founders of the knights."

We gape at him. Vlad exclaims very loudly.

"Your older than fucking dirt!"

As our breakfast arrives, we settle in for a long story, unknowingly my story.

Thanks for reading this so far guys. Woooo!

This chapter is the last of the first volume. It served as an introduction.

This is the first time I’ve had the guts to publish my stories.

I can’t wait to see what you think about the later volumes, and plot.

Enjoy ;)

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