
Taking Requests

It's 2:30 now. After lunch I had my first math, english, and science class of the year. Just like schools for teens that don't have powers, GATE has normal classes too. Although, GATE mainly focuses on powers, and anything related to it.

The end of my first school day was near. Only thirty more minutes until the bell would ring signaling dismissal. I was sitting in back of the class as usual. My friend Shizuo had come over earlier during class since we had free time.

"So Falen, do you plan on taking any requests anytime soon? I heard that they have some really good ones for grabs right now." Shizuo questioned me with a smile on his face. "Yes, I do. Not sure about what kind I want to take, but I'm definitely up for challenges." My tail swished back and forth slowly. Now that Shizuo had mentioned requests to me, I might just go get my first one after the bell. The requests are divided into different skill levels that correspond with your grade. The requests can be really challenging and long, while others are simple. No matter the request, there's always a reward offered. That's one of the ways I make money. It's a lot of work, but I don't mind. I enjoy doing it.

"Hey Falen, the bell is about to ring. Want to come with Keita, Riku and I to look at requests?" Shizuo asked while standing up to put get his things ready to leave. I accepted his offer and stood up too. As I did, the sound of a loud bell could be heard. Despite annoying ringing noise it made, everyone enjoyed the sound of it because it signaled freedom. People immediately stood and pushed through the door. Instead of leaving right away, I stood next to Shizuo, waiting for Riku and Keita to gathering their things and join us. I never really talked to Riku much. Keita and I have talked more though. For awhile, Keita and I were the only demons enrolled in GATE, but this year I think more are starting to go here.

"Hey! Falen!" I turned around to see Riku smiling at me. Keita was right beside him. "What are you doing here? No offense or anything!" Riku asked, smiling again, hoping that I didn't take his question in an offensive way. Keita just stood there expressionless while listening in for an answer. Before I could say something, Shizuo spoke up. "You see, I invited Falen to come with us to the request board. We were just waiting on you two." I nodded, looking back at Riku and Keita. "Are you doing one with us?" Keita's tone was nonchalant as usual. He stared at me without any expression present on his face. I adjusted my bag that was hanging from my shoulder before explaining. "No. I planned on doing one on my own. No offense to you guys though."

"Well then..let's get going now." Shizuo said while walking to the door. He opened it, holding it for Riku, Keita and I. After we all exited the room, we headed to the library where all the requests were. Once we finally arrived at the library, I walked ahead of the three. You see, Shizuo is pretty popular. He has a lot of charisma, so people generally enjoy talking to him. A small group of girls had walked up to him. I didn't want to socialize.

I stood in front of the board. Shizuo and his friends could catch up later. Despite only one day of school being held, many fliers were already up. I began looking over all of them, trying to find one that caught my eye. Shizuo had finally made it over to the board. Riku and Keita followed. I was staring down at two requests, trying to make a decision on which one I wanted to take. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Shizuo, Riku and Keita examining requests like I was. "Find one yet?" Shizuo asked as he was looking down. His hazel haze was fixated on a flier while he read. Keita and Riku didn't respond, so I assumed the question was directed towards me. I held up one of the two fliers to Shizuo without saying a word. He reached over and took it. As he read it I put the other one away. I looked back at him just as he finished reading the request I chose.

"You're..going to the mountains to locate some very valuable items?" His eyes met my red gaze before averting back to the paper. "Falen, you did read this fine print at the bottom that mentions how an ancient demonic dragon is protecting it, right?" He handed the request to Keita who had been holding his hand out waiting to read it for himself. "Yeah, I read that. I think it will be fun." I swished my tail back and forth while smiling at Shizuo. "It does sound fun, but are you sure you want to go alone? I mean, I don't doubt your power or anything, but what if something happens?" Shizuo questioned me. He had a point. Something could always go wrong, but I have a tendency to be independent with this kind of stuff. I was determined that I would do this on my own. " I'll be fine, Shizuo. Besides, I'm more into doing requests on my own." I nodded with a smile. Keita held out the request flier to me. He had finished reading it. I took it back, nodding as a way of saying thanks. I noticed that Keita had a flier of his own in hand. I'm guessing that it would be the request Shizuo, him, and Riku would be doing. "More information on the dragon would have been useful." Keita muttered to me as we all left the library to go down to the office that was right next door. That is where students take the request they want. The lady there then puts it into the system and works out smaller details such as transportation.

The front office was quiet. A few teachers were conversing with the lady at the desk, so I decided to sit and wait along with the others. The teachers left so I stood up, walking over to the desk.

"Hello. What do you need?" The blonde adult asked with a polite smile. I handed her the flier. She took it and smiled again. "Ah, a request! The earlier the better!" She read it over and rolled her chair over to her computer. "Alright miss, what is your name?" She put her glasses on and looked up at me. "Falen Asami." I said casually. She typed it in and handed the flier back to me. She resumed her work for a minute or two and then rolled her office chair to her printer. She handed me a little slip of paper before speaking. "You are aware that this request takes at least a week? All school work you miss will be sent to your dorm and expected to be completed when you return."

"Yes, I'm very aware, and I am also okay with that." I looked at what she had handed me and noticed it was a train ticket. I turned to Shizuo and his friends to excuse myself. I wanted to go to my dorm since the train leaves tomorrow. They wished me luck as I left the office and walked in the direction of the girls dormitory.

My combat boots were the only thing I could hear as I walked on the sidewalk to my dorm. Not even birds could be heard chirping. I guess most people were spending the rest of their day inside due to the hot weather. I stopped walking since I could sense someone coming closer to me from behind. It wasn't just any person either. It was Opal. I could smell her scent, as well as hear her walking fast to catch up. "Falen! Wait up!" I turned as she called me. After several seconds she caught up and slowed down. "What are you up to? I was hanging out with Shizuo and he said you went this way." She brushed her brown bangs back in place and smiled. I returned the smile before explaining. "I was actually just with Shizuo awhile ago at the request board." As I spoke I pulled out the flier from my bag. "I'm heading to my dorm to pack for tomorrow. See?" I handed her the flier and she read it. "You're going without me, Falen?! Lame." She folded up the flier and gave it back. I laughed and motioned for her to follow. I resumed the trip to my dorm, but with Opal along my side now.

We were now inside my dorm. I rummaged through my small closet until I could find a decent sized bag that I could use to pack. I chose a backpack over a suit case. I placed the back pack on my bed, opening it before going back to my closet to get an outfit or two. Instead of helping, Opal had gone to the kitchen. She was more focused on the snacks in my mini fridge. As I continued to pack on my own, I noticed Opal was on the phone. A few minutes later she hung up and finally spoke. "I invited Iris over to come hang with us." I looked up from what I was getting and chuckled. "You mean hang out with you. I'm busy. I have no time for snacks and TV at the moment." Opal was holding a bag of gummy bears. She stared at me before picking one out of the bag and throwing it at my head. I felt it bounce off of my head and to the floor. "Hurry up." She said as she continued to eat. Not too long after, I heard a knock on my door. Knowing it was Iris, I let Opal get it. She welcomed Iris in, explained why I was packing, and then lead Iris to the kitchen. "I need to buy more snacks.." I muttered to myself as I finished stuffing everything I needed into the bag. I then joined Opal and Iris on my couch. They were watching some movie, and to my surprise they had actually stopped raiding my kitchen.


I woke up in my bed to my phone vibrating against the wooden table I was charging it on. It stopped as I sat up. I could see rays of sunlight shining through the blinds on my window. My sleepy gaze floated over to the couch to find Opal and Iris passed out on it. "Of course.." I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I had some time before I needed to be at the train station, so I decided to take a shower. I slowly undressed, placing my clothes on the bathroom sink. I turned the shower on and stepped in. After about thirty minutes I had finished. I got out and wrapped a towel around my hair and one around my body. I quietly opened the bathroom door so I wouldn't wake Opal or Iris. The steam from my warm shower flowed out as I did. I got an outfit from my closet and went back to the bathroom to change and do my hair.

Now in the kitchen, I got a breakfast sandwich from my fridge and heated it up. After that cooked in the microwave I sat down on my bed and ate it. As soon As I finished I would catch a bus to the train station. Before I did, I left two blueberry muffins on the table next to the couch for my friends so they could have some breakfast. I left my dorm without a word. My backpack was in hand as I made my way to the bus stop that was in the GATE parking lot. Thirty minutes after my arrival, a bus showed up. I took a seat up front and waited to be dropped off at the train station.

Forty minutes passed as I got off the bus and went into the train station. After several minutes I found the area where I would board the train. I climbed on and found a cozy spot in the back of the train. The train was fancier than most. It had cushioned seats, Televisions hanging from the roof, a big bathroom, and a mini cafe that took up one of the carts. This little village that I am doing the request for is two hours away. I knew for a fact that this was going to be a long ride. As I started to close my eyes so I could nap, someone was touching my tail. My eyes shot open and I looked down to see a little kid. It was a little girl that looked to be about six years old. She looked up from my tail and to my face. "Kitty!" She said as she gave me a grin. Unsure of what to say at first, I just stared down at her. I finally spoke up. "Yes, I'm a..kitty. Now, why don't you go back to your parents or something." Before the little girl could respond, she was pulled away by a lady that resembled her. I assumed it was her mother. "Cindy, we don't talk to strangers. Especially if they're magic." I wasn't really offended by the woman's statement. It wasn't unusual for normal, powerless humans to be weirded out by those who had powers, but now that the little girl was gone I could take my nap. I closed my eyes once again. This time I fell asleep almost instantly, and was not bothered.

A screeching sound could be heard as the train slowed to a stop. The annoying brakes woke me up, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing considering the train had stopped where I needed to get off. I joined the large crowd of travelers who were making their way off the train. After everyone was off, the train door closed and left. I observed the area around me. The train station here was small and secluded. According to the paperwork the lady at GATE had given me, there would be someone here waiting to take me to the village. I looked around for anyone who wasn't a tourist. I finally laid eyes on a woman who looked as if she lived here. I approached her quietly. As soon as she seen me she started asking questions. "Miss! Are you the one from that GATE place that's supposed to be helping out my village??" I held out a hand to greet her. "Yes. I'm Falen Asami. I'm guessing you will be taking me to the village so I can start my search." She took my extended hand and shook it while smiling. "Hello Falen. I'm Aniya. We should get going now. My horse is right over there, so come with me and we will be on our way!" She started dragging me so I had no choice but to follow. "Horse?" I asked while being pulled. "Yes! Horse! That's my village's main way of transport." I nodded as a white horse came into view. It was munching at a bush near the post it was tied to. I watched Aniya climb onto the back of it. She extended her hand, and as I took it she pulled me up as well.

"Well, here we go.." I thought as I watched her untie the horse and command it to go.