
Goodbye Summer Break

I slapped my hand down on the alarm that was placed on the table next to my bed. The buzzing stopped, and I slowly sat up.

"6:00 A.M..."

I scooted to the edge of my large bed, stood up, and stretched a bit. My fluffy black tail swished around as I did. I ended my mini stretching session with a yawn. I walked to the mini fridge I had and opened it up. I then poured myself a small glass of milk. After the drink, I went over to my closet to choose what I was going to wear. After about five minutes of looking through everything, I chose a pair of black ripped jeans, a black top that was all lace in the back, and a pair of knee high, black combat boots. An approving smirk appeared on my face as I looked at my outfit in the full body mirror I owned.

"Now, to the bathroom."I walked into the bathroom and brushed my long, layered, thick brown hair. After brushing my hair I took out a bottle of Moroccan argan oil from the cabinet. I put a bit in my hair and then in my fluffy tail. Afterwards, I brushed both my hair and tail. As I put everything away, I checked my clock to see that it was almost time for me to go. I grabbed my phone and exited my dorm, heading to the cafeteria for breakfast.

I was on my way to class now. As I walked I nibbled on the egg biscuit I had picked up from the cafeteria several minutes ago. As I walked into the hallway my class was located, I noticed it was pretty empty. I began walking faster, not wanting to be late on my first day.

I finally arrived to the classroom. A white sign was on the large wooden door. It read: 'Professor Cloud'

I've seen him around before. I havent ever really talked to him, but he is one of the well known teachers here. I opened the door to the classroom and walked inside. Many sets of eyes were on me due to the door opening. I wasn't late, but everyone knows how school works. A door opens and everyone's attention turns to it as if it's as fascinating as a herd of purple magic elephants or something of the sort. After several long seconds, some people went back to socializing, and others were just continuing to stare at me.

"Some new faces here.."

As I thought to myself while observing the seated students, I was looking for empty seats near familiar faces.

"Hey!! Falen!! I saved you a spot."

My ears twitched at the shouting that came from the back of the large room. Opal Akiro was calling me over. I have known Opal for a pretty long time now. I met her through her brother, Shizuo Akiro. I walked over to the empty desk Opal had reserved for me. As I sat down, I saw that some other desks around us were empty. I looked at Opal, cocking my head to the side a bit as I asked her a question.

"Where's everyone else? Are those empty desks reserved for them?"

She smiled at me, her brown bangs fell, slightly covering her emerald green eyes. She brushed them out of the way as she looked back at me to answer my question.

"Shizuo said he would be here eventually with Riku and Keita, but I don't know why Iris, Kane, and Mizu are not here at the moment."

I nodded while glancing at the clock on the wall in the front of the room. "Well, class is going to start soon.. I hope they don't run too late." I replied calmly, my arms crossed as I leaned back in the chair. It was as loud as usual on the first day. Everyone was catching up with friends, and meeting new people.

A few minutes later I could see Shizuo, Keita, and Riku enter the classroom. I'm pretty sure I also saw Iris, Kane, and Mizu behind them. I had my earplugs in, listening to some Korn while waiting for the bell. The music blocked out my surroundings, so I wasn't really paying attention to anything.

A loud bell suddenly rang and the classroom was now silent. A grown male walked inside the room. His blank expression didn't change. He just stared at the classroom full of students until he got to his desk. After pulling out his chair and sitting down, he spoke. "Hello class. My name is Professor Cloud if you didn't know already. To those of you who are just starting your first year at GATE, welcome. After I call role we will be doing an activity that will help you get to know each other a little more.." His serious expression was still present and he began going down the list of students' names.

After finishing roll, he stood up. "Before we do this exercise I would like to inform you newbies about what you will be learning this year. Your skills will be tested, and you will be training them with others in this class. You will learn the history of our world, and you will learn about other realms as well. I'll give you tips pertaining to your powers, and you will listen. I'll teach you about other species and powers as well. Please, be respectful to others because I won't tolerate your petty teenage drama.."

He finished his mini lecture, and then began explaining the little activity for today. "Okay, so I'm going to randomly call names from the roll and when your name is called stand up, say your name, power, and yeah..I don't really care what you say after that. Just don't talk too long because many people here including myself do not want to hear your life story." He looked down at the role and called the first name."okay..let's start out with someone new. Mimi Ryelocks."

A thin, pale girl stood up. She had brown eyes and bright green hair. She swallowed and started her introduction. "So, My name is Mimi Ryelocks. I'm new here and I'm looking to learn more about my power. My power is that I can control my hair. Make it longer, shorter, and I use it to fight."She continued talking for a few more minutes. Professor Cloud lifted his hand, signaling her to finish and go sit. She sighed and sat down. Fifteen minutes have passed and there have been many interesting people that spoke. There was a guy named Jakob, a girl named June, and some weird kid with taco powers. Yeah, taco powers. "Shizuo Akiro." Professor said next. I looked up, watching Shizuo stand. I have known Shizuo for quite some time now.

"Hello. My name is Shizuo Akiro, and yes, I am related to the owner of Akiro Inc. I have been at GATE for a long time now. I can shape shift, do some stuff with energy, and I'll let you figure the rest out as the year goes on." A boy in the front of the room raised his hand. "Shizuo. I have an question." Shizuo raised an eyebrow and shrugged his shoulders. "Uh...alright. What's up?" The boy began speaking again. "When is the new aPhone coming out?" Shizuo stared at the kid with a blank expression due to the irrelevant question. "I'm not sure." He answered before flashing a peace sign at the class and sitting down. "Alright, thank you Shizuo. Next up is...Opal Akiro." I looked over at Opal. "Don't embarrass yourself." I said jokingly. She rolled her eyes as she stood up. "I'll try not to, Falen.Thanks for the support." She then faced the class and began speaking.

"Hello guys. So, I'm Opal Akiro. I control Earth and energy. That's all I really want to say to you people so..yeah." She sit down and looked over to me. "Why are we even doing this?" Before I could say something the next name was called. "Mizu Zangetsu." The white haired male stood up without haste. I've known Mizu as long as I have known Shizuo. I remember the first time Mizu and I sparred, I got annoyed and tied him to a tree.

"My name is Mizu Zangetsu. I control water and ice. I have been here for a long time and that is all you need to know." His nonchalant expression didn't change as he sat down. I found myself staring at him. I snapped out of my little daydreaming session to hear Opal speaking to me. "Falen, you sure were staring at Mizu for a long time." A sly grin appeared on her face. My black ears twitched and I simply rolled my eyes. I was going to say something, but instead, I heard my name. "Damn.." I whispered to myself. I stood up and faced the class. All eyes were on me. "So, my name is Falen Asami. I can requip a variety of weapons. If you don't know what requipping is, it's a power that allows the user to make any weapon appear out of thin air. I also have enhanced senses along with physical attributes." I was going to sit down, but I stopped when I saw a hand raise. "Yes?" I asked staring at the student with their hand raised. I recognized her from her introduction earlier. Her name was June I think. She lowered her hand and spoke. "Why are you wearing red eye contacts? Also, where did you get them? I want pink ones." I furrowed my brows a bit, not expecting such a random question. "They're not contacts. It's natural.."She spoke again. June didn't really seemed convinced with my answer. "Really? Well. Why?" "That's none of your business." I said as I sat down in my seat. That took way longer than I wanted it to.

The rest of the students were called overtime. After about half an hour everyone had gone and Professor Cloud looked at the clock on the wall. "Well, now that we're finished we are going to go out to the arena for an activity there." Everyone stood up and made their way out if the classroom and to the arena. I walked with Opal in the back of the crowd. "So, Falen. Who do you think you're going to get to battle?!" My ears twitched as I thought of an answer. "Well, I don't really know how and if we are going to be paired up, but I like not knowing. We're just gonna have to wait and see. The arena was in sight now. The gigantic stone walls of it towered above everyones' head. "Okay. This is the arena. Please go inside and find a seat, and sit together so I don't have to yell so much." Professor Cloud said as he walked inside. The class followed. I watched people take their seats. I spotted some open seats and guided Opal to them. They were in the front row. As we sat down I could hear Professor Cloud's voice from behind us.

"Just socialize right now while I get these papers ready." Opal turned to me and smiled. "Since we can socialize, I'm going to go tell Shizuo something. I'll be right back." I nodded and she left. I was going to just sit quietly and wait for her return peacefully, but that moment was soon ruined when I heard a familiar voice greet me. I turned to see it was Jon Hawk. He had a smirk on his face as he looked at me up and down. "What's up, kitty." Clearly annoyed, I sighed and replied. "What do you need, Jon?" He chuckled and pet my ear. "You, kitty." I stood up, my expression was clearly angry and I stared at him. You see, I don't like Jon. He has been around for almost as long as I have, and ever since day one he has been nothing but a perverted douche. "Chill out, Fal-" He was interrupted by someone else's voice. The voice belonged to Mizu. "Can you just leave her alone, Jon."Behind Mizu I saw Opal. She had a confused facial expression, trying to figure out what she missed. Jon stood up and faced Mizu. "Stay out of this, snowflake." I was getting more annoyed by the second. I tapped Jon's shoulder and he turned around. "Jon, you are getting on my last nerve. Go sit somewhere away from here before I-" He cut me off. "Before you what, Falen? Have you forgotten what I'm capable of?" I glared at hm, not appreciating that he interrupted me. "Are you challenging me?" I was still glaring at him. My red eyes had a slight glow to them as I was still pissed off. "Maybe I am. You and me will spar. Okay?" I nodded and blinked. The glow had diminished and I sat down again.

"Challenge accepted."