
The gangster's Wife

Look no further than me

Liza_Shillar · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Sneak peek

[Here is the chapter I promised. And I am taking this book seriously now. Please vote or place a review on this book if you like it. I promise to work hard on this book as much as possible so please support me.]


She quickly got into the van and fasened her seatbelt before the car zoomed away. She looked at the man next to her and gave a small, mischievous smile. When did things get here? When did she get involved with this guy? She just met him a few months ago and only married him only a few weeks ago and yet, here she was, running away from police cars and being on the list of country's most wanted criminals. This man had changed her a lot in just 5 months and 3 weeks. She was one of the country's best police officers and now she completely devoted her life to being a criminal mastermind who is married to the king of villains himself. She watches as he drove the speeding car around the area as if he had been doing this his whole life and gave a small smirk. He glanced at her while driving and noticed how her eyes were focused on him and not on the job he gave her. "Hurry. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner we arrive at our destination." He calmly said and Lutherene snapped back to the present and grabbed the K47 below her feet. She looked at him again before opening the window and placing the gun against the window sill. "Here we go!" She screeched and started firing at the police cars that were now begining to coner them from the sides. She was surprised at how well she could handle the gun in her hands. She has only been training on how to use guns like these for only 3 days and she was doing a perfect job. Skyler looked saw how good she was with a gun the first day they met but he never thought he would be this good at it. He proudly smirked at her before focusing his eyes back on the road and took a sharp left. The turn was so unexpected, Rene mistakingly fired the gun and shot one of the cops on their right on his head.

Both her's and Sky's eyes widened but he quickly focused his attention back to the road as he accelerated the car. "It's okay Rene, don't worry about that." He said it so calmly, trying to coax her and calm her down a bit. Lutherene was still frozen on the spot against the window sill. She couldn't believe it. She actually killed someone! Not just anyone, the person she shot was one of her partners from the time she used to work as a police officer. The person she liked the most at her last job was actually the one who was going to be her first victim?


[ Hope you enjoyed the sneak peek on one of the future chapters that is going to be part of the book. Don't forget to comment and review if you enjoyed it😉 The official begining of the story will start tomorrow. Support your author as much as you can.

Liza Shillar]