

A/N: This is only a short one-shot. Tell me if the idea is good. And also. Don't vote your power stones yet. I also don't have much experience in writing novels so I'm sorry if this isn't satisfactory(Hope it is).

Disclaimer: I Own Nothing From The Gamer Manhwa. What I Do Own Is My Own Character [Leo Drake].


Chapter 1: Awakening

I once read on the internet that humans could awaken to a special power that they have within them when they're in a tight spot. I just kept scrolling down and didn't pay any more attention to that. But now that I awakened something within me thanks to a "Situation". I'm looking back on that. I just found a ton of bullshit. It didn't really help me with anything. Most of the stuff I read about was related to fictional characters, and I'm clearly not a fictional character.

But I still read it. Usually in comics, if a character had an emotional outbreak they would awaken to something. It can vary from a state to a power. For example, a character could enter a berserk state after witnessing the death of a loved one. Or they could awaken a power hidden within them. It's weird to compare myself to a fictional character, but I think I awakened to a power. It was kind of like a spur of the moment thing. A car went off the road and was about to hit me.

My right hand moved on instinct. I punched the car. And it surprisingly flew back a couple of meters. I didn't check if the driver was alright and just put my hoodie up before I made a sprint to home. I freaked out. I first thought that I had Superhuman Strength, but that wasn't it. Whenever I imagined energy flowing through my hand it would get surrounded in a violet aura. I did a couple of experiments and learned that it wasn't only limited to my right hand. I could strengthen my whole body with this strange aura. It felt awesome. The power rushing through my veins..... The feeling was certainly addicting.

I next moved on to experimenting with other objects. I wanted to see if I could strengthen them. So I picked up a stick from outside and imagined it covered with the same aura. Sadly it didn't work. I then went back into my room and wrote down the abilities of my "Power".

Sis had no idea what I was doing. Oh yes. I also found out that she couldn't see the violet aura. I and sis were orphans. Our parents died when I was 10 and she 7. With the money, they left behind grandma took care of us. It's only the three of us that live in this house.

Back to my power. So far I learned 4 things about it.

[1. I can strengthen my body with a weird violet aura.]

[2. Nobody apart from me can see the violet aura(Questionable).]

[3. Objects apart from my body can't be strengthened.]

[4. My stamina drains when the violet aura coats my body.]

My heart was beating fast. What now? Do I become a superhero...? As tempting as it sounds I don't see any benefits of being one. I would just be bringing trouble to my family if my identity is found out. And it isn't like I want to be one... With the technology now. People could track you down with the tiniest of things. I could be captured by scientists and get experimented on if I am found out so no thanks.

Now that I think about it..... What happened to that car driver? I was so excited and freaked out I didn't bother to check on him.

"Nii-san! Were out of food! Can you run to the grocery store and buy some ingredients?" Mayu's voice wakes me out of my trance. I rub my forehead a little before I reply to her. "Sure. Gimme a minute to dress up!"

Haah. I've been so focused on my "Power" I forgot that tomorrow is Monday. I gotta do my homework later.....


I was walking back home from the grocery shop when a crack appeared in the air. Yes. A crack. I panicked and quickly tried to jump back. But the crack expanded before it pulled me right in. Strangely enough, It was the same scenery that greeted my eyes. No, nevermind that. There were a ton of walking corpses in front of me. And it seemed like I caught their attention...