
The Gamer, Anime Edition

What would have happened if The Gamer happened in the Anime-verse? Shirogane Miyuki, the fortunate young lad, found his life turned into a video game. His whole reality turned into a quest for power, ladies, and grinding. Yeah, what kind of fool would refuse that kind of life? Not Miyuki, for damn sure! ... This is a crossover anime but with The Gamer as the power system and background. I got this inspiration from The Gamer, CHYOA Edition. If you don’t get it, it’s The Gamer from the porn site, not the webtoon. You will find it on Google if you’re curious and want the details.

Fourth_Reich · Anime e quadrinhos
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7 Chs

Power of King

Shirogane Miyuki POV

"Where have you been, brother? Why didn't I find you in the school?" When I arrived in the living room, I was bombarded with the question by my sister. My father glanced in our direction, then turned his back once again to the newspaper in his hand while he sipped the black coffee at the same time.


He seems to enjoy a lot of our drama as I turned my focus to my sister.

"I don't know what you mean. I was just going home like usual. Is there something wrong, Kei?" I asked and feigned ignorance when I questioned her.

I know she probably knows something about what happened on the road, but I can't say it bluntly, right? I'm not sure where my stance was, why I was a weak human and kept ignorant about the true state of this world.

I wanted the damn answer, and I know I will not get it from them. If they wanted to answer me, they would have answered me long ago. If I pierced through their secret now, it would be harder for me to explore them in the future if they become vigilant about the fact I know their secret.

The world is simply not black and white. If I demanded their honesty, I guess they will not answer. Instead, it would make it harder to even get to them at the same time. That's why I feigned ignorance.

"Nothing is wrong. I'm glad you didn't play around after school." Kei snorted tsunderely.


What else could I say?

I shrugged and went straight to my bedroom, taking a shower and studying with sheer determination on my face.

Just like any good student should be, I wanted to get good grades and be mad smart, unlike most of the webnovel MCs I've seen lately who are not very smart in the brain department. I don't want to become like them and am determined to grind myself to the top grades.


Shinomiya Kaguya POV

In the driver's seat, Hayasaka Ai stepped on the brake as we had already arrived at our destination, Shinomiya Villa. She calmly opened the car door and escorted me to the chamber of my private villa.

When the privacy between us was secured, Hayasaka finally spoke her doubt.

"Why did you allow the man into our car, Miss?"

"You have already seen it, Hayasaka. It would be dangerous for him to roam around the street alone. The witch cult has already shown their fangs and attacked Tokyo. He is the Council President, after all. I don't want him to become the White Whale's victim."

The latest information reveals that the Witch Cult has unleashed the White Whale in Japan, wreaking havoc and significantly weakening our forces and the nation as a whole.

Most of the guilds and factions in Japan have banded together to take up the crusade against the White Whale, led by the Princess of Japan herself, Hatsune Miku.

The threat posed by the White Whale is so severe that even the Emperor has taken it seriously, sending his own daughter on this mission.

This beast is not only incredibly difficult to kill, but its mist can erase a person's existence from memory and presence, making it a truly insidious enemy.

We are growing weary of the Witch Cult's relentless terrorizing of Japan and aim to use this crusade as a powerful message against them.

This conflict goes beyond mere national borders. The world and the abyss faction are locked in a war, with the witch cult acting as a pawn of the abyss, wreaking havoc across the globe.

To ensure the safety of civilians during the crusade, any passerby disrupting the mission is hypnotized and moved to a safe location before the area is reopened to the public. Our safety was secured thanks to the runes protecting our car, rendering it invisible to others unless we chose to reveal ourselves. This meant that while we couldn't initiate harm, others couldn't harm us either.

Moreover, they set up the barrier in another dimension to prevent citizens from entering the war between guilds and the White Whale, but it doesn't mean they are totally safe as the fog still covers the streets. There are some passersby that still accidentally get involved in the war and disappear and are forgotten because of the mist emitted by the White Whale.

"It's thoughtful of you, Miss." Hayasaka nodded and didn't question me again as she began to close the door of my room.

I sighed in relief that Hayasaka didn't ask too many details about it and slammed myself into the chamber and took a deep breath as I hugged my pillow.

Home sweet home indeed.


Shirogane Miyuki POV

"Good morning, Kaguya." I greeted with thick skin on my face as I greeted the icy lady who turned her gaze to me.

Her colder gaze seemed to soften when she saw me.

I blinked for a moment, then saw nothing had changed.

Probably everything was just my imagination? I don't want to look dense, but I don't want to be narcissistic either, so, I guess I'll take it that her attitude toward me probably softened, but not to the point of liking me totally. Yeah, this answer seems not dense and narcissistic, that's it.

"Good morning, President." She answered me with elegant grace as she sipped the black tea in her hand.

Okay, rather than playing guessing games, let's check her stats and see her affection towards me and how much it has risen, shall we?

Shinomiya Kaguya

Lvl 18 Vice President

<Shinomiya Corporation>

Relationship: 20

I'm not sure if 20 is already good enough or not. Well, whatever, I guess I should focus on the paperwork and see whether there are some students worth recruiting for the student council.

Let's see...

There are some students that attracted my attention, but whether they wanted to be recruited or not is worth questioning. After all, I don't have much worth for them to be willing to do me a favor.

[Quest: Form your own guild! (1/5)]

[Detail: Well, you are weak ass now, you have nothing except your name, but everything can be changed. Why don't you form your own guild and build your own personal connections and forces? We can start with something small, recruit four more members for the Student Council Union. That's your quest for now.]

[Reward: +5000 XP, Conqueror of Haki]

The reward seems cool. The conqueror of haki, the name of conqueror itself is enough to make me thrilled to finish this quest. After flipping back and forth between the personal information of students in Suuchin Academy, I pondered. There are too many that I wanted to recruit, but the limited number that I could add made me pause and focus on the four members that I think could be worth it.

Ravel Phenex, Fujiwara Chika, Sakayanagi Arisu. Well, for the last, I'll just pick this Ishigami Yu. I don't want to be accused of building a harem by adding all females to the union. Moreover, the guy still sounds decent. What makes me intrigued is that he is unpopular among women and totally a loner, so I am confident that the guy will not harass the female members of the student council.

For his backstory of violence and stalking the girlfriends of others? I didn't believe the guy was the one, based on my observation so far. I more believe what I saw than what I've heard. Even if it's against the majority, so be it. I never believe in the crowd anyway. They have always been sheep rather than wolves. They easily believe what they perceive as prejudice rather than fact. That's what I have learned about normies so far.

That's why I hate socializing or mingling with the crowd and prefer drowning myself in the ocean of books, study, and work rather than useless social interactions.

Then I set my focus on Fujiwara Chika. The very reason I wanted to recruit her is to strengthen the image of the Student Council Union. As the former Prime Minister's daughter of Japan, her deterrent is strong enough to make students respect the council and not mess with us. Moreover, I included Sakayanagi Arisu because she is the Principal's daughter. It would be easier for me to access more information about the school from her.

For Ravel Phenex? My gut tells me that she has a connection with the other side of the world. Her background in the student profile was rather vague, which strengthens my idea that she does.

However, since Kaguya is the vice president, I should value her opinion too and asked, "What do you think about the candidate recruitment that I found for the Council Student Union, Kaguya?"

"Let's see then." Shinomiya Kaguya picked the candidate list written by me and said, "I see, you wanted to appoint Fujiwara Chika as Secretary, while Ishigami Yu as Treasurer, Ravel Phenex as Auditor, and Arisu Sakayanagi to manage the General Affairs. Fair enough, but allow me to correct Ishigami Yu and Ravel Phenex's roles. Ishigami should be Auditor and Ravel Phenex should be Treasurer. Her talent is better used in the Treasurer role. How about that, President?"

"So, you don't have any objection to my appointments?" I asked in disbelief. I thought she would object and want to choose someone she had in mind.

"No, you are the President after all. I believe in your judgment." Kaguya replied softly.

[Congratulations, Player, you have finished the part 1 of Miss Kaguya wanting to confess.]

[Reward: +3000 XP, Power of King (Geass)]

[You have leveled up.]

[You have leveled up.]

Achievement Unlocked: Glorious Comeback!

You get Shinomiya Kaguya's trust and now, she doesn't seek to threaten your position as Council President ever again and is willing to assist you fully. Truly a gorgeous comeback, you glorious mongrel!

Rewards: Ring of Lamentation (1)

With that, I began to check my stats and, fuck, it's going to be awesome.

Name: Shirogane Miyuki

Race: Human

Alignment: Lawful Good

Profession: The Gamer, Council President

Guild: None

Skill: Gamer Mind (10), Gamer Body (Max), Power of King (Geass) (1)


EXP: 0/3000

HP: 1000/1000

MP: 2300/2300

Personal Attribute:

Strength: 9

Agility: 11

Constitution: 10

Spirit: 23

Charisma: 13

Stat Point: 10

Then I began to check my skill and equipment details.

Power of King (Geass): You can make any individual obey your every whim with a single command. For one individual, it is only for one use, so use it wisely, Player!

Ring of Lamentation

+12 Spirit +5 Charisma

Okay, the Ring of Lamentation seems great, and I put it on my finger without hesitation after seeing the effect.

After that, I allocated my three points to Spirit, three points to Constitution, and three points to Strength, while one point went to Charisma.

Name: Shirogane Miyuki

Race: Human

Alignment: Lawful Good

Profession: The Gamer, Council President

Guild: None

Skill: Gamer Mind (10), Gamer Body (Max), Power of King (Geass) (1)


EXP: 0/3000

HP: 1300/1300

MP: 3800/3800

Personal Attribute:

Strength: 12

Agility: 11

Constitution: 13

Spirit: 38

Charisma: 19

Stat Point: 0

"President... Are you fine? You seem preoccupied with something." Kaguya saw me dozing off then reminded me.

"Nothing, I just never felt as great as I do now, Kaguya. Thanks to your encouragement, I believe we will lead the Student Council Union to greatness again." I said passionately as I was very excited with many power-ups I got in a single mission.

"Oh... Okay..." She then turned her attention to sipping her black tea. It seems my passionate words didn't resonate with her.

Well, whatever. The rewards of the game were so great that I was so excited and wanted to test this power of King, but I don't know who to test it on as I don't have a single enemy in my life and my integrity and morals prevent me from testing it on a stranger.


Let's see whether I encounter some random thugs in an alley.

With that set in mind, I will visit the alley in the future to test my power. Since they are criminals, they have no human rights in the first place, so I have no guilt in testing it on them.

That's it.