
The game world

Mike buys a brand new game about superpowers, in the midst of playing he gets sucked into his PC and now he has to beat the game from the beginning…

Qais_Y · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Episode 5-Secrets Of The Tomb (3)

Josh And Mike fall into the chest.

Ow that hurt.

Well it's not my fault you opened the chest!

Well you should have told me earlier!

You know what Mike, let's just keep walking.


Are you kidding me.

What's wrong now Mike?!

Can't you see the sand goblins?



Well good job Mike.

You too Josh 

You Have Gained 100 XP.

You Have Gained 100 XP.

Would You Like To Make A Duo?

Yes Mike says.

Okay Josh says.

You Have Went Up In The Ranks!


So I guess forming a duo takes both of our XP And jumbles it together.

Let me give you an example Mike.

So if someone would kill these goblins by themselves the would go up two ranks so if you form a team You will have the same rank.

Oh okay I get it, Thanks!