
The game world

Mike buys a brand new game about superpowers, in the midst of playing he gets sucked into his PC and now he has to beat the game from the beginning…

Qais_Y · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Episode 3 The Interrogation (4)

Because ever since we were kids, he had all the attention,

but I just hated that. 

But still that's no reason to poison someone!

Arrest him now!

Suddenly the scientist ran out of the room with following him.

Oh don't you dare run out of the house!

Lord Samuel catch him!

Lord Samuel caught the scientist.

But how did you know?

Because everyone tries to make a stunt went they are about to get arrested.

Here let me give a few examples.

Firstly, blame it on someone else.

Secondly, running away.

Thirdly, grabbing something near you and threatening the policeman.

I knew it was the second one because a scientist like you would know better for the third, and we already caught you so the first wouldn't have worked.

So either way you will still get caught.

Now Lord Samuel the lll I will be taking my leave.