
The game world

Mike buys a brand new game about superpowers, in the midst of playing he gets sucked into his PC and now he has to beat the game from the beginning…

Qais_Y · Jogos
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Episode 2-Death in Manchester (1)

Huff Huff Okay now that I have completed the first quest I can finally take a…

Quest No: 2 

Death In Manchester 

Somebody Has Killed Sir John Adams!

Figure out who is the killer!

Time Limit 1 Week

Reward 600 XP 

Break.. Oh are you kidding me. 

No I Am Not Kidding With You 


Let me think…I should get a suit!

Mike bought a suit and went to the airport.

Okay time to go to security.

Ahem excuse me! the worker says.

where is your luggage?

Oh it's already on the plane.

Okay I see. the worker says

Now that I'm on the plane time to rest.