
Spectral Progress!!

The aftermath of the battle left no room for doubt – the situation had deteriorated significantly, resembling a poorly executed work of art. Even someone as wise as the esteemed Solomon, if he were to judge, might have deemed me a transgressor. Kim Hyunsung's daring gamble had paid off, leaving his reputation unscathed.

Lee Kichul had fallen victim to the merciless onslaught of monsters, and the simmering anger of Jung Jinho's underlings had turned him unpredictable, a potential threat to my life.

Despite the chaos, Kim Hyunsung displayed remarkable composure and control, defusing the tensions. Though unsure of my own contribution, the outcome seemed favorable. Without direct involvement, I had orchestrated a man's demise.

A lost tooth was a minor price to pay as I assumed the role of the victim, drawing attention and admiration from my cherished comrades. However, Jung Hayan's expression underwent an unexpected shift. Was it now forbidden for others to engage in conflict on her behalf?

Could it be that even touching my person had become a peculiar taboo?

Her nail-biting contemplation gave way to her realization of my presence on the ground. Yet, her demeanor remained frosty.

"Hey, Kee Miyoung!"

At the sight of my bloodied mouth, all hostilities evaporated. She attempted to channel magic through her ring, an awe-inspiring spectacle. Alas, her divine power ring wasn't designed for such healing.

When I lightly clasped her left hand, she ceased her incantation, grasping my intent. Tears welled up in her wide eyes, cascading down her cheeks unabated.

"Are you hurt? What can I do... How can I help?"

"I'm fine. It's my fault, after all..."

A bitter taste lingered in my mouth. While a tooth had been lost and my cheek tingled, the pain was manageable. Presenting a stoic front was essential, as Jung Hayan might unleash her magic in her agitation.

"Be patient, Hayan... Please."

Lobbing spells at Jung Jinho's faction held appeal, but for now, assuming the victim role was more prudent. Kim Hyunsung seemed to share this perspective, having yet to intervene.


She examined my face as if my skin had vanished. Struggling with her words in her distress, I pondered Hayan's state of mind. Tears flowed freely, and even her nose bled.

It was as though I were already dead. Her fervent reaction to the loss of one tooth bordered on excessive.

"Are you alright? Are you in pain?" She asked.

"I'm alright, really. It's not a big deal. Don't worry about me, Hayan. I'm genuinely fine. There's no pain."

Though discomfort did linger, it was a minor wound.

Such an ardent response to such an injury was oddly reassuring; otherwise, the alternative scenario was disconcerting.

"How dare you, you scoundrel!"

Park Deokgu's hair-trigger temper was as dependable as breathing. The reactions of both Jung Hayan and Park Deokgu surpassed my expectations. At this point, I had anticipated Jung Jinho to be equally embarrassed by the situation.

Yet, the one most humbled was the very person who struck me.

He sensed the sudden shift in atmosphere. My actions had turned me, the instigator, into a victim.

But a more enchanting transformation unfolded.


Against my better judgment, my lips curled into a smile. I couldn't help it; the sensation was infectious.

Ultimately, it was Jung Jinho who bowed his head.

"I apologize, Kee Miyoung."

"No problem."

"No words suffice. Your intentions were not malicious. Your use of magic averted a worse outcome. Jaejoon mourns Kichul's loss deeply. I hope you understand. Jaejoon?"


"Jaejoon, apologize. The situation was unavoidable, and you chose the best option. Without Kee Miyoung, we might have perished." Jung Jinho said.

Though I couldn't gauge Jung Jinho's expression, the name Jaejoon, who had simmered with anger, also lowered his head slightly.

"I... I lost control for a moment. My apologies..."

His fists trembled.

Avoiding eye contact, his apology seemed less than sincere. It was evident he was struggling to restrain his fury.

"It's alright, Jaejoon. I comprehend. I was somewhat careless too... I can't offer solace in words, but I do apologize."

In truth, my remorse was superficial.

"I'm... sorry." His head remained forcibly lowered.

The apology didn't ring genuine, yet it felt oddly satisfying nonetheless.


Had he not been angry, I would have been the one bowing.

What concerned me more, though, was Jung Hayan.

'What should I do with her?'

If she aimed to replicate her actions against Park Hyeayoung, the situation would turn dire. While Jung Jinho was already pinned as the perpetrator in that case, a sudden disappearance of this guy could raise suspicions about Jung Hayan. If he were found dead, limbs severed, Kim Hyunsung might suspect her. By then, I'd likely be a suspect too.

Calming her was imperative. Her expression didn't suggest swift restoration.

Observing her bleeding palms from clenched fists, I was certain she harbored intentions of attack.

'Let's see how this unfolds.'

A more optimistic view hinted this could be advantageous. Jung Hayan directly confronting him could prove beneficial.

Should Kim Jaejoon fall, Jung Jinho would lose his allies.

'What's she up to...?'

Yet, Jung Hayan covertly pocketing my tooth felt like a ticking time bomb.

"I'll help you up, Kee Miyoung." Jung Hayan said.

"Sure, let's do that. Apologies for the commotion."

She hoisted me up. The pain was manageable.

Now, seizing the initiative was key.

The first strike's timing needed to be dictated by us.

Jinho's presence beside me was unsettling. If the chance arose, he might attack outright.

"Can you walk?"


"If you encounter difficulties..."

"No worries. Hyunsung as you suggested, let's leave this place."


The massive iron door remained shut. It would likely stay sealed until the dungeon's quest was fulfilled, or only openable from outside. Survival hinged on quest completion.

The quest's name? Survival.

"Perhaps the woman at the start referred to this quest when she spoke of survival."

Jung Jinho's words lifted spirits.

We all listened intently.

Doubtless, Jung Hayan eyed Jung Jinho for any signs of hostility.

Logical deduction had brought us all to this line of thought.

"You're quite the forward thinker,Kee Miyoung..." Yoo Seokwoo murmured, his anger palpable. He pondered if the fireball was intentional. The thought amused me.

He wasn't the only one wishing me harm.

"Merely conjecture..."

As I walked, the monsters vanished from view.

Yes,we encountered a few stragglers, though not as formidable as the foes we had engaged earlier. Dispatching them swiftly was imperative to preempt any unforeseen complications, thus avoiding a potential replay of the previous intense confrontation.

Our collective stamina had been severely depleted, slowing our pace to a crawl. Frequent pauses punctuated our journey, allowing us to replenish our breath.

Meanwhile, our latent magical energies experienced a gradual rekindling, a favorable development in our favor. Moments of concern flitted across Kim Hyunsung's countenance, while Jung Hayan's gaze remained fixed upon Kim Jaejoon. Fortunately, no significant incidents marred our progress.

Particularly concerning Hayan, her frustration and ire intensified upon glimpsing my swollen lip. Abrupt fits of tears occasionally overcame her, during which she would vehemently shake her head, lost in muttered soliloquies.

Park Deokgu seemed notably affected by these involuntary episodes of Hayan's tears. Contrary to the widespread notion of my supposed prowess with women, I found myself inept at offering solace to Jung Hayan. The entire sequence of events took on a surreal quality.

Then, in a gesture of introspection, she lowered her head, her words barely audible even as I drew near. A sense of her utterance seeped into my consciousness...

The phrase "I must end him" echoed, yet I maintained a facade of obliviousness. Ultimately, this revelation could serve to my advantage as well.

"I shall exact retribution," she declared, her proclamation seemingly unheard by me.

Pretending once more to have missed her utterance, I contemplated the potential profundity of this situation. It appeared that my original expectations could manifest in even more fortuitous ways.