
The Game Called Love

“Don't feel bad, it's all because you don't know how to play the game of love" “Love isn't a game” Arianna defended, sounding like a child who was trying to prove Santa was real. Nathan looked at her from the corner of his eye, a smirk played on his lips. “It is a game and the sooner you realize that the better, you're never going to get a guy to fall in love with you if you continue to act the way you do” “I know you are my boss and I'm supposed to agree with whatever you say but I can't agre e with this. Love isn't a game and I can make any guy fall in love with me just the way I am” “Okay then prove it” Arianna raised her eyebrow questioningly at him, maybe he was drunk. “Prove it? how?” “Make me fall in love with you” …….. All her life Arianna has believed in love. The way it was told in fairy tales. She knew that one day she was going to find her prince charming and that made her ready to do anything for love. Even things that looked foolish to others, to her it was a little price to pay for the happiness that comes with being in love. Although she had her mind in a good place. Fate always played a nasty game with her and she always ended up heartbroken but that did not stop her from dreaming. She had never questioned her way of love until she meets Nathan Miller, her boss who seems to believe love is a game and she doesn't know how to play it. The two go out to drink and something happens leading Nathan to carelessly say that she should make him fall for her. Arianna takes his words seriously and makes it her mission to make him fall for her. And let's not forget Kyle, Arianna's handsome coworker who she has unintentionally friendzoned. What could happen when these three people's lives get intertwined. Will Arianna give up on her dream to find true love? Will Nathan's ways rub off on her? Would she find love I the arms of her boss or would she realise her prince charming had been sitting right in front of her the whole time or would she give up on love in general? Read this book to find out

DurojaiyeAdedayo · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
134 Chs


Staring at the ceiling for hours, Arianna was finally able to put all thoughts of Vince out of her head. It had been two days since Vince stood her up, and to date, he had not bothered to call or send her a text explaining himself. All the calls to him were all going to voicemail and sometimes his phone would be switched off.

She sat up straight on her bed, then slipped on her flip-flops. She was contemplating whether to stand up completely or go back to sleep when her phone rang. Irritated at the interruption, she snatched it up.


"Where are you?"

 She sighed and stood up completely, "Hello to you too Kyle" 

"Today the new boss is starting and you're late" Arianna glanced at the clock in her room, the time was 8:00 am and she was to be at the office by 7:30 am. The drowsiness and laziness left Arianna as quickly as you can imagine.

"I'll be there quickly" she assured him and ended the call.

In less than thirty minutes, she was on the road. Her driving mirror was hanging down as she applied lipstick. She averted her gaze from the road to the mirror hanging in front of her. A terrible mistake, if she had ever made one and surely she had. A crashing sound was heard. Her car came to a halt as it collided with another car.

Arianna looked up. Bewilderment engulfed her as she saw the car she had bumped into. It was a Lamborghini Veneno the car was worth 4.5million dollars. Her monthly salary could not cover a down payment of the car.

Arianna got out of the car with her head hung low, she prepared herself to do the only thing she could afford to do.


A man who looked to be in his late twenties walked out of the car, dressed in a pair of sunglasses and an expensive suit. The young man looked very dashing in the eyes of Arianna. She just wished that his heart would be as beautiful as his face. She was wrong.

The man walked and covered the distance between them, he took a minute to survey the damage on his car, then he turned to Arianna and took a scrutinizing look at her from her to her head. When his gaze landed on her face, he let out a little laugh but the laugh was soon replaced with a scowl.

"You look perfectly fine. I had assumed it was a blind person who bumped into my Lamborghini but you don't seem to have any eye defect"

"Je ne parle pas Anglais"(I don't speak English) Arianna found herself speaking french out of nowhere. It was something her mom had forced her to learn as a child, back then she was furious but now she was grateful she took those French lessons.

"So you're not only blind, but you also don't speak English" 

Now this man made Arianna believe that he deserved to be deceived.

"Je ne comprends pas"( I don't understand)

Out of frustration, he began trying to make sign language as he spoke slowly.

" You… hit...my car" he pointed to the damaged area of the car.

"So... now….you…. fix... car, understood?"

She made a confused face and shook her head.

"Si Vous ne parlez pas en français, Je n'ai aucune idée de ce que Vous dites"( if you don't speak in french then I have no idea what you are saying)

The man sighed and cussed as he walked back into his car and drove off.


She breathed out a sigh of relief and got back into her car.

Kyle stood at the entrance to the office, waiting for Arianna, she wasn't usually late, so he knew something was wrong. A smile appeared on his face when he saw her walking in, the smile broadened as he noticed the lipstick smudge on her cheeks.

"I know I told you to hurry but not to make a mess on your face" 

"What are you talking about"

He brought out his phone from his pocket and put it in front of her.

"Take a look at your face"

She stared at her image and her eyes went wide as she saw the lipstick gone wrong on her face.

"What! That explains it"

He raised a confused eyebrow.

"That explains what?" 

" Someone saw me and almost laughed" she explained referring to the man whose car she had hit.

"And the person didn't tell you what was funny. Isn't that a bit rude?"

"Tell me about it. The guy was more than rude. He was stuck up and obnoxious" she continued to walk towards her seat.

"A guy? Interesting" Kyle said and matched her strides.

"Yeah, I bumped into this guy's car, and guess what? it was a Lamborghini Veneno, that car is worth 4.5 million dollars"  she dropped her bag on her desk and sat down on her seat which was beside Kyle's seat.

"What did you do?" He asked as he turned his chair to face hers.

"He was so rude. I was ready to apologize but he insulted me. I didn't even know when I started speaking french" she said with a little laugh.

"Let me guess you got him frustrated until he left," he said with laughter.

"You know me so well Kyle"

His laugh smile slowly faded.

"That's why I know something's wrong"

She stopped laughing and looked into his eyes.

"How can you be so correct?"

"It's a gift, did something happen with Vince?"

"Correct again"

"That's why you didn't pick up my calls. You know he was never good for you"

"You always know what to say, Kyle"

"That's why you'll always have me"

"We're stuck together"

"At least until someone gets a promotion"

"Hey guys the new boss is here, I heard he's very good-looking" Susan, one of the other workers said before she walked to the entrance.

"Should we go and see?" Kyle asked.

"I don't see why not," Arianna replied.

Other workers were already standing in front of the entrance of the office. The department didn't have so many workers. The total number of workers was five. Apart from Arianna and Kyle the other three were Susan, Caleb, and Nora.

Susan was the one who always had news on everyone. If she didn't hear it then it wasn't true.

Caleb was the serious one. His goal was a promotion and he was not going to let anything get in his way.

Nora was the sweetest person you'd ever meet. She's the one who's always there to lend a helping hand whenever anyone needs help.

The five of them were reasonably close. They had team dinners together and had a little bond with each other.

From the hallway leading to the office, they could see the new boss coming towards the door.

"Nora, are you seeing this? He is so handsome"  Susan said pinching herself.

"How can you see his face he's putting on sunglasses?" Kyle asked, staring straight at the man whose gaze was too focused on his phone to notice the people staring at him from a distance. Kyle was a bit annoyed. Till now he was known to be the most handsome.

"I think you guys should sit down. He would think we're a bunch of weirdos if he catches you guys staring" Caleb said from his seat, he didn't stand up but his chair was turned towards the door.

They all shuffled and returned to their seats.

"How does it feel to not be the most handsome guy anymore?" Arianna asked Kyle as they sat down on their seats.

He turned to face her.

"Hey. We haven't seen his face well. Besides, I know that I'll always be the most handsome to you right?"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night"

Footsteps were heard entering the office. One by one, everyone stood up to greet the new boss. He nodded his head at them and removed his glasses.

Arianna gasped as she saw that the new boss was the same man who she had bumped into. She immediately turned her face to the other side.

Kyle observed her closely.

"Do you know him?"

"He's the guy from this morning"


"Yeah. I just hope he doesn't see me"

"It's too late"

"Why would you say that?"

"Turn around"

She turned around slowly and almost had a heart attack when she saw the new boss AKA the man she had bumped into.

"Meet me in my office" with that said he walked further into the room to a door that led to his office. 

Arianna turned to face Kyle with a worried look.

"Remember he has no right to fire you. The only person who can sack you has to come from the headquarters or the family of the owners"

"Thanks, Kyle"


Everyone stared at them with confused expressions.

She took a deep breath and walked slowly towards the door. She knocked on it once and was responded with a come-in by the man.

She walked in and looked everywhere around the room apart from his face.

He tapped his desk bringing her attention to him.

"I'm sure you know why I called you?" 

Arianna stood in shock. Not only because she was in trouble but because of how handsome he looked up close. Was he more handsome than Kyle? She wasn't sure but was he very handsome? Yes, he was. 

She snapped her head out of her thoughts and remembered her job was on the line.

"Before you say anything. You should know that you have no right to fire me unless you belong to the headquarters or you're a family member of the owners"

He smiled at her words. His smile sent chills to Arianna.

"That's true. I haven't introduced myself. Tell everyone to come in"

"Ok sir"

She went out and came back in with everyone.

"Hello everyone. My name is Nathan Miller"

"Nathan Miller as in the heir to this company?" Susan asked wide-eyed.

"Exactly" he confirmed

Arianna knew from that moment that the odds were not in her favor.

He continued

"I expect the best from all of you. No excuses or average performances. We have to deliver and be the best. As one of us has pointed out I have the right to fire you from this job so I hope that you all would not give me a reason to exercise that power. All in all, I would like for all of us to work together as one big family. I hope we can all cooperate"

"Yes sir" they all answered together.

"From time to time I'm sure I'll learn your names but I'll like it if you can put on your name tags till I get the hang of it. You can all leave except the two of you" he said pointing towards Kyle and Arianna.