
The Gambling God

Alex was a born genius, he was rich and almost ruled a country. And he did not have a second to enjoy his life even after earning so much. One day something went wrong with the country and Alex almost lost everything that he owned. After that he started a small business and began to enjoy his life. It sounds bad but he was a little addicted to gambling, he used his brain and won almost every time, and I am not even talking about his luck. He had fun playing games and exploring the world with his friends. But one day a dear friend of his betrayed him. *Jealous trash* The god chose Alex's soul along as many others to be reincarnated. For so called "Fun" of the gods. And without getting a chance to understand his situation, Alex was reincarnated in a new world. Which he would play through to become a god. Well I can't say that he had a goal He just wanted to have fun.

miseria · Fantasia
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6 Chs

Where it all began.


From Author: This is my first novel, please do not judge. And let me know if there is a mistake. Anything helps.


[Congrats on winning the debt!]

[Human heart has been added to your inventory.]

The huge room was full of bloody mist. The walls and the random pillars were destroyed. In the middle of the place a man in his 20's could be seen.

"Just what the fuck have I done?" The dude punched the air which created a portal by glitching the universe. "I will kill you!"


Where it all began:

it was a sunny day, year 2030. Earth has not changed a bit ever since 2020. Sad.

*Yawn~* In a little apartment, there was a young man who has stopped 'living'

"I refuse being a slave to this world, I will just buy lottery tickets and hope that I win, meh." This was Alex, he is a genius from birth. He was one of the richest people in the country.

But a few years ago something went wrong in his company, and it resulted in him loosing his company, since this mistake almost killed thousands of people, he lost almost every single penny that he had.

With his brains he could climb back in ranks in no time, but he refused to do so. In the end he was just a slave to other humans who were slaves to other humans and so on.

He started a small business online, so that he could eat and pay bills. After leaving the life of a rich person. He explored his life more. In the past only thing he could do was to work, and visit fancy restaurants once in a while. Since everyone in the country believed that he was their savior, he could not rest.

He just started gambling recently. He plays with a little amount of money, but wins 80% of the time. He had the ability of reading someones emotions just by looking at their faces.

"Haa~ I win again old man." Alex has just got done with a game of poker. He folds (In poker when you don't like your cards you can throw them away without having to play:Fold) his cards most of the times. And after a few folds he just goes all in. Of course everyone knows that he has better cards when he does it.

But they still play along with Alex. Because they believe in their cards as well. One gets a king and a queen, all ins with Alex but still looses 50k just because Alex had 2 aces.

Well, this is not where Alex's insane luck with humans ends. Some people come up to him and bet on weird stuff.

Like dart throwing, video games and all. Alex just won every single one of them. But money was not the thing that he was obsessed with. He had fun (even though gambling is a bad thing)

But not everyone is happy while playing with him. In the end, people loose their money. Who would be happy with that.

Some people just end up wishing the worse for Alex. Some even wait for Alex outside of the place, just so they can gang up on him and beat the living hell out of him.

Well, Alex is not made out of luck, he is a genius at everything. And that includes martial arts. Her can even fight against a person who is holding a weapon towards him.

^But not even legends can escape death^

"Hey Alex what happened?" It was a rainy night, and out of nowhere Alex's cheap car broke down.

"Oh, come on dude I just got this!" *Pff* Behind Alex was one of his many friends, His name was Chad.

Chad was pretty strong, and he was the one taught him the basics of gambling. "Dunno Chad, this thing just wont work."

It was past 2am and two men were still trying to fix the car. "I can't fix it bro." Alex was a little disappointed by the event. "I will be taking the subway bro, come with me."

Alex had never used the subway before in his whole life. "Does that thing still work at such hour?" Chad just turned around and said "Who knows."

There was nothing else that Alex could do so he followed his friend.

After a few minutes of walking, they arrived at the place. There was no one else waiting for the train down there. "Yo, Chad should I just find a taxi somehow?"

Chad just moved his head right and left rejecting the thing. After 20 minutes of waiting, they could hear the sound of the 'train'.

Chad dragged Alex by his arm and they stood right in front of the line. "You know Alex." Chad started, he did not sound like his usual self. "Yea Chad?"

The next thing Alex remembered was being thrown into the rails.

"Sorry Alex, but I am a disgusting human as well."


"That son of a bitch! Huh?" Alex did not even realize it but he was floating in an empty place with many other humans who were shining white just like him.

"Where am I?" Right at that second a strong sound caught the attention of everyone floating.

"Hmm, this is the best era when it comes to brains, 114 humans at once huh?" A red being with horns was floating with its wings, looking down at everyone.

"You, humans have been chosen to be reincarnated, since you all have strong souls that both angels~ and demons~ has fantazied over.. keke" Yea that red demon was not the best.

"This is just a gift from the god to people who are different from others, you are all here just because you are different, nothing else. Don\t think that you are special or anything. You are all trash. We are gonna let you guys reincarnate so we can have some fun!"

One guy raised his hand wanting to ask a question. "What is it?" The demons mood and tone suddenly changed from a goofy old man to a dark demon lord.

"Please give us a normal explanatio-..." The man's body got cut in half and disappeared into thin air. "Don't ask useless questions unless you want to live. So, any questions?"

No one had the balls to ask something, so everything just.... Ended.


from author- hello! Thank you for reading the chapter. This is my first book so please leave a comment and let me know where I did wrong. TY <3

ty for reading <3

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