
The Galaxy Leader's Diary

World of Ercent written by the diary of the person who created the cult to eliminate the real cult

John_Perez_Pascual · Fantasia
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2 Chs


As I reflect on my past, I recall growing up in a household with a unique upbringing. My father was a renowned rifle expert, while my mother excelled in hand-to-hand combat. Their love story unfolded during a protest against the ominous Cult that sought to dominate our world. It was in the midst of this fervent anti-Cult demonstration that their paths crossed, and their hearts intertwined.

My aunt, a famous ninja who had long opposed the Cult's oppressive ways, played a pivotal role in my early life. She gifted me a weapon of great significance, a tangible symbol of her dedication to the cause. Little did I know, this weapon would come to define my destiny.

Tragedy struck when my parents, fierce fighters against the Cult, perished in a brutal war. My aunt, who had been my guardian and mentor, met the same fate on the battlefield. I was left an orphan, bereft of my closest family members, and slowly but surely, I began to tread a darker path, one that led me toward becoming a bandit.

Despite the path I was headed down, there was a glimmer of hope in my life, a unique companion that had always stood by my side: a mighty black bear I had tamed during my childhood. This bond between human and beast was a testament to the strength of our connection.

However, the fates were not always kind. One day, a group of Cult members ambushed me, intent on tearing apart the life I had built. They forcibly separated me from my beloved bear, leaving me with a difficult choice. I found myself surrounded by these Cult zealots, outnumbered and outmatched. They nearly succeeded in taking my weapon, the last physical link to my aunt and the resistance she had represented.

In that dire moment, I had to make an agonizing decision. I could either flee, preserving my own life but forsaking my cherished bear, or I could stay and fight, risking everything to save my loyal companion. The bear, sensing my desperation and unwavering loyalty, launched a ferocious counterattack against our assailants. It was a valiant effort, but the odds remained stacked against us.

I made the heart-wrenching choice to escape with my life, leaving behind my bear who had fought so bravely by my side. As I fled from that harrowing encounter, I knew I could not simply turn my back on the injustice and tyranny perpetuated by the Cult. My resolve was strengthened, and I harbored a burning desire for vengeance and justice.

Determined to honor the memories of my parents, my aunt, and my loyal bear, I resolved to assemble a group dedicated to opposing the Cult and dismantling their oppressive regime. The name I chose for this coalition was "The Galaxy," symbolizing the stars that shine even in the darkest of nights, providing guidance and hope to those who resist the encroaching darkness. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but I was ready to embark on this new chapter, driven by my unwavering resolve to combat the Cult and create a world where peace and justice prevailed.

My upbringing took an unexpected turn as I grew older. My father, although a skilled rifle expert, chose not to pass down his knowledge of firearms. Instead, my mother became my primary teacher, instilling in me the art of self-defense. Her lessons focused on agility, reflexes, and mastering hand-to-hand combat techniques.

The outbreak of war left me orphaned, a fate shared by countless children during those tumultuous times. Amid the chaos, I found myself in the company of a group of bandits, and at their helm was Dreki, an inspiring figure who shared my abhorrence for the oppressive Cult. Dreki was a beacon of positivity and kindness, qualities that set him apart from the typical image of a bandit leader.

His goal was clear and resonated with me deeply: to defeat the sinister forces of the Dark Tempest, one of the factions that had emerged from the Cult's ranks. Dreki took me under his wing, recognizing my potential as a warrior. He saw in me the determination and the thirst for justice needed to oppose the Cult and their allies.

Under Dreki's mentorship, I honed my skills to become a formidable warrior. My weapon of choice was the legendary Edge of Autumn, one of the four mythical weapons known for their extraordinary powers. My sword, the Edge of Autumn, possessed the remarkable ability to conjure a tornado arena, ensnaring foes within its vortex and rendering escape nearly impossible. It was a weapon of both immense power and symbolic significance.

As I continued my training and journey alongside Dreki, I developed a deep bond with him and the bandit group. We were united not only by our shared purpose but also by the genuine camaraderie that had formed among us. Together, we carried out daring raids and assaults against the Dark Tempest, determined to weaken their grip on the land.

Tragedy struck when a particularly ambitious raid ended in failure, costing us Dreki's life and causing many bandits to desert our cause, disheartened by the loss. However, a core group of six loyal members remained steadfast. Together, we embarked on a new chapter, determined to fulfill Dreki's legacy and continue our fight against the Dark Tempest and the Cult.

With our skills honed and our resolve unshaken, we began to lay the foundations for a clandestine group aimed at dismantling the Cult from within. Our mission was clear: to infiltrate their ranks, gather vital intelligence, and ultimately orchestrate the downfall of the very organization we had vowed to oppose. We were an unlikely alliance of bandits turned rebels, our shared goal now focused on eradicating the oppressive forces that had plagued our world for far too long.

Among the six loyal members who remained after Dreki's tragic demise, one individual stood out: Ira, a remarkable and enigmatic member of our group. Ira possessed a unique ability known as the Crimson Eye. Her eyes had the uncanny power to navigate the tumultuous vortex conjured by my legendary sword, the Edge of Autumn. This remarkable talent allowed her to enter and exit the tornado arena with remarkable precision, making her an invaluable asset in our clandestine operations.

As our training progressed, I shared with Ira the combat skills passed down to me by my mother. Together, we forged a dynamic partnership, her Crimson Eye complementing my swordsmanship and combat expertise. Our synergy on the battlefield was unparalleled, and we soon began targeting and recruiting other like-minded bandits, expanding our group of anti-Cult rebels.

Our relentless pursuit of justice led us to a pivotal moment when we stumbled upon the Cat Style Tavern, a seemingly ordinary establishment with a secret. Within its walls, we uncovered invaluable information about the three distinct factions within the Dark Tempest Cult.

The first of these factions was led by Brawn, a formidable adversary known for his unparalleled physical strength. He was renowned as the strongest fist within the Dark Tempest, a living testament to the power of raw martial prowess.

The second faction was under the command of Pale, a mage of extraordinary abilities. Pale's mastery of necromancy set him apart, allowing him to wield the forces of life and death with chilling proficiency.

Lastly, the third faction was overseen by Ghost, a master of alchemy. Ghost's command over this mystical science gave him the power to transmute substances, manipulate matter, and create potent elixirs, making him a formidable and versatile adversary.

Our encounter at the Cat Style Tavern provided us with valuable insight into our adversaries, allowing us to strategize and plan our operations with greater precision. Armed with this knowledge, our small but determined group of anti-Cult rebels was poised to take on the formidable forces of the Dark Tempest and their leaders, each of whom possessed unique and potent abilities. Our mission to rid the world of their oppressive influence had never been more critical, and we were ready to confront the challenges that lay ahead with unwavering resolve.