
The party



News on TV came up,

News: local thief was rob by an unknown Man, (they bring out the pic then I realise, he was armed but am the robber.)What the Hell...


Next scene...

James: So diary, this is where I will stop. I will....

Phone ring. Grrin Griin Griin

James: someone finally called, after 16 years? ( happy mood, speed to the phone) oh it's just my girlfriend I mean boss, I Need friends.

On phone.

James: yes babe, hmm hmm, okay, Today, Alright, hmm hmm, serious, oh come on, you got to be kidding me. Are you serious, haha, oh my God. Okay, alright babe, see you there. Kiss. (but I never get it back) still cherish the moment though)

Hang up.

James: Another company party, this is the 16th this year, I hope this goes well, I have promise God am not going to kill anymore (600th time).

I got dress speed out, saw my car. I pass by it. Walk back to it.

James: You know what? let me use it this time. Am gonna blow peoples mind.

I cruise into the company with my Urus SUV, well it's not a wow to them, I mean they are all Fucking rich. All am wearing cost a lot, I don't wanna brag too much but my wristwatch . And I don't wanna talk about the million dollar suit. I just did lol.... There is something funny about this building.... It's 50 floors with no elevator.... Who the hell build it....

I walk in majestically, People, I mean girls were like wow, handsome, but it's too late, am off the market, I don't know why but all the guys hate me, I mean all of them, they all looking at me like I ate their mama.

What's funny enough, I pick a drink, sip it, a guy came to me,

Idiot: hey?

James: Xup

Idiot: I see how the guys look at you, you feel comfortable with it?

James: this ain't the first time. So am chilling

Idiot: Yeah, you know what I heard about you?

James:(gulp) what?

Idiot: I heard you are so poor you can't even,.i mean you could buy nothing for yourself right?

This is so stupid, what a waste line.

James:( I pause for a bit while looking at him. Now You See why I named him idiot) It's true, you spoke the truth, am just hiding under her, infact I gat no work, she does everything for me. And to be honest, (sigh) nothing, I mean nothing can make me leave her cause I love her so much.

Idiot: really?

James: of cause. Not even for a million dollars

Idiot: Okay, how about 1 billion.

James:( spit out my drink) This fool is trying to bribe me? Hehe, Me likey) 1 billion? Okay what do you want me to do.

Fool: all you have to do is leave her, forget about her, let me take care of her for 1 billion.

James: she is yours, when will I get the money.

He looked around and scuff.

Fool: let go to the last floor (parking lot) . (lean to my ears) I don't want anyone suspecting.

James: okay (fool) let's go.

I went to my babe I mean boss, let just go with babe instead.

James: ummm babe, I wanna take a leak, I'll be right back. Don't go without me.

Babe: alright, don't stay too long, and get enough energy, don't wanna hear story tonight.

James: awwn trust me babe, am always down.

I know what you are thinking, but it's not about sex, You really need to worship GOD more often.

we have a lot to cover tonight, so I must be ready, oh God I hate it. Why does it have to be me, I mean there are other bodyguards.

I went back to the fool.

James: alright am ready.

I keep talking all the way down to the last floor. And when we get there.

James: so how are we doing this.

Fool: finally, peace

Some guys came out.

James: 5.6 7.8 9 Plus you makes 20. Alright I love some escort.

Fool: you are mistaken. Do you know what's about to happen to you. (Make a hand sign. And they all bring out a golden ak47.)

James: Damn, dem better be damn expensive. I didn't know that you are giving this much.

Fool: you think am giving this to you? You are about to die.

James: hmm hmm, I was thinking about it. I mean all you had to do is ask for my bank details, and you transfer the money, but when you bring me down here, I was like things are about to go down. so this is the reason. You are about to spray me some bullet. ( I demonstrate by hold my two EMPTY arms out and shooting around.) like that right.

Fool: yeah right. See you next time. (He is about to give the kill sign.

James: wait wait wait, I have two question. My two last question ( still holding my arms out) I will like you to be honest.

He pause the hand in the air.

Fool: say it and make it fast, I have things to do.

James: ( tears were coming out, not for him but for me because I won't be able to collect the 1 billion before this idiot die, the fool is still smiling and now I pity him more) Okay here goes. Do you or do you not know me.

Fool: Who the Fuck are you, next question.

(Sharp. I like it)

Still holding my arms out.

James: Do you or do you not believe in Magic.

Fool: are you tripping with me dude!!!...

James: just answer the damn question will you, I Gat people up waiting for me.

Fool: okay no I don't believe, What's next, you gonna perform a magic.

James: im'ma blow you minds.

Fool: blow my mind? you gonna wow me?

James: No, Am really..... ( I move close to him, raise my arms up to his heart, holding a grenade launcher) gonna blow your damn mind.

Fool: What the...

Before he could say anything I Blow his Chest, the guys began to shoot,

In speed mode, I bring out my phone play a music (the grind) you should listen to it. You will love it. I walk slowly, dancing to one of them, turn his gun to the others head, straight up his weapon, arranged their heads in straight line position. And I stood behind them. Back to normal speed. Am still confuse how the music play at the same speed rate in speed mode and normal mode, I can't explain, but the flash can.

At ones they all die, the last one was the guy that kill his team. I walk toward him smirking,

James: you really did it this time. By the way, the defence corps are here.

I speed back the first flour. Every body in panic mode.

Babe was calling me,

Babe: James,

James: what happen?. I hear a lot of gun shot what happen. ( Fake panicking)

Babe: It has happened again, some guys just kill themselves. (packing her stuff)

James: Why?

Babe: I don't know, maybe they have a private business to attend to.

James: what kind of business.

Babe: you know? The kind which business man attend in secret.

James: so we are leaving cuz of their private business, nope am not going.

I stood on the table.

James: everybody calm down, (They still move aimlessly around) CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!!!!!!! (THEY ALL STOP) wow, it really work. Now I don't know why you are all running up and down... you don't wanna die, I get it, but you are all stupid, yes, for God sake, we are up here, top floor, minding our own damn business, they are killing themselves in the last floor Minding their God damn business. and this building has 50 floor no elevator just the stairs. Who will be so stupid enough to climb the stairs all the way to this floor without dying( wait I just did that). second you all came here with chopper and you going to the last floor where they are killing each other. I mean what kind of brain do you possess, (one of the guys cough) By the way, am talking to the guys...So chill. They can't get here. So why don't we play some hot beat and dance out our soul. I mean this party is so boring, some people decide to kill them self. What kind of party is this. No offence babe.

I thumbs up the DJ to play Temper, music by bunnerboy and scale. He played it, I jump to the stage, do some break dancing move and other Dhope move. I can hear everything they are saying, the girls, I'll say, am really satisfy with Their comment, one would sleep with me till day break if they have the chance, but the guys, I just decide to stop hearing what they had to say, the first comment from a guy I listen to almost got me off the stage to commit suicide.