

Inside the city lord mansion in a courtyard, four people are sitting and frowning. They are young masters of Bu, Tu, Su and Chu families.

Tu She looked at Bu Shen and asked, "Brother Shen, I asked for you to check the identity of that brat if you find any clue about him tell us. I want to see which family is going to protect him if he annoys me."

Tu She is burning with anger ever since he was born. This is the first time that someone has humiliated him. It is a huge blow to his self-respect. He is hell-bent on taking revenge on him no matter who he is.

Bu Shen is annoyed with them, he is a calculative person and doesn't want to be involved in matters that do not benefit him. But these fellows are persistent so he helped them.

" Brother Shen, you shouldn't be impulsive like that. In fact, I found their identities, the girl is a maid from the imperial palace but the brat's identity is not simple." Bu Shen looked into their faces and said slowly.

Su Song and Chu Yan thought that this is not going to be simple. Su Song asked, " Brother is he someone you know?"

Bu Shen spoke carefully, "Never provoke that fellow, he is the only son of Di family patriarch and it is his first time coming to the capital city."

Tu She and the rest were surprised to find out that the boy who wore shabby looking clothes is actually a young master of the noble family. It is not good to offend another family noble son. It will only be disadvantageous for their families.

Bu Shen looked at their ugly face and said smilingly, " But I heard that he is a cripple who cannot practice Dao, he is only at Elementary Dao realm 1st stage. You don't need to be worried about that. We cannot afford to annoy a fellow with such a background for now and what you should be doing now is worrying about yourself."

Bu Shen's words made them sigh of relief but later words made them confused.

Bu Shen continued with an evil smile, "This time I will be participating in the competition so you have to be careful, even if I show mercy Fei Long won't. This time it will be very interesting to see how he improved from last time."

Tu she and the rest shivered, seeing his smile as they knew that they don't stand a chance against him and Fei Long. They know the top spot has already been taken, so they just wanted to enter the top four.


"Di Cheng, I told you not to cause any trouble, now you see those fellows investigating you and they know who you are." Di Zian was somewhat angry with his son for annoying those young masters of other noble families, he knew the situation would escalate and cause unnecessary trouble. Everyone knows Di family is on good terms with other noble families, but that is only a facade if they disclose Di Cheng being a cripple to the public, it will ruin his reputation and will bring even more harm to his son.

After being reprimanded by his father Di Cheng realized what he had done and told his father that he would never do such things in the future.

Seeing his son like that Di Zian sighed, even if his son is a cripple he is his and Xinyue's son. He would do everything within his power to keep them safe.

"Di Cheng don't go out for a few days. Your mother will be coming to watch the competition. The competition will be held in three days." Di Zian informed his son and left.

Di Cheng slumped on the couch and began thinking while he saw Di Chen coming over. He quickly leaped from the couch and welcomed him.

Di Chen came towards him and sat beside him and said slowly, "Di Cheng, I see you as a younger brother, today what you did for that girl is really admirable. I watched everything and that is the right thing to do. You have to remember one thing. Everything you do is right if you have strength and prestige if you are weak, even if you do the right thing, you have to face a lot of obstacles to prove you are right. This is the way of the world. The strong always prey on the weak."

Di Chen is a very kindhearted person who cares about kinship and knows how cruel the world is. He is reminding Di Cheng to be cautious in the future.

Di Cheng was dazed for a moment and quickly regained himself and smiled and said, " Brother Chen, thank you for reminding me and I understand what you are saying I will be careful." Di Chen patted his shoulder and left.

Di Cheng sat on the couch, the words said by his father and Di Chen kept resounding, "If you don't have any strength you can't do anything." This is the first time for Di Cheng to hear such type of words. He was very lazy and never showed interest in anything. But today he saved a girl. He felt that what he did was the right thing. He now understands what his father was saying. His father cannot protect him forever, he has to find a way to get himself stronger.

While he was immersed in his thoughts he never noticed that his skin was red and his body was starting to heat up and the temperature of the room kept on increasing and smoke came out of his body. Di Cheng never noticed any of it, and he kept on thinking.


In the far east of Tian Province, on the highest point of the province, there is a small figure shrouded in dim blue light. It is as if surveying the entire province its vision paused for a moment and found intense energy fluctuations.

"I have waited billions of years for you. I finally found you. It seems you are having some trouble with your new body but I know you can overcome it as you did last time." The dim blue light flickered and passed through the night sky falling straight into the capital city.

The dim blue light formed circular hallows and covered the entire courtyard where Di Cheng is residing.

Di Cheng was sitting cross-legged on a couch with his eyes closed in a room. He was unaware that his body was burning with a red glow and his garments were ripped revealing his upper muscular body.

His thoughts were drifting 'I want power, strength, and honor'. He now understands that without cultivation he is nothing but an ant.


Di Cheng journey starts from here.

I hope you enjoy it. I will try to publish at least 2 chapters in the following days.

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