
Chapter 1 : The First Encounter

Eleonore’s POV

“I hope I won’t have to explain how you should hold yourself as an Everwood. You are my daughter and you have my name. Don’t embarrass me.”

My heart thudded in my chest. It was the first time my father had spoken to me in hours and what came out was a warning. I knitted my fingers together in my lap and nodded compliantly.

Any other answer would’ve been the wrong one.

“And—” he added, his tone getting a bit darker. My breath grew shallow as I recognized this warning was tinging on the edge of a threat. I held myself still, not daring to look him in the eye. “I hope I don’t have to tell you to stay away from anything supernatural. Wouldn’t want you causing trouble, would we? You’re smarter than that, aren’t you?”

“…Yes, Father.”

“Of course, you’re my daughter. You know better than that.” He nodded, and that was that, much to my relief, small as it was.

At least this time he didn’t slap me. Last car ride we shared was when he was bringing me home from a business dinner. The reason for the slap? I didn’t smile enough, didn’t sit straight enough, did not flatter the hosts enough. I indeed knew better now.

The car fell back into silence, heavy and stifling. Not even the radio was on as my father drove me all the way to school for my first semester of college. If the air conditioning wasn’t on, I believe I’d feel my father’s ire literally pouring off of him in waves.

There was no turning back now though, it took too much to get to where I was going. Oakwood University. It was picturesque with a wide array of majors and minors to choose from. Their professors were notable people, and many graduates had successful prospects for their futures.

I… didn’t really have the same, no matter what I did, but this was an opportunity I couldn’t afford to squander. It was only thanks to Thomas that Father even allowed me to attend, but I could tell the decision made him angry.

He didn’t like when we didn’t go along with his plans, and it made him difficult to be around. Not that he wasn’t already, just… more so. Always harder to deal with the unfamiliar, right?

The high standards, the intimidation, the hits, those were easy to deal with, but if he escalated though? I wouldn’t be able to predict if he’d lock me away till I learned my lesson or if he’d get just a little meaner, a little crueler to make sure the lesson stuck and left me and my brother hurt in the crossfire.

I would’ve preferred it if Thomas was the one taking me, at least he would’ve been excited for me, but I had already pressed my luck. Anymore and… well… he had risked enough for me to be here. I wouldn’t ask any more of him.

The school colors stood out brightly on the pamphlet I held, green and gold with crisp white lettering. A dorm room was advertised on the inside. All the students in the pictures looked happy.

“I've had the university prepare a single room for you. They were happy to accommodate your needs after I told them about your condition and made a hefty donation.”

The campus was everything I had hoped it would be. Lush and green, students milling about, and plenty of opportunities.

I didn’t have much luggage to pull out of the trunk, just a backpack and a large duffel bag but I wasn’t so worried about how many things I had as I was about my father waving at someone.

For a moment I feared the worst, but it was minorly better than what I assumed. The president of the college had come out to greet my father.

“Mr. Everwood, it’s an honor to have you and your daughter here at our university. Here, allow me to show you where Eleonore will be staying. We placed her in one of the newer buildings to ensure that she’d have everything she needed to take care of her health.”

“Wonderful, I and my daughter appreciate you putting in so much effort, Mr. Carraway.”

Father smiled, businesslike and charming, as if he hadn’t donated a sizable chunk to shut me away from as many people as possible.

‘That isn’t why you’re here,’ I reminded myself. ‘You’re here to learn. It’s fine.’

The walk wasn’t too far, the stairs were… something though. I’d been placed on the fourth floor, no elevator despite it being a newer building, and my room was at the end of the hall, away from the common area and most of the people on my floor… if there were people on my floor.

“And here it is! I’ve taken the initiative to retrieve your keys for you but if you ever lose them you can call campus security to unlock your door or get a new one for fifty dollars at the security office.”

Mr. Carraway handed my key off to me before turning to my father.

“If you could spare a bit of your time, Mr. Everwood, there were a few things I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Of course. Just let me say goodbye. Eleonore, have a wonderful time at college—just not too much fun.” And father leaned in, pressing a kiss to the top of my head and I stiffened, but I managed to laugh it off and smile.

“Of course, father.”

‘Yes. Of course. Understood.’ There was no other answer, and I watched and waited as my father walked away with the university president.

The heavy door to the stairwell closed with a thunk, and then I was scrambling for the door with my keys, throwing it open and almost slamming it behind me, slumping against it and taking a heaving breath.

I made it. I actually made it, and my father hadn’t stopped me or changed his mind. I was at university and the thought left me so giddy that I couldn’t help but laugh. My knees almost gave out on me, but I did drop my bags to the floor.

Oakwood University freshman, as a child I had no idea how much I’d dream of being one, or how hard that dream would be to achieve. I didn’t know if I was going to see a sophomore year or even a second semester, but right now I was here, and that was all that mattered.

When I looked up, my breath caught, and my eyes started to water as I took in the sight before me. I wasn’t facing a bland room with cream-colored walls and plastic blinds, but an almost exact replica of my room back home.

Pale blue walls and hardwood floors with a big, soft pink rug on the floor. The full-sized bed took up a good chunk of the room while an oriental-looking desk had a little lantern lamp on it, and little maple leaves on the panels.

Hung up on the wall was a print of one of Mother’s designs, an inked version of a building with a unique curve to the glass.

It was my room. It looked just like my room.

On top of the soft cotton sheets and heavy throw blanket was a note and I immediately recognized my brother’s handwriting.


Dear Eleonore,

Did you like your surprise? I managed to get my people to come in and set up the space just how you like it. I hope it makes you happy and that you’ll feel safe in your new home for your time at university. I can’t wait to see what you design.

Love, Thomas.


Oh, Thomas…

I couldn’t help but smile, heart swelling at the gesture. He knew how much this meant to me, I just wish he could’ve had the same chance, but he was the heir to Father’s hotel empire while I was the second child and his only daughter.

We both got the short end of the stick.

I’d have to call him later and thank him, and make sure he was doing alright too. Moving around father’s influence wasn’t easy and Thomas’s influence wasn’t as big as either of us would like for his own safety. Best to just make sure nothing was wrong.

My phone buzzed, and I pulled it out, seeing that my school email was working properly as all the freshmen were being summoned to start their orientation in the gymnasium.

I slid my keys in my pocket, giving my room one last look before heading out. It seemed that I wasn’t the only one who’d gotten the reminder as a bunch of people were leaving the dorm buildings and heading over.

The walk was short, and I kept my head low for most of it. No eye contact, no drawing attention, just keeping a low profile. Following Father’s indications to the T.

“Alright, I think we’ve got almost everyone, welcome freshmen to Oakwood University! Now take a look around you, some of these people that you see are going to be your best friends for the rest of your life—or you’ll stay strangers in different departments for half of that!” The host announcer said cheerfully. They looked like a senior student dressed in a green and gold t-shirt.

“Now turn to your left! Fantastic, now half of you turn right and we can get this whole thing started by introducing ourselves! I’ll go first and make it a bit easier for all of you. I’m Alice, and I major in biochemistry. Your turn!”

“Wow, biochem, what a flex.” The person next to me whistled lowly, and I turned to see a girl with jet-black hair with red streaks, and bright blue eyes. She wore a jean jacket and combat boots, but she offered up an easy smile.

“I’m Charlotte Black, but you can call me Charlie. I’m just gonna be a regular old chemistry major.”

“Eleonore Everwood, but people call me Ellie. I’m majoring in architecture and design.”

“Well, guess we’re not going to be strangers in different departments.”

“Haha! I guess not.”

‘Look at that, Thomas, I’m actually making friends,’ I thought as we were led through games and get-to-know-yous. It was… nice. I wouldn’t be spending my time here entirely alone.

After orientation, I headed back towards my dorm. I’d need to wake up bright and early for the tours tomorrow, and I wanted to know about everything the campus had to offer.

I was just rounding the corner to another building, looking towards the gymnasium's metal roof in the distance when I slammed into a wall.

No, not a wall, walls don’t have arms.

My heart pounded as a hand landed on the small of my back, keeping me from tumbling over.

“Sorry.” The low rumble of his voice had me looking up. The warm heat from his close proximity made my heart skip several beats and my face felt hot—and then my breath hitched.

He was handsome, with dark brown hair, and deep brown eyes and it was no surprise he managed to knock me back so easily when he was a head taller and built like he was made for sports. He had lovely features, but those eyes flashed gold, and the jolting attraction I felt had me backpedaling as quickly as I could.

“Sorry! I’m so sorry about that. Clumsy me, sorry… I really should get going.” I pulled away as fast as I could, and not that I was running away—but I was running away and not doing it as elegantly as I hoped or probably should’ve.


There was absolutely no way I was waiting, and I hurried away before he could stop me or worse, interact with him.

The ONE thing I wasn’t supposed to do, and I’d done it, run into the supernatural and it was barely day one!

Those golden eyes, he was obviously a werewolf, but they didn’t usually reveal themselves like that.

Oh, God. I must’ve upset him by running into him and he was angry enough to give me a warning.

I had to calm down and get a hold of myself. It was just an accident, one little mistake, surely he wouldn’t chase after me and make a big deal out of it, would he? I was just one little human and only the president of the university knew who my father was.

It was fine, I was fine, I reminded myself.

Still, I checked behind me, but there was no one. Just other students, no brown-haired werewolf, and I sighed in relief.

Good. That was—that was good.

No trouble, my father had warned me, and even without the second warning, getting involved with the supernatural would be nothing BUT trouble.

They didn’t advertise themselves to the populace and only some people were in the know. Usually, the rich and affluent like my father, but even then I’d only seen a vampire or werewolf once or twice, and that was when my father was making a deal.

That guy was probably only the third or fourth werewolf I’d ever seen—and hopefully, it would stay that way.

After everything I’d been through, I didn’t need the trouble. I was finally at Oakwood University. I was really here, and nothing was going to ruin it. Not my father and certainly not any werewolves.