
Unexpected News

With all that was happening, she didn't even have time to think about her family. Eric explained the rules and where she would have classes but she wasn't still believing it, everything looked unreal.

As they were walking through a corridor full of doors, Eric noticed that Diana wasn't as happy as before.

"I got ahead of myself, I am sorry," Eric said, stopping " Everything is still nee to you and I didn't give you time too think."

"That's fine. I am just tired of all this running around,"

"We already have a bedroom for you." he explained with a bright smile then, he started to walk again.

Diana was still unsure of what to do, but right now she needed a good rest and f she is lucky, a long bath. After walking for some minutes, Eric stopped at the end of the hallway and opened the last door to his left.

"Why am I so far away?"

"The rooms are full. You are lucky to have one."

"And if you did not have?" she asked, serious.

"You would have to sleep outside."

Diana stopped talking and entered the bedroom before Eric calls her from outside to give her the keys to the room.

Once he was walking away, Diana closed the door with they key and looked around, it was a old bedroom, with a king bed that took almost all the room, a wardrobe at the end of the bed and a desk right bellow a big window that covering up almost all the wall, she notice that it was almost night time.

She walked to the desk and saw, right beside the wardrobe, another door with a tinted glass window and she decided to take a look. Right after she opened the door, she got astonished when she saw a whole modern bathroom on the inside, it had a bathtub too.

She wasn't sure if she should use the bath without asking, gut after the long day she had, Diana decided to take the risk and relax herself a bit. After filling up the bathtub she realized that there wasn't any shampoo however, she was too tired to think of it and just wanted to relax a bit.

As she got in, the door of the bedroom opened and she panicked, who was at that hour? She decided to not move an inch and wait for the intruder to go away, but the bathroom door opened too, it was Green.

"You scared me. Sheesh."

" Why are you taking a bath at this hour?"

"After two day running... I think I need a time for myself."

"How can you be so relaxed in a new place? Shouldn't you be afraid?"

"Why should I? After being stuck at home all the time, it feels nice to have a change of air."

"Yeah... I found Chad... but he said it was dangerous for you to go there."

Diana looked at the fairy thoughfull before going underwater without saying a word. After she got up, Green was still in the same place, worried.

"Who could you hold you breath for so long?"

"What do you mean? It was like thirty seconds."

"Cool. We cannot touch the water."

"Why?" Diana asked, getting up and take the nearby towel "How are you so clean?"

Green looked away, embarrassed and then start to fly with both her hands on the face, screaming silently, making Diana confused.

"I take baths, secretly. The water of your planet doesn't affect us."

"I still do not understand." Diana said grabbing her clothes on the way to the bedroom "Why you cannot take bath in this planet or whatever this place is."

"We are in Aomia."

"Cool! Now we go to sleep and look for Chad tomorrow, I was not intending to enrole in this place."

Green was in shock on the way that Diana was taking everything so smoothy. The first time that the fairy went to Earth she almost had a heart attack of how scary that place was.

"Why are you standing there looking at the wall?" Diana asked finishing dressing up "Do you mind if we sleep on the same bed?"

"Not at all." the fairy said flying to the mattress and lay down.

"Now tell mel" Diana started talking while laying down with her eyes fixed on the fairy "What happened when it rains?"

"That doesn't affect. We just can't touch large surfaces of water."

"What happen if you do?"

"It isn't only me. If you have a lot of power, you would be unable to take baths because you would turn into an animal."

"WHAT!?" Diana shouted before clapping her hands on the mouth "Are you serious?"

"Yeah, not even the founders found the reason why. I don't know if they write it on the book."

"Right... I am tired, we will speak about this tomorrow. Good night."

"Good night, sister in law." she murmured the last part, screaming silently again.

"Weirdo!" Diana said before falling asleep.

At the next day, Green woke Diana up, shaking her violently. Diana opened her eyes to close them again when the sun light hit her face.

"We must go, it is almost time for them to wake up. I shouldn't be here."

"SHEESH...! Did you have to wake me up like this? I understand your hurry but give me time to get up."

"Hurry up." Green begged always looking to the door.

Then they heard steps and Diana got up quickly, running towards the window, being followed by Green.

As Diana opened it, Eric entered the room and Green hide beside the wardrobe.

"Oh! You already up? Why are you opening the window? Is it to hot in here?"

"Yeah...!" Diana lied looking towards Green, worried. The fairy was scared.

"Well... After all you will not start today, because we found the location of Chad, but only you can enter it."

" And why is that?" Diana asked, suspicious. "Is it a dangerous place?"

"For us it is, but for you it is not. And the fairy can come too. Do you think I am stupid Green?"

Green shuddered and fly to Diana, where she looked up and sighed when she saw him.

"I though it was someone else. You scared me."

"You shouldn't be here, Green. What if he finds you?"

"Who?" Diana asked.

"Peter Brown. Her boyfriend. Do you know him?"

Diana looked towards the fairy. Feeling pressured, the fairy fly to Eric, hiding behind him."


No one answered her, Eric was confuse and Green didn't speak at all, still hiding from Diana.