
Chapter 4: "Monsters" Part 16

Henry's body soared through the air, his consciousness waning with each passing moment.

He felt his Ki seep out of his body, leaving him vulnerable and defenseless, much like before he had become a Ranker.


With a resounding crash, he landed violently on the ground, fortunately cushioned by a bed of shrubs and bushes.

Due to the excruciating pain caused by the impact of his fall, his consciousness stubbornly clung to awareness.

Lying there, his body devoid of Ki, he felt fragile and brittle, like an empty shell.

His back pressed against the soft greenery almost absorbing his entire body, his gaze fixed on the radiant glow of the moonlight filtering through the canopy of leaves above.


Henry forcibly tried moving his body but his aching muscles stood firm in protest, the soft blowing wind felt like blades as it brushed against his shredded arms.