
The Forsaken Hero

Discord: https://discord.gg/PX3xqJdZMY I closed my eyes with a sigh and let the needle slip through limp fingers. It wasn’t like anyone would miss me. They could always find someone else to beat or rape. The nothingness was a relief. At least now I have peace. Only...I don’t remember 'nothingness' having so many gods. As one of ten heroes chosen by the Divine, I was sent to another world to fend off a demon invasion. But, the gods aren’t all helpful, and treat this as a game. Waking up in the magical world of Enusia, I found myself cursed and alone, clapped in chains and despised. This world was worse, far worse than the playground I so naively left behind, filled with betrayal, pain, and death. I've heard that the brightest lights cast the longest shadows. Perhaps, in this life, I can find if that's true. I'm tired of living in the dark. It's time to find the light.

Author_of_Fate · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
408 Chs

To the Citadel

The citadel, the heart of Bluegate Keep, loomed before us, a stark monolith of blue stone against the fiery backdrop of the sky. It was a sprawling complex, a labyrinth of towers, walls, and courtyards that seemed to stretch into the heavens. The architecture was severe and functional, prioritizing defense over aesthetics, every surface, every angle, designed to deflect spells and arrows and protect the inhabitants within. The walls themselves were sheer and smooth, offering no handholds or footholds for any would-be climber foolish enough to attempt a direct assault.