
The Forgotten Sovereign

I was a transcendental being that had max level reincarnation attributes and authority of the system that hold the balance of reality and hold the 'record of fate'. what will I do you ask? I'm gonna start a new story until I reach my eternal rest.

DiDi_MCflurry · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Hey, I'm the author some of the chapters will be an info dumped because I need to set the main character back story. and Thank you for reading this story.


A cacophony of creaks and cricket chirping woke me up.

I opened my eyes, but my vision remained hazy for some moments. I was inside a new body that look like 18 years old. It seemed that this body was either asleep or unconscious before regaining my memories, and considering that I was currently inside a normal room where there was only one candle of light that lit the entire room.

[Lucid automatic functions activate]

[default memory is being downloaded]







[download completed]

there are no irregularities.

'the assistance is working perfectly'

I see a mirror hanging on one of the walls and started moving towards it

now let's see this body and my situation. I had sharp teeth, have a well-defined body with muscle in the right place, a six-pack, abs, and muscular arms. What stood up the most in my appearance was the incredible pale skin, it's like I'm losing most of the blood in my body.

'Oh wait, it seems like I'm a boy.'

Which doesn't really mean anything, now that I think about it.

It seems that I reincarnate in someone's body and not while he was in his mother's worm.

'That's a good news'

I can guess a few possibilities for this reason

my attributes reincarnation can only reincarnate in the body that is in a state of reborn this means that this body was reborn in one way or another. there were several possibilities that I can guess.

The first possibility, this body was resurrected by someone, and this body is reborn as an undead. My attributes interfere. this has happened several times but not that often.

The second possibility, this body is having a bloodline awakening. Sometimes when descendants that have several races of different bloodlines were in a weakened state or at the peak of their bodies. Something like this will occur so that the body will choose the most compatible race of bloodline and this awakening will evolve the body. In other words reborn the body into a new race. my attributes can also interfere with this process and incarnate me in that body.

The last possibility is body modification. Sometimes some people try to create biological weapons by combining the body of a different race creating a new complete race. It's an artificial race or evolution of that race created by science and magic this only happens in class 1 to 4 'rated Worldline' so the possibility of this happening is low.

There were several other possibilities but these 3 had the highest chance to happen.

that means the body owner's consciousness is still inside this body.

'Just for safety, Lucide connect to this body's brain and destroy any other consciousness and transfer all the memory of the body to the main soul.'

I don't want to share this body or anything with anyone. The last thing I want is to be disturbed by an unconscious unknown bastard while thinking of a new way to kill myself.

[ As you command, connection established]

[Search consciousness of others]

[Consciousness found was 3]

'3? Is this body having a dissociative identity disorder'

[ Destroy the consciousness in 3..2..1]



'Not like it gonna help me. anyway,'

Now let's see which possibility of situation I was in.

To confirm the situation I will need to see the people inside this villa and straight asking a question to them will not be the most tactical decision on my part. there is still a possibility of the people inside this villa was the bad guy who will use me as an ultimate weapon, Or kill me as a sacrifice, Or torture me, Or etc. Believe me, this kind of development is boring and always in repetitive.

'You can say I have no fetishes of becoming the slave of a mere mortals'

So let's choose the other way around, I will need to make a noise and see who will enter this room if he or she was surprised while crying and showing no hostility. It means that I was an undead that was being resurrected by his loved one.

If the person who came was not surprised and showed a grin. Then we can assume, that person was a mad scientist who turn me into his human weapon.

lastly, if there is no sign of surprise nor happy then we can assume this body just hit puberty and awakened his bloodlines at the same time making no one worries.

[ Master if you wish, you could just check the memory of this body, that I had already sent to you]

'shut up, you damn assistance this is a classic moment where a character asks about his situation. you can't just barge in saying stuff like I have a cheat code assistance that can solve every question or problem. it destroys the very fundamentals of dramatic choice that I will make.'

'haah, I feel like a dumb bastard to even create this Assistant who doesn't know his master feeling.'

While having an annoyed face. I look at the floor for a bit

I don't even feel like continuing this. let just settle this the fast way.

'start the memory reading features Lucid'

[Yes, Master.]

[Memory reading started]



So let's just put this, in summary, my name is Belenus Hyperion age 17. A human with 3 'bloodlines' in my body. High Human, noble vampire, and a fallen angel.

'Yup, my great grandfather has quite the taste for his harem to even give three bloodlines of a different race to his descendant.'

I had no complaints about it.

The awakened bloodline was the noble vampire the reason it awakened has some connection with his childhood. We can assume that he was quite hated because of his disability in magic and at some point he was cursed by someone. The black magic becomes the source of power and triggers the vampire bloodline to awaken. But it seems his body was too weak to handle the change and become unconscious for 4 months. After the awakened nearly finish and his body has evolved. I interfere and reincarnate in his body.

hated nearly by everyone, Getting cursed and his consciousness was killed by a transcendental being who reincarnated in his body.

'Quite, a stroke of bad luck. I would say'