
The Forgotten S Class Hero

Fire fills the fields around Haru and the demon lords left hand, one of his strongest demons to have by his side. The two of them have been locked in battle for a little while now, creating shockwaves with each blow. "Fighting against me is useless, heroes won't change anything that's happening. Just die for me here and at least maybe you can have a story passed on." The Demon says with a smirk behind his mask. "People will be safe once we deal with all of you." Haru responds back with a confident tone and a serious expression on his face. The battle continues for a while longer before Haru finally beats him, but at a cost. "No one expected you to win but there was a contingency plan. You won't be remembered by anyone, everything about you will be gone. hahaha." The Demon laughs after saying what he needed to. A sharp pain goes through his head as the demon dies on the ground before him. "A curse? What kind of bullshit is that." Haru says with a bit of anger in his voice. How will he deal with this curse? Did everyone really forget about him, is this a good thing? This story will be looking towards daily updates. I look forward to the support of those who read! I hope you enjoy. Cover Help: Soho_Tatsuya Schedule: Daily. (1-4 chapters a day) powerstones would be appreciated but feedback is always better :) Bonus: Golden tickets mean extra chapter updates :) Power Stones give motivation and if we reach 100, Extra chapter for each time it's achieved. all support is optional, but is much appreciated I do have a discord server too! Feel free to join and bring it back to life https://discord.gg/KSRRq597Hp

Kota_Sama · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
130 Chs

The Artifact (1)

Suggesting something like that is bold of me to do but sometimes it helps push people in a better direction.

"Heroes are selected most of the time by the Kings or by the guild after careful consideration. I wouldn't be considered any time soon." Mai says with a bit of disappointment in her voice.

The half demon part is probably why she would think that but it shouldn't stop her from trying. Not that it's any of my business.

"To each their own. I wish you the best of luck with whatever you choose to do." Haru replies while flipping through pages.

"The Temple of Aizen was the last resting place of the artifact." ~Arch Mage Brie.

An arch mage leaving the location like this doesn't seem entirely right but maybe it's because I can read the ancient writing for this sentence. Most mages leave it encrypted in a special language so normal people would skip past it.

This book primarily talks about the purpose of the artifact and how it was destroyed, but not everyone can read this.

"You're traveling alone, you sure you don't want company?" Mai questions with a curious expression on her face.

"I prefer to travel alone. Nothing against you, just how it's always been." Haru responds with a calm tone in his voice.

I've traveled by myself for years now so it wasn't anything new for me, but one day I might have to travel with someone.

"It's okay. I'm not offended." Mai says with a smile on her face.

"Well, nice talking. I've got to go." Haru speaks before standing up.

It didn't take much for Haru to leave the town since he now had something to head towards. A temple which was said to have the artifact he needed.

The name of the artifact was the only thing he couldn't decipher but it was indeed one that would help his memory return if he could find it.

{A couple of hours away from the town of Thiel.}

I haven't seen a temple in a long time and honestly most people leave them be to the nature of a temple itself.

Surrounded by familiar stone buildings much like itself the temple was in the middle of the area. Some trees just barely alive around the area, almost a dark aura filled the surroundings.

I have a feeling something awaits me in the temple and I'm not sure it's going to be a good encounter.

Everything begins to change as a kingdom begins to form all around, slowly a girl with short white hair appears before us. Wearing the same armor she always have while keeping the same serious expression on her face.

(The Kingdom of Shadow Moore) Lena's View.

The second kingdom behind the idea of bringing heroes into the wars, the kingdom that was built upon assassin's. Most soldiers who turned into assassin's came from Shadow Moore as it was on the darker side of things compared to most kingdoms.

Made from ancient materials believed to be the bones of dragons mixed with magic to make special bricks that mimic a darker color, it suits the kingdom well.

"You seem quieter than usual Lena." A man with a deeper voice speaks up.

This strange feeling that I've had lately is getting more and more intense by the day, why can't I figure it out? I feel like something is missing yet I can't find what it is that's missing.

This brother that I have, where could he be? What did he look like.

"I've just been distracted on some of the smaller quests lately. It feels like a storm is brewing." Lena mentions while looking at the request board.

Slowly I have seen some demons slipping into the lands but I'm not sure if it's ones running away or if it's the start of another war.

The man standing next to Lena was wearing paladin armor, silver and hints of gold within the pauldrons. Short blonde hair, green eyes, and a giant sword hanging on his back.

"No need to worry. We'll take care of any problems that arise." He says with certainty in his voice.

Isobe Koichi, a hero I've had the pleasure of working with for the last three years. Koichi has been by my side since I first became a hero.

Cares about people more than anything and will do anything to keep everyone safe, including his comrades. An A class paladin with the strength he has is honestly surprising since no one has seen a paladin that strong in a long time.

"I believe you Koichi. Any word from the heroes in group three?" Lena asks with a curious tone in her voice.

"Just that they are headed west, something about demon sightings but it could just be rumors." Koichi responds while scratching his head.

People filled the streets of Shadow Moore, even with it's gloomy atmosphere it was still popular through all times of the day. People would stop and stare at Lena and Koichi as they were the heroes that stayed around the most.

Typically adventurers are classed different until they reach the final rank they can achieve, then a test is given where they can become a hero candidate.

It does eventually get tiring having all these eyes on me but I guess this is the curse of being a hero. Everyone wants something to do with you in some way or another.

Did the first group ever get annoyed with any of these things? Where did they all go.

The environment disappears all around and we can see the cryptic walls, covered in moss as Haru walks down a long corridor.

(Haru's View, inside the temple.)

There's bound to be traps within the temple but what lies behind each corridor is a mystery in itself. A torch would be best to use right now so I can see better and avoid setting anything off.

Click. Clack. He began to use flint and steel to ignite his torch, within moments the corridor had lit up a bit from his new found light source.

That'll do for now, time to continue on.